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Monday, September 26, 2022


Mayor London Breed - has not read the Charter and less comprehends ethics, standards, and meaningful protocols.

San Francisco is a corrupt city -  and now we see this - when Commissioners are anointed - and made to sign letters of resignation - before they are sworn in as Commissioners - the letter demanding their resignation - at the call of the Mayor.

You can run, but you cannot hide forever.

As all of us know - those who have read the Charter - that this call must come before the SF Board of Supervisors.

Max Oberstone was anointed to the SF Police Commission by Mayor London Breed.

The Mayor mentioned to him that she may need his help in the future regarding the leadership of the SF Police Commission.

Max Oberstone thought - this statement - pertained to Chief Scott Williams - who has been bashed from time to time - and I have come to his rescue when I attend the virtual meetings.

Max Oberstone - why are Commissioners - forced to sign - letters under duress - before they are allowed to sit on any Commission -
Mayoral appointees.


What Mayor London Breed had in mind - was appointing Larry Yee, a Chinese sitting commissioner - to lead the SF Police Commission.

At a recent election - Max Oberstone voted for Cindy Elias - much more experienced - has a better understanding of the state of affairs regarding the SF Police Department and the many policies, and is astute and stellar.

Max Oberstone was one of four appointees to the SF Police Commission - the other three are appointed by the SF Board of Supervisors. 

When Max Oberstone cast his vote - Cindy Elias won the seat as Chair of the SF Police Commission.

Tyra Fennell - controls Commissions and Comunity Relations.

When Mayor London Breed found out that Cindy Elias was appointed as Chair and Max Oberstone as Vice-Chair - she threw a fit.

 She even called Max Oberstone a liar.

Max did not lie - since London Breed was not clear with her statement about getting some help and his appointment to the SF Police Commission.

Max - understood maybe she was referring to Chief Scott Williams - he did what he had to - and voted for Cindy Elias.

It is a fact that Trya Fennell is put in charge of all appointments to the many Commissions. 

Tyra Fennell was in charge of making the Commissioners sign these letters - signed by the Commissioners and not dated.

At the top of the letterhead, it bears the name of Tyra Fennell.

I doubt Tyra Fennel has read the SF City Charter - and therein lies the crux of the problem. 

Crooked outsiders like Tyra Fennell are now destroying our democracy.

Mayor London Breed has been fined $23,000 by the Ethics Commission.

Malia Cohen was the last Chair of the SF Police Commission.

When Mayor London appointed her best friend in crime - Malia Cohen, to the SF Police Commission - and then saw to it - Malia Cohen got to be the Chair of the SF Police Commission -  London was on cloud 99.

Malia Cohen made the most when on the SF Police Commission - inviting her friends from Sacramento - politicians to win browny points - having in mind - to run as California - Controller.

At the virtual meetings - she was constantly - attending to her baby - distracting everyone attending the virtual conference. The woman is pompous, demeaning, and thinks no end to herself.

When Malia stepped down - there was a vacuum - however, Cindy Elias stepped in and made the rest a smooth operation.

When Larry Yee joined the SF Police Commission - he failed to impress me as someone who had the interests of the entire city.

As I watched him - more and more - his interests were parochial - and I am for all San Franciscans. Larry Yee is a panderer and loves to rubber stamp - the Mayor says jump, and the poor guy - does her bidding.

Imagine London Breed anointing Larry Yee to represent the Chinese constituency - when the Chinese constituency failed to represent true democracy - and in recent times - failed San Francisco again and again.

The redistricting of San Francisco was led by Chinese appointees who played havoc with all our SF Districts.

Much like Harlan Kelly - we can talk about Walter Wong.

Much like the rampant corruption we see with some Blacks in San Francisco. The same exists in the Chinese community.

The Chinese received over $45 million to address " hate crimes " - how much has been given to other segments of our community - and why not?

 $15 million from the City and County of San Francisco and another $30 million from Sacramento.

We can name the culprits - it would be of no value. 

Let corruption wither on the vine.

These individuals have failed to represent us San Franciscans - corrupt to the core.

It is becoming increasingly fashionable to make lifestyle essential and anoint Commissioners to many San Francisco Commissions - and to add fuel to the fire - they do not live in San Francisco and need a waiver.

When you attend the virtual meetings - you see what these folks bring to the table - absolutely no meaningful representation to help the taxpayers - decent, hardworking San Franciscans.

Check what Tyra Fennell says on her Linkedin Page - in charge of SF Commissions and Community Relations. 

I have been in the trenches for over forty years - never was this woman - in the trenches fitting for San Franciscans.

This woman is set to destroy our democracy - planting folks with no empathy and less institutional experience. 

Using lifestyle criteria to appoint people as she did with the last candidate to the SF Planning Department - with all his buddies calling from the East Bay - endorsing him - not understanding the vital role - anyone who seats on the SF Planning Department - plays.

As I said in my public comment, the candidate - Derek Braun - is weak in the knees and should not be appointed. He was by the SF Rules Committee.

Aaron Peskin, Raphel Mandelman, and Connie Chan condoned the anointing and dirty deed on the Rules Committee.

We want to know if this candidate signed a letter to do the bidding of the Mayor - and if not, who anointed the last candidate to the SF Planning Department - who does not have the guts to speak - truth to power.

Shamann Walton, the President of SF BOS.

Does anyone in their right mind condone the behavior of the President of the SF Board of Supervisors - failing to follow the instructions of the SF Sheriff cadet  - in charge of security - at SF City Hall? 

Bypassing - the instructions of the cadet - and using the " N " word several times - threatening to beat up the cadet. Wow!

None of the SF Board of Supervisors spoke up about this case linked to Shamann Walton. 

The case was cast under the rug - just like in the " HOOD. "

 Shame on those who must stand up and speak truth to power - the SF Board of Supervisors, the  SF Controller, and the SF City Attorney.

The City Administrator, the Mayor's Office, the Ethics Commission, the Sunshine Taskforce, and the many who talk the talk but fail to walk the walk.

 Also, the case of Max Oberstone from the SF Police Commission -
speak volumes. The underlying actions are severe. Someone must step down and fade into oblivion.

The case calls into question - abject corruption, lack of etiquette - and folks like Tyra Fennell - with intent - eroding our democracy.

Using Social Media - to lie and further her sordid operations as the San Francisco Director of Commission and Public Relations. 

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