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Saturday, September 24, 2022



Chief William Scott of San Francisco.

Recently - when Mayor London Breed tried to usurp her Mayoral powers - trying to intimidate - those on the SF Police Commission to follow her mandate to change the leadership of the SF Police Commission - she was in for a surprise. She got shafted, and rightly so.

Seven members sit on the SF Police Commission - four are chosen by the Mayor - the rest by the Board of Supervisors. The lone Chinese member Larry Yee - was favored by Mayor London Breed for a reason best known to her - appointed by her.

Larry Yee is not a leader - he mostly tries to speak and protect the Chinese population - and while that may be his subjective prerogative - it is a totally flawed way to represent the entire San Francisco population.

The three members chosen by the SF Board of Supervisors - and one chosen by the Mayor - Carter-Oberstone voted to appoint their own leader - the Chair and the Vice-Chair - of the SF Police Commission.

Thank God we have a few advocates monitoring the situation.

Thus sending a clear message to Mayor London Breed - San Franciscans know better. San Francisco does not support autocrats and her Mayoral Staff - most have lost their minds. 

Cindy Elias as Chair and Carter-Oberston as Vice-Chair do an excellent job. We must support them as best we can - and more Cater-Oberston.

It is a shame that Tyler Fennell - a senior staffer who works for London Breed and is an outsider - had the audacity to order Carter-Oberston to sign a draft letter and hand over his resignation. 

San Franciscans are about freedom - there is freedom, and there is license - abuse of freedom is license. 

Mayor London Breed favors license - bringing the sordid and unpleasant  " hood "to SF City Hall.

Sean Elsbernd should be ashamed of himself for making statements that are not becoming of his Jesuit education. 

Is it a shame that Sean Elsbernd, who has deep ties with Diane Feinstein, suggests the current leadership  - Cindy Elias and Carter Oberston - does not bode well for the corrupt administration he works for? 

I attend the SF Police Department Commission virtual meetings. 

I know what is happening - the entire SF Police force in San Francisco is in toto - demoralized. Soon there will be pandemonium.

Tyra Fennell does not comprehend decent San Franciscans - we do not operate - as some do in the hood - order people around - if it is too hot in the kitchen - fade into oblivion.

How can a selfish - inept, spinless person not educated on issues - like Tyra Fennell, Director of Commissions and Community Relations, who has jumped from one place to another - be allowed to mess things up in San Francisco.

Does not even know to send a standard press release - as when Charlotte Shultz passed away as Chief of Protocol. 

Corruption has reached an all-time high in San Francisco.

The Mayor wants the vote of the Chinese - and she can have it all.

Recently we had the Chinese from San Francisco - play an essential role in gerrymandering our Districts - led by Mayor London Breed, Trya Fennell, Sean Elsebend, and others.

Yvonne Lee - Chair of the SF Ethics Commission.

We have a Chinese person chair - leading the Ethics Commission - pathetic.

Yvonne Lee blindly carries the mandate to Mayor London Breed - making changes to essential ordinances - adversely impacting - Quality of Life issues in San Francisco.

In the past, SF Ethics Commission Chair - Mayor London Breed was fined $23,000 - she is still closely monitored - make no bones about this fact - the corruption is on every level. 

Malia Cohen aims to be the California Controller. A weasel.

Plans were afoot to anoint Malia Cohen as the SF Police Commission Chair by Mayor London Breed so that Mayor London Breed could plan her ploys, machinations, and shenanigans. 

Malia Cohen has plans of her own - she jumped ship from the SF Police Commission - now wants to become the California State Controller - she is not fit for the job - but, as happens, the crooks get want they want. 

The Department of Justice - under Community Oriented Policing Services - conducted their own survey in San Francisco - and mandated the SF Police Department to implement 272 policy changes.

This process took 5 years - and over $800,000 were spent - while all the time - the SF Police Department force shrank to a measly 1200 today - the force strength to be maintained by the SF City Charter - 2000.

Early retirement, health issues, the pandemic, stress - a large number of SF Police Officers - nearing 55 years old - will soon bring the force to 800.

Sean Elsbernd, Tyra Fennell, Mayor London Breed, and her other lackeys have no experience in many areas - what is important to note is that they cannot make a needs assessment that is sound.

Mayor London Breed - time to get real.

The turnover at the Mayor's office is mind-boggling - and the Mayor London Breed is busy pussyfooting around - cutting ribbons, barking up the wrong tree - failing to be at the office and doing her job.

For this stupidity, she is paid $450,000 plus perks and grafts that come with the territory.

In the interim, our infants, our children, our youth, our young adults, our beloved Elders, and those with compromised health - more of our mentally and physically challenged are slowly dying.

Former Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr. - 1996 - 2004

Willie L. Brown could not serve any more terms as the Speaker of the House - in Sacramento, California. So he was forced out - and he forced himself in - and ran for Mayor of San Francisco.

If anyone knew Willie - he is a master planner - with can retain every detail - as he has a photographic memory.

He hired thousands of so-called Administrative Assistants - and placed them in important roles and places - to this day - they do his bidding.

Some of them, Mayor London Breed, the former City Administrator Naomi Kelly, and Malia Cohen, now aim to become California's Controller,  and many more. All. of them lackeys.

Every Chief chosen by the SF Police Department - including the present Chief - Chief Bill Scott has the say of Willie L. Brown Jr.

I have personally known the last 12 SF Police Chiefs personally.

I have participated in the PERF reports, most collecting dust on the shelves.

When Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), an entity working with the Department of Justice, came to San Francisco - I attended all the meetings.

The pandemic brought about virtual meetings - I attend most SF Police Commission meetings and know what is happening.

Commissioners Cindy Elias and Max Cater-Oberstone have done an excellent job on the SF Police Commission. 

From time to time, I have supported the SF Police Chief - Bill Scott, knowing well that behind the scenes, he is taking marching orders from Mayor London Breed, who knows little about Policing.

London Breed's stint at U.C. Davis and some little learning at the University of San Francisco are insufficient to lead San Francisco.

San Francisco is not a first-class city anymore. 

The recession is here - millions of square footage of commercial Real Estate vacant.

The pandemic surge coupled with Monkeypox is here in San Francisco - increased daily - most not wearing masks - the first line of defense.

We have too many Commissions - one linked to Public Works, another to Streets and Sanitation - there should be one created to monitor the Mayor's Office that is in shambles.

The Mayor loves to be in the limelight - any good Mayor is hands down and must address the good, bad, and ugly. 

London Breed breaks the law, is fined by the SF Ethics Commission, and is monitored by Law Enforcement.

Tyra Fennell, an outsider, Sean Elsbernd, who takes orders from the MACHINE, and the others at the Mayor's office who think they are untouchable will be in for a surprise. 

Banners like you see above flew all over the Bayview Hunters Point - bluffing the people - nothing much has changed - it is now worse under the heifer - time will tell. Even when the banner wore out - they were kept until the winds - just brought them down.

The flag of the United States.

Let us be very leery of the Chinese - we must make sure those who want to speak in Public Comment - understand our Constitution.

We, the people, do not favor parrots - repeating the same nonsense - failing to listen to the moderator - do not pander to any segment of the population to get their votes.

Learn from the recent gerrymandering of our San Francisco Districts - the Mayor London Breed is in cahoots with Arnold Townsend and his Chinese lackeys.

San Francisco is no longer a first-class city - it will not regain its status again - under this administration with the likes of Tyra Fennell and Sean Elsbernd.

Learn more about the virtual SF Police Commission:

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