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Thursday, April 22, 2021



Time to revamp " Qualified Immunity " rogue police officers have shot first and asked questions later - life is precious - Qualified Immunity - has to be revised - changed - drastically - to address the needs of the times.  

For decades now - every attempt has been made to study the benefits of " Qualified Immunity " - a law that favored the " slave catchers " and then was embraced by the Police Associations, Unions, Fraternities, - the mess that is now reigning - supreme.

A law that most judges - cheek in tongue - have used - to wash their hands like - Pontus Pilot - a rogue officer - shoots first and asks questions later. Rarely would a Police Office be charged - things are changing drastically - one case is the rogue officer - Derrick Chauvin from Minneapolis - the State of Minnesota. 

Too many rogue police have blood on their hands - and the judges in the many sordid courts - all these many decades have looked the other way -  washed their dirty hands stained with BLOOD. Used Qualified Immunity - to aid and abate. No more ..........

All sorts of stupid reasons are given - why the police office - shot first - and the time has come - to keep a distance - from any incident - involving force.

Count - fifty slowly -  ponder the consequences - hands on your taser and not your gun - should I take this life or should I not? 

Qualified Immunity is an impediment - " Qualified Immunity " is an anathema - " Qualify Immunity " has let too many rogue police officers - go Scott Free - and this utter nonsense - must STOP.  NOW!

Read some to know more about - " QUALIFIED IMMUNITY ":

San Francisco is a Racist City - and one has just to listen to the utter nonsense at our many long, drab, virtual meetings - called SF Police Commission meetings.

The other virtual meeting Our City, Our Home - Oversight Committee. The SF City Attorney and SF City Controller - fast asleep at the cockpit.

Straight people are being represented - no wonder the City and County of San Francisco - is charging $70,000 to rent a tent - and we taxpayers -  mostly families - pay the expenses.

We the people took charge of the situation - when our Brother - Mr. George Floyd - was killed by a rogue police officer - in front of the world. 

Most of those who protested were decent folks - who belong to decent families. We did not have riff raft - and when we did have them at some of the protests - we know what the result - was.

It is NO joke to put one's. knee for 9 minutes and 29 seconds and kill a Brother.

Before -  that thousands of Sisters and Brothers - all because "Qualified Immunity " - has long been known to be adversely impacted and killed, maimed, raped, murdered, tortured, lynched, and entire town destroyed, land stolen, property burned to the ground - KKK Racists - Whites.

Those of us advocates on the frontlines have protested.

We have paid our dues many times over - I have for over 60 years.

I have shunned taking money - from Corporation other entities - with a hidden agenda. The City and County - showers crooks with money - under the watchful eye of London Breed - who is being watched closely - by the FBI.

We advocates are not willing to appear before the Main Media that has failed us.

Main Media - often - using sensationalism to project a point of view - that does not bear facts and less - empirical data.

I have this BLOG that the Main Media will tap into - I have software and can track them down. These so-called Main Media - do not want to do their homework - more investigative reporting.

As human beings we have been given an intellect - and what is more a " conscience ".

No one who is  " spiritually bankrupt "  - should think for a second - they can espouse some nonsense on behalf of the people who are decent and have not given these scumbags permission - to be on our behalf - I say this again - because this is what is happening.

" Community Police " or for that matter - anything worth the salt - this is our prerogative  - our business - do not speak on our behalf - just because you have TAINTED MONEY.

Please do not jump on the bandwagon - with your silly - dark side - lifestyle - that does not bear witness to sound family values.

Lifestyles that have no ethics, standards, morals - using ploys, machinations, and shenanigans - to hoodwink us in broad daylight - all the time positioning - yourselves to make money - and foster - greed. Stay in your bubble - dark side enthusiast.

Mr. George Floyd - gave his life - that many may live -
we already see the Department of Justice - 
take steps in the City of Minneapolis - to gather empirical data
Chief Medaria Arradondo offering all assistance - 
a Black Police Chief - that is setting the tone - God is Good.

Good representation counts - if you do not believe in spirituality -
only in tainted words written and spoken - with NO good actions - get out of the kitchen - now - with your smooth-talking - weasels.

