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Thursday, April 15, 2021


 Malia Cohen Chair of the SF Police Commission.

Malia Cohen failed as the District 10 Supervisor - on crime in the District.

$3.5 million not accounted for linked to the Bayview Opera House, failing to address Quality of Life issues - arrogant when  conducting meetings.

Malia Cohen she thinks that we are not aware - how, she is positioning herself - for fresh pastures.

April 14, 2021 the SF Police Commission - was the usual - talk, talk, talk, talk and no walk. Kicking the can down the street.

The SF Police Commission should do a needs assessment who are really incarcerated in our jails and why?

We then need to do a needs assessment which segment of the population are breaking into cars, breaking into homes, assaulting innocent people, breaking into businesses, selling drugs - once we get the empirical data - Malia Cohen and her lackey - will wake up and STOP talking nonsense.

Chief William Scott - the Chief of Police - SFPD.

It has been over 4 years and the 272 so called recommendation - contained in a thick document - created by Community Oriented Policing Services - is sitting on some shelf - collecting DUST.

Again and again Chief William Scott thinks that we are not paying attention. 

This is because chronologically speaking he cannot go to the 60s, the 70s, the 80s, the 90s -  to recent times - to conduct a needs assessment. The same mistakes are embedded within the SFPD - and no one seems to care.

Here is the assessment done by the Department of Justice - in 2016 we are now in 2021 - still singing the Blues:

Juliet Ellis and White Collar Crimes - she with intent harmed our children, Elders, our community - wasting Community Benefits - we fought for - millions of dollars. She resigned from the SF Public Utilities Commission. So did General Manager Harlan Kelly. There is more come - just a matter of time.

Millions doled out by Dwayne Jones - Community Benefits - where do they find such scumbags - harming our infants, our children, our Elders, those with compromised health, our mentally and physically challenged - he does not live in San Francisco.

Who gives these scumbags opportunities to come into our community ?

I have -  not seen these crooks in the trenches fighting for the community. 

Over $300 million doled out - and not accounted for - line items - we have - the empirical data is there for all the world to see.

These White Collar Crimes - have harmed our community - more now during this pandemic - we on the Third Street corridor - outsiders getting grants $300,000 to open restaurants - that are failing. Some have closed theirs establishments and left.

Now the SF City and County is doing nothing - hundreds released from the jail - roaming the streets, defy small establishment and stealing, break-ins have increased on San Bruno Avenue - the SF Police Department knows this - but cannot do anything.

The SF Police Commission meetings are boring, drab, these folks talking about process.

Discussing processes that we the tax payers - do NOT want to hear - we want to know - how are you all - addressing Quality of Life issues - period.

We want to hear how many career jobs have been created by Young Community Developers (YCD) ?

How can someone get paid $200,000 and do nothing at all?

We want to know more how many millions - has Dwayne Jones delivered to YCD?

 If Dwayne Jones was hired as a Consultant by YCD?

 Is this not conflict of interest.

Bayview advocates fought hard - only for the crooks to come in and steal it all - pathetic.

Some of us advocates - have fought hard for the community - never, ever saw the scumbags who have come into the community some of them on the SF Police Commission - talking from both sides of their mouth.

Thousands are slowly dying in District 10 - while Shamann Walton is trying to hoodwink us - he is NOT addressing Quality of Life issues.

Building high density homes on contaminated ground - such high density building favoring congregate living - ideal for the pandemic to play havoc with innocent people.

DionJay Brookter on the SF Police Department, Director of YCD, on some Board at Mission Bay - linked to Housing - what is happening - he hails from Fresno.

Dwayne Jones has blood on his hands - and God sees it all.

Our leaders in the Bayview Hunters Point - Visitation Valley - desire, only a few of us advocates to do the heavy lifting - we cannot - do it forever.

I try to educate those that want to learn something of pertinent and salient  issues - so that you can stand tall and represent.

We  must  NOT give up - and stand up to the crooks.

We  know who they are.

No quality outreach done in the Bayview Hunters Point  linked to vaccines - more, when it comes to our Elders - who have No transportation.

Too many living in congregate situations - and no remedy provided - no one seems to know how to do a " needs assessment ".

Over $300 million Community Benefits has not  trickled down to the needy - Community Benefits that we fought for.

The -  crooks are being corralled - God sees it all.

Stop talk the talk and start walking the walk. We have good people in District 10 - who are intimated - we will not tolerate such nonsense anymore.

I am calling on those that I know - to stand up and represent. Thank you.

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