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Wednesday, May 19, 2021



Israel better STOP - the airstrikes - now.

More United States weapons - that Israel uses to bully the Palestinian people.

One would think better sense would prevail - how can we in the middle to this senseless attack - by Israel - over one hundred Palestinians killed - and over one thousand maimed and hurt - as Israel uses - weapons made in the United States - to bully - the Palestinians - who only have rocks to defend themselves.

Israel is in a better position to stop the violence and bullying. Time is running out.

Israel has continued to torture, steal land, and have driven millions out of Palestine - to Jordon, Kuwait, and nearby nations. 

Millions of refugees who have been raised in Refugee Camps - over the last 73 years - plus. This only singular act - cries to heaven for justice - Crime Against Humanity - piling up as Israel practices its - buffoonery.

The Zionists who imported themselves from Eastern Europe - lied, cheated, bluffed, and hoodwinked the Palestinians. 

They stole the land - and today pretend they were in the area for thousands of years - this is not true - they imported themselves - after World War II - the atrocities committed by Adolf Hitler.

The Zionists came - meek at a lamb - asking for refuge - and then bit the hand that fed them.

The world must know that Palestinians are treated with disdain in the own homeland - by the Zionists who are not from Palestine.

The Zionists claim that they can hold on to the land - which is not true - every square inch that the Zionists control is stolen - and this is the Truth and the Full Truth.

A Palestinian child suffering from the airstrikes -

over one hundred dead - one thousand maimed and hurt.

We cannot overlook the millions of children and youth who have suffered - from the evil designs of the Zionists. The Zionists' philosophy is to destroy the Palestinians and HAMAS that is the only organization - the feeds the poor and takes care of the most vulnerable.

We are not fools to agree with Israel that Israel can do as it pleases - that HAMAS and others must not defend themselves.

The point to be noted here - Israel receives billions from the United States - gets the best Jet Fighters, ammunition, cluster bombs,  missiles - all paid by United States taxpayers.

The help given by the United States permits Israel to bully the Palestinians.

The United States must STOP giving aid to Israel. 

In the midst of these bullying attacks - Israel is poised to beg for more superior arms and Jet Fighters from the United States - these weapons of war - and related agreements - must be stalled - declared null and void.

Israel must to told to review its 75 years of sordid history - change its mentality - a tooth for a tooth - grow up - and act civilized.

All over the world - billions now know the evil design of Israel - their covert actions - and we in the United States - must have little to do with the Zionists both in Israel and here in the United States.

Israeli air-strikes - that are not warranted.

More with Jet Fighters made in the United States.

Israel keeps killing innocent people - using our United States to bully the Palestinians - who have only rocks to defend themselves.

Protestors are beaten - women and girls who have endured humiliation for decades - under Israeli control - nearly 73 years - plus. 

When will this utter nonsense STOP?

Here in San Francisco our SF Board of Supervisors - passed Resolutions on all sorts of mundane stuff - not a whimper - how the Palestinians are treated.

We have thousands of Palestinians here in San Francisco - and yet those in authority in San Francisco - do not have the balls - to speak Truth to Power.

American Jews in a large manner - now have realized - that if they do not do something to help the Palestinians - they will be targeted here at home - as many Jews are now targeted in Europe - be it France, Germany - and elsewhere in Europe.

Billions of decent humans beings - Homo Sapiens -  are fully aware of the evil and sordid attacks by Israel - the superior weapons used by Israel - to bully the decent Palestinians - who have suffered so much - their patience has reached - saturation point.

The Israeli government must face the World Courts - crimes against humanity.

Israel with intent - bombed a building occupied by Journalists - lied that some nefarious activities were being conducted on some floors at this building - which was imploded - all LIES.

In Israel and rightly so - many decent Jews who are not Zionists - have protested and asked the Israelis government to STOP the airstrikes. 

Natanayu a despot - a crook - who has been charged with numerous corruption cases -  is trying to divert our minds - triggering a WAR.

This time around - he will lose and fall flat on his dirty - face.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi - must warn Israel -
enough is enough - STOP  the airstrikes -
STOP the current sale of war weapons - Warn Israel -
that we the United States - have been very patient -
with the Zionists both in Israel and here in the United States.

Israel will fail this time - it could have taken the higher road - but did not.

The BLOOD of the innocent Palestinians the children of Abraham the Great - will be shielded by a Higher Power.

The Zionists - who are fanatics -  can keep bagging their heads on the Wall - but must remember Cyrus the King - from Persian now Iran - built the Holy Temple.

Yet recently in the middle of Ramadan - at the Al-Aqsa Mosque the third most holy mosque on Earth - was desecrated by the Israeli Army.

The authorities ordered the desecrations - shot at those praying at the Al-Aqsa Holy Mosque.

Who behaves in such a manner - reminiscent of the Third Reich.

Decent Jews must now step up and Speak Truth to Power.

If the world turns against the Israelis - as they are doing now in great numbers - Israel will fail - Israel may think it has some power -  it will fail -  time is running out.

Israel must bring about solutions - and winning Trust after acting like a buffoon.

It is difficult - to win trust now - and Israel can try.

Human beings - can bring about change - it has been done - with tenacity and fortitude - it is not easy - but it is possible. Aho.

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