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Wednesday, April 28, 2021


 In San Francisco we once had most things in place - more - when it came to adjudication, needs assessment, checks, and balances - if there was an important issue, some problem - stellar and astute San Franciscans.

San Franciscans - put their difference aside and as they did in 1906 with the Earthquake stuck - we rolled up ourselves and made good things - happen. Of course  -I was not there in 1906 - but had the pleasure to speak to a few personalities - who were.

We are in the middle of a pandemic - our Mayor London Breed for all her talk - has proved that she lacks proven leadership, has no ability to do a needs assessment, listens to lackeys the kind that has no respect from the public at large.

Big Mouth Mayor London Breed 
recently anointed SF City Attorney to fill in
the seat vacated by Harlan Kelly charged by the FBI -
Dennis Herrera the SF City Attorney is an anathema. 

This Novel COVID-19 pandemic has hit each and every San Franciscan. Hundreds email me - others call me - the issues are personal - the suffering inflicted on many - is traumatic - they call it Toxic Stress.

In the middle of the pandemic, Mayor London Breed has given herself a raise - she now makes over $400,000 and has nothing much to show for a salary -  more than the President of the United States makes.

The FBI started an investigation - some months ago - after wiring Mayor London Breed - some heads of Department too - were wired - the investigation has been going on way back from 2016.

Any other Mayor who knows that they are being monitored would act better - not London Breed - raised in the hood - she has NO manners and less etiquette - what she purports to have - is the gift of the jab - also known as noise - being a loudmouth.

Our SF Controller - has compromised himself -
pandering to the SF City Attorney - he is now left -
like a lone wolf surrounded by too many crooks -
within the SF Controller Office - there has been NO
checks and balances - the Whistle Blowers' Program
compromised - sacrosanct information - throw to the wind.

We have so many crooks - all over San Francisco - for years they nested at City Hall - the worst ones in Room 200 at SF City Hall.

Former City Administrator resigned 
she was the wife of Harlan Kelly - 
charged by the FBI he is now boasting - he will be 
free - he can dream all he wants - while more criminal
cases are piling up.

The skyline of San Francisco is drastically changing -
we are in a drought - and the State of California mandates -
no new housing in the thousands - without guarantees -
to provide sewer services and of course clean drinking water.

San Francisco stole the clean drink water from the
indigenous people - piped it from Hetch Hetchy all the
way to San Francisco and stored it in three huge reservoirs -
few have read the Raker Act of 1913 - and less the 
mandatory legislation linked to sewer and clean drinking water -
in the year 2021 - we flush our toilets with clean drinking water.
We have an antiquated Dept of Building Inspection -
a Mayor Office that has compromised Quality of Life issues.

525 Golden Gate use to be a State Building -
the SF Public Utilities Commission bought the building
for a dollar  - abated and mitigated the building - 
Mayor Willie Lewis Brown Jr. - created the SFPUC -
in 1996 and filled it with his lackeys - Harlan Kelly
and others had special salaries - making as high $470,000 -
today the building rakes of Sulphur - the worst crooks
make their abode in that building among them Masood Ordikhani
and his team of Racial Equity - more crooks at the
Phelps Treatment Plant.

1800 Oakdale - the Southeast Community Facility
Commission Building - built to serve the people -
as part of the mitigation - when the Phelps Raw Sewage
Plant - was upgraded - the legal language does not speak 
nor tolerate mickey mouse ploys and mockery of something
s a  c  r  o  s  c  a  n  t 

plans are afoot to tear the building and transfer the services
to 1550 Evans Street - all sorts of ploys, machinations, and
shenanigans - to hoodwink the people in broad daylight -
Shamann Walton and Dwayne Jones leading the charge.

These scum bags have not served the Bayview 
Hunters Point constituents - they have wasted over 
  $300 million in Community Benefits. $3.5 million
linked to Bayview Opera House and more.

Shamann Walton will be taken to court -
his many wheeling and dealing sordid deals 
revealed for all the world to see - he received millions
to fund Young Community Developers - then
turned around and hired the person who sent him the money
as a consultant - Dwayne Jones.

Someone has his work cut out to clean the putrid mess - 
who do you think that man could be?
No one can fool all the people all the time. 



1 comment:

  1. Francisco, THIS WAS EXCELLENT! You really get it. To clean house - as I have committed to help with - people should read this report to know where the dirty / weak spots are. I have always appreciated your long Sf history an d track record of wisdom and speaking the honest-to-God Truth unflinchingly to CORRUPTED POWER! What do you think of the campaign to get rid of Chesa Boudin?
