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Tuesday, April 27, 2021



San Francisco City Attorney 

Dennis Herrera - now poised to cleanup SFPUC.

The abject decision to anoint SF City Attorney - Dennis Herrera - to take over the sinking ship - San Francisco Public Utilities Commission - could not have come as the worse news - right in the middle of this pandemic.

Dennis Herrera has hurt the community at large - we all know how we gathered 33,000 signatures - to have the SF Hunters Point Naval Shipyard abated and mitigated to residential standards - and he signal handedly - chose a Court Case decided in the Alameda Courts - to declare our petition - null and void.

We also know how Dennis Herrera a weasel and SF Controller Ben Rosenfield have failed us all - siting on empirical data - linked to the nefarious activities - linked to Harlan Kelly, Naomi Kelly, Juliet Ellis, Masood Ordikhani - and a host of other scumbags - who should be ashamed of themselves.

Imagine the fox now guarding the chicken coop - and Mayor London Breed - using her hood savvy wheeling and dealing - poison to anoint the next SF City Attorney - casting aspersion - on the on going Corruption Charges - linked to Harlan Kelly and the many charges taking huge bribes.

The laughing jackass - sponsored by

Rudolf Dwayne Jones - RDJ Consultants 

who has wasted millions of dollars - SSIP Community Benefits.

We must all remember in the first place the Federal Bureau of Investigation - targeting Mayor London Breed - she is know for taking bribes - wheeling and dealing with Big Developer - and have no sense of making a needs assessment - alway barking up the wrong tree.

Naomi Kelly - former City Administrator resigned -

got in the web of corruption of the highest order.

San Francisco Public Utilities Commission established in 1996 by Willie L. Brown Jr. - Willie saw that all his favorite lackeys - got employed and that his favorite City Couple Naomi Kelly had a special agreement and a salary of over $450,000  per annum - her title City Administrator. She resigned in disgrace and is now somewhere singing the blues.

Harlan Kelly - had it made - he was greedy - as they come -

I had reminded him again and again to leave a legacy -

he has tarnished his name - and failed the community at large.

Harlan Kelly her husband made over $470,000 a year - and  took millions in bribes - the present charges is just a tip of the iceberg. Harlan Kelly will surely face jail time - and Dennis Herrera could have revealed and stopped this hemorrhage - a long time ago - and has now stepped in to swim in the cesspool - where he will drown.

The tentacles of the now famous Sewer System Improvement Project - and the over $400 million linked to the project that started with a cap of $6 billion and now has reached 12 billion. Go Figure.

SF Public Utilities has over 2,400 employees working -  and nearly 40% of the Upper Management is  very corrupt.

Many of the SFPUC corrupt cases - are well known - but the recent scandal - linked to millions that cannot accounted for - some $300 million - is nauseating and mind boggling - to say the least.

Dwayne Jones - the so called gate keeper -

he had access to millions of dollars as the Point Person -

for AECOM/Parson -  his dirty finger -  soiled -

on hundreds of projects - outreached and what have you.

Enough is enough all this nonsense started way back in 2015 - when some crooks had access to millions of dollars.

Before that since 2004 all sorts of shenanigans, ploys, and machinations were afloat - and always the name  linked with the corruption Dwayne Jones.

The failed Communities Of Opportunity -

Dwayne Jones walked away with millions of dollars -

the community promised so much and got nothing at all.

Where do they find scumbags such as Dwayne Jones - who still is wheeling and dealing. He has all the contracts given to him on a platter by the San Francisco Port Authority.

Dwayne Jones is not from San Francisco - he hails from Los Angeles - so why is he - wheeling and dealing while our infants, children, youth, young adult, Elders - those with compromised health - more those mentally and physically challenged - suffer.

The man lives in the East Bay - his office at Old Bay Shore - is the den for nefarious activities - and still humming with activity - dubious in nature.

Shamann Walton has played an important role

in spending the money - sent his way by Dwayne Jones -

Community Benefits Money - meant for the community.

Shamann Walton took the money - and hired Dwayne Jones

as a consultant - conflict of interest. All this when Shamann Walton was the Director of  Young Community Developers.

Shamann Walton - surrounded by his lackeys -

one worse  then the other - crooks of the highest order.

When these scumbags run for office - they proclaim a platform

pleasing to the ear - promises made and not kept.

They fill their own coffers and treat the taxpayer with disdain. Time will tell.

FBI Attorney General for Northern California -

set the tone - and we await results.  Millions of dollars -

Community Benefits doled out - Malia Cohen, Sheryl Evans Davis, Shamann Walton, DionJay Brookter,  Dwayne Jones, Julie Labonte, Susan Leal, Massood Ordikhani, Michael Carlin, Dan Donahue, Mary Wong, London Breed, Sean Elsbernd -

others too many to name one worse than the other.

The net has been cast - and one by one they will be brought to justice - always speak Truth to Power.

Sophina Maxwell - Chair of the SF Public Utilities Commission

Sophina Maxwell - SFPUC current Chair -

Harlan Kelly brought her in for a purpose -

today she is playing the role - she is known for -

wheeling and dealing. - Sophina has no clue about the 

many SFPUC projects - and for sure cannot make

a needs assessment - on any major issues -  or projects - corruption is the name of the game - 

 her name goes hand in hand - with corruption - she knows it - 

you can take the horse to the edge of the water -

you cannot make it drink - had Enola Maxwell been

alive - her mother - she would agree with me - she always did right by the book - stood tall and represent, well.

1 comment:

  1. What's become of FBI Anderson/Fair's investigation? Did Anderson bow out, or am I mistaken? Is Craig D. Fair still on the case? Has the new administration de-prioritized? One correction: SFPUC has >2400 employees. Also, I read various opinions about Herrera, ranging from city insider, who'll cover up, to straight arrow who'll clean up.
