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Thursday, September 29, 2022


By the year 2023, our City must have its Housing Element in place created every ten years. The SF Planning Department must have a plan to provide 82 housing units. This plan must be approved by Sacramento, California - and so far, this fact is in the doldrums.

In the last ten years, San Francisco has failed miserably regarding the quality of Life Issues. 

Too many folks, including former middle class living in tents - and all this and more - have cast a dark cloud on how we treat poor people - whom the authorities call indigent.

Have you read the draft Housing Element - it may not pass:

For a long time - cleaning teams - invade a site - no notice given - like a twenty-four-hour notice - arrive at a site in the wee hours of the morning - 4 am and start moving the tents and the belongings.

Using high-pressure hoses traumatizes many, and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors has not addressed this situation. We need to have a hearing on this critical quality of life issue.

Several cases are filed on behalf of those who have been abused and treated with disdain - poor folks - many of them in feeble health - slowly dying while some think that they can bully the poor - have no empathy - God watches you all.

Fake banners like the one above - promised Bayview Hunters Point the world. All those who believed in such ploys and machinations - dashed their hopes. This mess was initiated by Dwayne Jones - who must be charged but still does what he does best - bluffing.

I used to visit the camps - like you see above - to find out for myself what was happening. The situation today has reached saturation point, and many are dying. You contact the City Morgue, and they quote the California Laws - saying the Morgue cannot reveal data - that we advocates need - to make a sound needs assessment. 

You can attend the virtual meeting of Our City, our Home - Oversight Committee, the SF Planning Department, the SF Land Use, the SF Budget Committee, the SF Rules Committee, and the SF Police Commission.

The SF Sheriff's Oversight Committee - the new Public Works Commission, the new Street and Sanitation Commission, the SF Health Commission - none of them care about the homeless, the poor, the indigent, those who have compromised health - all this in this City named after Saint Francis of Assisi. 

Our Mayor, London Breed, makes over $450,000 - the Director of Health Department - Dr. Grant Colfax, makes over $600,000.

Indeed these two clowns can do better - they listen to you, but they cannot do much - because they cannot do a sound needs assessment. They lack any knowledge of a sound digital platform - that can address pertinent and salient projects and programs and provide data that matters.

During the recent pandemic - they provided a link that most could not open. Thousands of people could have been vaccinated - and those at the top had no idea what was happening.

Hundred died, and when I found out what was happening - I had to come to the rescue - and provide succor and vaccination - at 1800 Oakdale in the Bayview.

Hundreds were contacted - Captain appointed - and we made it happen. I met Dr. Grant Colfax when he came to visit 1800 Oakdale. It is amazing how these folks behave - they forget those who helped them in their time of need.

What is there to wearing a mask - first line of defense.

I have attended the virtual meetings - many astute and stellar San Franciscans - want all to wear a mask - in any congregate situation. This is the first line of defense.

The BA. 4 and the BA. 5 variants are playing havoc throughout our nation.

Suffice it to say, here in San Francisco, we have a surge of Monkeypox or MPox - which can adversely affect anyone - innocent children have got MPox and others - from being close to someone who has it.

The layperson brings facts before the SF Health Commission - and the SF Health Commission pooh-pooh - the testimony of those who speak truth to power - this nonsense must stop. Stop having disdain for the layperson - many are much more educated than those working for the SF Health Department. 

Any Health Department that takes over 18 months to hire a Registered Nurse - takes years - to replace software that matters. 

The SF Health Department has over $2 billion in budget and has nothing much to show.

The corrupt SF Health Department  - must be audited. 

The entire SF Health Department revamped - the malignant tumors removed - and those incompetent more SF Heath Department - management - sent packing - let them fade into oblivion.

The recent Laguna Honda episode - leading to the death of 9 elders - is a shame. It all started when the SF Health Department - sent addicts who mixed with Laguna Honda elders - messed things up and created - pandemonium.

Notice of Violations was issued by the State of California authorities at Laguna Honda. Laguna Honda was decertified.

The mess has yet to be resolved on many levels - even though Laguna Honda, for now, remains - open.

We are awaiting the Housing Element - to know more - about how San Francisco will do in the future - catering to those that most need housing.

We look forward to proven leadership at all levels - at SF City government. 

The SF Board of Supervisors - others who must represent but keep pussyfooting around.

For forty years - I have been monitoring Quality of Life issues - today, Quality of Life Issues are at a long-time low.

Corruption has reached saturation point. 

Some folks do not want me to address such facts - these facts must be reported - the thugs taken to task.

Imagine using taxpayers' money and thinking nothing much.

The inner circle - dole the money - millions of dollars - and we must keep quiet - this nonsense knows no bounds.

Our SF City Controller has no balls - his Whistle Blower program is a charade.

Our SF City Attorney picks his cases - much like the former SF City Attorney - the fox guarding the chicken coop - he is now the SF Public Utilities Commission General Manager. 

Only those whose heart is right can take others to a better place.   

Make sure you read the SF Housing Element :

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