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Thursday, May 27, 2021



Now that bombing has stopped - a ceasefire of sorts - we must ponder deeply why did so many " children die " in Gaza and other locations?

We have a habit of saying one thing - when the situation forces us to address a situation - like the bombing and killing children - a few days later -  we seem to forget " humanity and all it stands for " - and move away - far away from " crime against humanity ".

We know that the majority of Jews live in the United States. The land of the indigenous people - we call them Native Americans - the Tribes of Turtle Island - are here present and watching - the Whites foster GREED - tarnish their souls - and are heading toward the destruction of their kind.

Time and again we STOP and try to figure if Palestine belongs to the Palestinians?

Much like we pause for a nanosecond and ask ourselves - does America belong to the Whites to do as they please - or does it belong to the Tribes of Turtle Island?

Who do Palestinians belong to - and who can truly speak - for the Palestinians?

Here is one session that may be of interest to you:

The Chair of the United Nations - Human Rights Council - for the first time - is now realizing that Israel - is to be faulted - in the recent bombings, killings, adversely impacting not only the Palestinians but humanity at large.

Paradoxically China, Pakistan, other countries - well known for their own horrific human rights - introduce - the resolution  - charging Israel has committed - " Crimes against Humanity ".

Here is one report - charging Israel - " crimes against humanity" - once again the United States - protests and side with Israel - why? :

Again and again - the United States says one thing and does another.

Crime against Humanity should not be taken lightly - and few stand up for what is right - here in San Francisco - the SF Board of Supervisors and many other - week in the knees and spinless - side with the Zionists.

We have Jews here in San Francisco who are NOT Zionists - who are not fanatics - and they speak Truth to Power - we have politicians - NOT educated on issues - have less education on history - and side with those who shower on them - money - it is called GREED. 

For how long must the children of Palestine suffer?

Over 73 years is a long, long time - how can we make the buffoons comprehend - that they have BLOOD on their hands?

Israel expects to treat people with disdain - and to suffer - and not fight back. Fuck that mentality.

Israel will have to deal with the IRE of the nations - worldwide - and while all this is happening - Iran is watching the Zionists - who now have chosen the nail - that will seal their sordid - destiny.

Israel may have the IronDome - the F-35, cluster bombs- and more - the world is watching you. 

If these Zionist read the Koran - with an open mind - it states in many places - what happens - if you have BLOOD on your hands.

America has been protecting the Jews for all the wrong reasons - they control our Financial Institutions, our Insurance Companies, plant their saboteurs - here there and everywhere.

Your time has come - to repent - and do it with good actions.

Again and again - the world - has asked for justice - again and again the United States - has chosen to side with Israel for all the wrong reasons - in this case - the present leadership of Israel.

I remember Golda Meir and how she studied the situation - and was firm but just. That is my subject opinion - but I remember her and respected her - I am older now - and remember when I traveled and lived in Europe. 

I lived in Nurenberg and traveled all over - met many Germans and learned what is not written in books. Now,  that is what matters - when we say we know the Truth - we think we know the Truth - but as they say, " God only knows ".

Prime Minister Golda Meir and President Anwar Sadat -
I was a young man - and was just catching up 
with what was going on - all over the Middle East -
I watched this lady and gentleman - carry on their 
responsibilities with decency and respect -
unlike the " hawkish " tactics of the current leader in Israel. 

I also remember Anwar Sadat and how he was just, fair - and spoke his mind - Truth to Power. The day he was assassinated - the world shed tears - much like when Presiden John Kennedy was.

Politicians and that includes President Joe Biden have failed us miserably - on the Gaza fiasco - it is simply wrong to kill children, it is simply wrong - to shoot at worshippers - at the AL-AQSA mosque - there is NO question about that. 

Today - clearly the world on this issue favors the Palestinians - and Israel - has been put on the shit list.  KHARA. 

Israel has been forced to come to some understanding - Israel cannot think for a moment - it belongs to a Democratic System - while having a super Dictatorial way of doing things.

The United States can no longer call itself a Super Power - it lost all that and more - with the previous Administration -  how could a person add his name to the Golan Heights - it is not as if we did not comprehend that mistake - we knew it - but we chose to be politically correct. Go figure.

Anyway - anyone looks at it - the Palestinians do not have to prove - who was first living in Palestine. 

For sure the bastardized Zionists were not there living for thousands of years. 

Now you can incorporate what the Romans did, then move to what the Turks did, then go back to the Pharaohs of Egypt, then move forward to the French and the British - and World War II.

You can dabble with the politics of Jordon and that of Saudi Arabis - you can add other Arab tribes and Sultans - it will all be for naught - the true inhabitants of the area are Palestinians. Period.

One - can even go to Abraham the Father of the Nation - and pinpoint the oral history of villages in and around Jerusalem. We know exactly the areas - Abraham settle and who he embraced.

If one is decent - if one's heart is in the right place.

If one is human - you know who lived there for thousands of years - in Palestine - the oral history is deep and correct.

It does take much to value and find out who loves the land - called - Palestina. Who has toiled the land and loved the trees and all of the surrounding - much like you would know an Olive Tree - that is thousands of years old from Palestine. Aho. 

There is only so much of this utter nonsense - bombing innocent people, the journalist, others who matter - with United States Jet Fighters - F-35,  accessing the " Iron-Dome", using missiles and precision bombs,  250 Palestinians were killed and many children.

The United Nations - Human Rights Council has awoken from its deep slumber - United Nations - Human Rights Council - must charge Israel - " Crimes Against Humanity" - now.



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