Chief Medaria Arradondo from the City of Minneapolis
has set the tone - he testified - making history - 
he spoke truth to power - he condemned the evil deeds
of Officer Derrick Chauvin - and this one factor -
together with community deeds - of others - adjudicated the case 
in favor of Mr. George Floyd.

Chief Medaria Arradonda must be commended for speaking Truth to Power. 

God placed Darnella Frazier in the right place - with
the right mind - her heart in the right place -
to video 9 minutes and 29 seconds - each second -
Mr. George Floyd - begging to remove that knee -
that stifled the life - from Mr. George Floyd -
officer Derrick Chauvin - is an evil person - his deeds are recorded
all over the world - by a young person - Darnella Frazier -
we love you - your family and loved ones.

Darnella Frazier must be commended for videotaping for 9 minutes and 29 seconds. She is an Angel - and let us always remember this fact - our women have always been behind the scene - making too many sacrifices. We must respect those who have stood up and represented.

Let us not make light of Darnella Frazier and favor non-entities who are using Corporate tainted money - the Main Media and those that have NO spiritual values - to tramp on the actions of Chief Medaria Arradondo - a Black Police Chief from Minnesota - and a Black young woman Darnella Frazier who has done to much by videotaping the 9 minutes and 29 seconds - that showed the world - the racists - good for nothing - trash - who have caused to much trouble.

Lives have been taken away - by the racists, Whites and America has only now awakened to the fact - that that, too - with caution.

I have worked for the Department of Defense, the Department of Interior, and the U.S. Park Police and understand - the many nuances.

I can smell a RAT - from a mile -  we have too many rats on Main Media - pretending they know about Community Policing - speaking for us - we the people - who took to the streets and we the people who made the sacrifices.

We must remember - in the case - everyone who made a sacrifice - put their lives online - count. Ordinary laypersons - do not let the sellout, the fake leaders - take away your power. When they speak nonsense - stand up and represent.

Do not trust the Corporations - doling money to the crooks - the other entities who are plotting behind the scenes.

Monitor those folks - who have no Faith no family values - foster a lifestyle that has no ethics, less standard, steeped in greed - and self endorsement of the worst kind.

Mostly - who are spiritually bankrupt - no one can fool all the people - all the time.

Let it be known - that Mr. George Floyd was a shinning light - a man who loved all.

Never mind he had some defects - he took pain killers - as many do - Mr. George Floyd - rose above that - and it was NOT right that he was treated - less - by the Minnesota rogue police officer - Derrick Chauvin - who is singing the blue in a jail cell. 

Mr. George Floyd was a decent human being - as most of us are - who have empathy. Check your dictionary and find out what empathy means.

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland - has 
stated rightly that he will set the record right -
the Department of Justice - can and must now - use
the tools it has  - to involve Congress - and bring about change
on a War Footing - Right the Wrong.

Some of us advocates who have been on the frontlines - have dealt with the Department of Justice.

DOJ - use to dispatch an entity Community Organized Policing Services (COPS) - who came into the community - interviewed folks - promised the world - and did nothing at all.

They did produce documents - thousands of pages - these documents are gathering dust on shelves.

In San Francisco - they came out with 272 recommendations - that still have not fulfilled the exact recommendations - tons of talk and no walk.

Four years plus- after the document was created gather dust on the shelves. 

Over $400,000 spent on consultants - the fox guarding the chicken coop.

Read this document and find out for yourself :

The KKK - at SF City Hall - swearing-in the KKK -
right below the Rotunda - Racists bastards -
people are NOT educated on issues - more Blacks -
we call them sellouts - right now we have
Harlan  Kelly, Naomi Kelly,  Juliet Ellis, Dwayne Jones, 
Shamann Walton, Malia Cohen, DionJay Brookter -
who have used Community Benefits to line their own pockets -
we still have $3.5 million - not accounted for from
the Bayview Opera House - and not a whimper from the crooks.

Blacks in San Francisco account for a measly 4% of the population - yet account for 54% of those incarcerated in our San Francisco - jails.

Our Mayor London Breed in Black, our City Administrator - Naomi Kelly - a Black and has resigned, Harlan Kelly the husband of Naomi Kelly was charged by the FBI.

