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Saturday, May 15, 2021


 The United States made - Patriot System -

 we have sold our F-16s and F-18s - to Israel -

we arm Israel to the teeth and let them have a field day.

I refrained myself for some time - not to address this situation - as I would want to address it - from personal experience.

More - from the Zionist fanatics - taking matters into their own hands - bulling the Palestinian people - and with intent targeting and killing children.  

We simply cannot tolerate killing innocent children and now targeting journalists  - think that all is fine  - and not reflect how the world held the International Court in Nuremberg -  defended the Jews - who suffered during World War II. 

I want to make it clear - every Zionist is a Jew - but not every Jew is a Zionist.

In Israel - many Jews understand the situation - and want to make peace with the Palestinians.

In fact - decent Jews - have protested on the street and rightly so. 

We have seen the Israelites brag - that 95% of the Israelis are vaccinated  - and do not feel ashamed that less than 3% of the Palestinians are vaccinated.

The Third Most Holy Mosque for all Muslims -
the Al-Aqsa Mosque
yet the Israelis deemed it right to fire shots while the 
payers were going on - the Israeli authorities -
must be ashamed of themselves - and will pay a price -
even the Orthodox Rabbis - have declared this is NOT
the way to address any situation.

All over the world - billions of Muslims - have made up their mind - who is right and who is wrong.

No one in their right mind stoops so low - that they lose their mind - firing shots while those at the Al-Aqsa Mosque were praying in the middle of Ramadan.

This abject desecration is comprehended by all - billions of individuals - Homo Sapiens - Muslims.

Israel - is put on notice - change your ways - it is now or never.

STOP bullying the Elders, the women, the children - those who cannot defend themselves.

This desecration of the Al-AQSA mosque has been etched on our minds. All other atrocities committed by the defenseless - does not matter - Israel chose to create its own cesspool and must now drown in it.

Israel has been demeaning the Palestinians for decades now - the Palestinians who have lived in and around Jerusalem for thousands of years.

Every sordid method to slowly but steadily rid the Palestinians has been noted - slowly or surely - committing the genocide of thousands of innocent Palestinians - we are watching the situation - like a Hawk.

This is one way - permitting slow genocide of the Palestinian people - who have lived in the area for thousands of years - demoralizing them - can which way the Israelis can. 

What is it that we do not comprehend - the Zionists mostly came from Europe - victims of Hitler and the Third Reich - they were hated for whatever reason much as they are hated today - all over the world. 

Today in the United States on another level we saw what divisiveness has done to us.

The Two-State solution has been proposed - allowing the Jews and the Palestinians to live side by side - with the help of other Democratic Nations - and some supporters - to STOP the killings and maiming - in the area Gaza, West Bank, and Israel. 

The Palestinians treasure their fruit trees - 

the Zionists will uproot and remove the trees - even the

thousand-year trees - as thieves do - they steal, grab, 

 are an anathema to the human race -  they must change their ways - before it is too late - Zionists are committing too many crimes against humanity - and the world is turning against them and defacto against Israel and all this and more will blow up - soon. 

The Zionists do not feel ashamed to cut down Olive Trees thousands of years old. 

The word Zionists were coined after World War II.

At first - when the Zionists came to Palestine - they were meek like sheep - then they started to bite the hand that fed them.

I had the privilege to meet - many Palestinians - on another Continent -  who were traders - much like the Yemeni - and others.

In the sixties - I really got to know the ploys, machinations, and shenanigans of the Zionists. 

The Zionists stole the land - pushed the Palestinians to flee nearby to Jordon, Iraq, Morocco, Libya  - and from there to other places Kuwait, Bahrain, the world over as refugees - many hold a United Nation passport. 

It is shame for over 70 years - the Palestinians are living in refugee camps. In places like Gaza treated as second-class human beings - for God's sake - the Palestinians were in Jerusalem - continuously before the bastardized Zionists - mixed with East European and other Nations.

Hitler chose to deal with Jews and what he did should not be condoned in any way.

We are cognizant of the fact the IronDome is 

Israel's forte but so is the U.S. Patriot and F-35 - U.S. - made.

Cyrus the Great - rebuilt the Temple in Jerusalem -
the Zionists will not acknowledge the King of Persia -
today Iran and Israel do not see eye to eye -
today the world over - Zionists are pariahs - looked upon
with disdain -  more when children are maimed, killed - by Israel
and here in the United States - we must act -
stop sending trillions to Israel -  for sure our technology -
grants in the billions - Jet Fighters that we use 
complete with all the latest technology - given to Israel has bit the hand that feeds it - and  Israel and the Zionists - must be left alone - to deal with its doomed - destiny and sordid - disgrace. 

How can we condone the Zionists today in the year 2021 - using U.S.-made jet fighters - ammunitions, bombs, cluster bombs, other precision missiles that few know about -  Israel has a nuclear bomb too - but so will others - soon.

Now, when one triggers - an incident - as did Israel - when the Muslims were praying - at the Holy Mosque in Jerusalem. Israel in recent years - has been playing with FIRE - and the time has come to warn Israel - that it must - amend its way - or face the wrath of the world citizens.

I have many Palestinian friends and many of them since I was young.

Since I live in a dog eat dog world and have to deal with Insurance, Attorneys, Real Estate magnets, you get the drift - I have to deal with many Jews - many of them are good to me -  because I do not discuss - politics.

This situation has been bothering me - more when children are killed - and more when many Palestinian children have been raised in refugee camps - for the last 70 years plus - in filthy conditions - and this one singular fact - cries to heaven for justice.

I have met many of them - now adults - once children who lived in the Refugee Camps - they tear up - as they tell me the horror stories. Now men in their forties and fifties.

Often time when entering Jerusalem or their village which is under the control of  Israel - the Palestinians have to wait for days - on the border - and made to produce all sorts of documents.

The Palestinian women and children treated with disdain - Israel much awake from its deep slumber - and face the wrath of the world citizen. Hamas is a force to reckoned with - Israel made Hamas - Hamas had to step in and save the Palestinian people - who could not defend themselves.

Zionism is cancer and should not be tolerated - not here in the United States and not in any civilized world.

As I said the world will not tolerate killing children and treating the Palestinians as third-class citizens in their own land.

 All over the world - the younger generation will not look away - they will face the situation  - and win.

Israel must be ashamed of itself - sending troops - into the Holy Mosque - and firing shots at those praying. In the middle of Ramadan - shame on those who permitted such atrocities.

There is NO forgiveness for those that perpetrated this offense - showing the world - that Israel must be brought before the world courts - charged - and made to pay restitution.

Long live Palestine - its people - who have lived
in Palestine for thousands of years - 
the Zionists have but a few years and will 
drown in the cesspool of their own creation.
STOP killing children and those that cannot 
defend themselves - more, with American Fighter Jets,
missiles, ammunition, and American technology - cowards.

United States made F-35 given to the Israelis 
to kill, maim, more children and women -
while the Palestinians pelt stones - and are called
terrorists - who is fooling whom - STOP aiding
and abetting - Israel and more the Zionists scumbags. 


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