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Monday, May 17, 2021



Follow the money.

The crooks mostly Black have a field day doling out Community Benefits - those suffering most - the community - Go Figure!

San Francisco is one of the worst cities in the world - where the disparity gap - between the filthy rich and the poor - is so wide - it has been compared to Rwanda - a Third World nation - in Central Africa. 

Paradoxically - Black who should be doing the right thing - and busy doling out money to fellow crooks - and TWITTER - has in recent months - dumped - tons of information - linked to millions of dollars misspent - the authorities fast asleep at the cockpit - more, the SF City Attorney - Dennis Herrera and SF Controller Ben Rosenfield.

Dwayne Jones of Rudolf Dwayne Jones - 

self-appointed Philanthropist - GateKeeper

of the Bayview Hunters Point a scumbag who hails from Los Angeles - has destroyed the community - doling out millions of dollars - the community is shocked - it is too late -now. 

The Mayor of San Francisco - seen above is Black. So is Harlan Kelly the former General Manager charged by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) - will soon appear in Court - with added charges.

Harlan's wife - the former City Administrator - stepped down - and is singing the blues. Naomi Kelly knew what was happening - but when one gets the taste of millions of free money - people lose their mind.

Juliet Ellis also Black - worked with Dwayne Jones 
doling out millions - she steeped down - her title -
Assistant General Manager of External Affairs -
and she called herself Chief Strategist - she stepped down -
will be charged - and disgrace to humanity.  

Juliet Ellis learned nothing much - when early on - she was charged by the Fair Political Practices Commission. Juliet Ellis had a field day -  lying, cheating, hoodwinking the public at large - using taxpayers - for their own selfish interests.

Read the charge by the Fair Political Practices Commission - Juliet paid the fine - but learned nothing much:

It is a shame - crooks from Fresno, Vallejo, New York, Los Angeles come to San Francisco - bluff their way - and ruin our community - no one can account for $300 million - Community Benefits that I and others fought for.

Shamann Walton for Director of Young Community Developers -the present President of the SF Board of Supervisors 
is entangled with the mess - millions misspent -
the man still does not get it - stubborn as he is -
he will be charged - his stupid action - baffling and mind 
boggling - the man is a crook as I have said and a jailbird.

Here is one TWITTER dump - the amount of money - spent - with NO legal process in place - for all the world to see and ponder :

Dwayne Jones the President - of RDJ Enterprises -
Dwayne Jones and Juliet Ellis - 
both Blacks - the worst scumbags to inflict 
hardship on the most vulnerable - our beloved infants, 
our children, youth, Elders, those with compromised health -
more our physically and mentally challenged -
we could have spent the money - during this pandemic -
GREED know NO bounds - there is a God.

Follow the money

We have revealed the schemes - and that is all we can do
the SF City Attorney and the SF Controller has
 had the empirical data - but refuses to enforce
the law. Our SF Sunshine Task Force is incompetent -
the SF Ethics Commission dysfunctional -  in San Francisco
for the talk - there has been NO walk.

Last Friday - I had a very strong premonition - that some big would take place - linked to the ongoing investigation  - Community Benefits linked to the Sewer System Improvement Project - nothin
much happened.

We are awaiting the fireworks - and the time has come to - call a spade a spade - these scumbags - must be taken to task - and the people told the truth - the people must have their Community Benefits - the crooks must pay restitution - now. Aho.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds racist to point out that people are black. Plenty of white people and Chinese have been investigated and charged.