Juliet Ellis has resigned - she is Back and a crook of the worst order. All those that I have mentioned below in the KKK photograph above are Blacks and have used - stolen - Community Benefits for their own - personal - benefit.

Two of them DionJay Brookter and Malia Cohen are on the Police Commission - wasting our time - talking in circles - more Malia Cohen - who each time she opens her mouth - she shoves her foot in.

These Blacks that I have mentioned and more that I have mentioned before - are responsible - for creating serious problems - over $400 million Community Benefits - cannot be accounted for.

This money has been spent since 2015 - and in 2020 plans are afoot to house poor people in tents - each tent costing the City and County - $70,000 a year.

Yes  - a tent on a parking lot and we taxpayers paying $70,000 a year.

The SF Police Commission is a joke - there is a seat set aside for a Judge - but it is occupied by an immigration lawyer. 

Malia Cohen has chosen to use her influence with Mayor London Breed to become the Chair of the SF Police Commission - positioning herself - for better prospects down the line - perhaps - to be the Mayor of San Francisco. Time will tell.

Check out the sellouts.

In San Francisco - we have had several deaths - mostly people of color.

Right now Quality of Life issues is compromised - more assaults, more home break-ins, more car break-ins, more shoplifting in neighborhoods where people who are decent - jailbirds and thugs - recently released in the hundreds - linked to Novel Covid -19 pandemic -  invading good neighborhoods - preying on innocent taxpayers and constituents of these the United States of America.

Thousands now sleeping and crashing everywhere - the City and County have failed to address housing - and now want to use tents to house people. 

The disparity here in San Francisco has been compared to Rwanda - the nation in Central Africa.

San Francisco has many billionaires  - thousands of millionaires - San Francisco has a $13 billion dollar budget - and wastes money - in the middle of a pandemic.

The corruption led by Blacks in San Francisco - is shocking and despicable.

We the people demand change - we have corruption - Mayor London Breed - forming Committees call Racial Equity - when Federal Laws - Title VI - are being overlooked.

We wanted fairness and justice for all segments of our SF population - which must be treated with respect.

San Franciscans must be treated fairly with full transparency - and more accountability - there must be ethics, standards - and what is paramount - morals.

I represent the First People of San Francisco - the Muwekma Ohlone - and have tolerated the utter nonsense - some trying to divide us - when for the longes time we were united.

The Muwekma Ohlone exercised their Right of First Refusal way back in 1989.

The Muwekma Ohlone Tribe - Federally Recognized until 1927 - illegally removed by a Bureau of Indian Affairs agent - L.A. Dorignton in 1927.

The Muwekma Ohlone  - is mentioned in the City and County of San Francisco's General Plan - now - some unsavory characters - who are not educated on issues - trying to pull wool over our eyes.

The Great Spirit sees it all. Aho.

Plans are afoot to house thousands of indigent 
people in tents - costing the taxpayer $70,000 a year.
Go Figure. The SF Police Commission all over 
the place - with crooks like Malia Cohen - trying to hoodwink 
us all - step down and fade away. Account for the 
$3.5 million that cannot be account for - from the 
Bayview Opera House - it is now or never.

Stop hoodwinking people - in San Francisco.

Blacks in San Francisco - who are corrupt - the ones I have mentioned - have taken the low road - pretending to say something - it means nothing at all - more when the actions are shallow - there is wheat and there is chaff.

Crooked  SF Blacks - involved in racketeering - can easily be changed under the RICO ACT.

These crooked Blacks well known to the public - are inundated with chaff.

I have seen this for 40 years.

Decent, hard-working, tax-paying -  Blacks that matter know me and talk to me.

Right now - thousands are suffering - more in the Bayview Hunters Point - the Brothers and Sisters - Black, Latino, Polynesians, Native American, Asian - are with me.

Few - crooked Blacks are using Community Benefits - taxpayers' money - for their own personal use.

 I am talking over $400 million - in the middle of a pandemic.

No one can fool - all the people - all the time. Your time is coming.




1 comment:

  1. As always, you are right on target, Francisco. Your comments about qualified immunity are wonderful, and people should listen to you. Love - Carol
