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Thursday, April 8, 2021



This is one of the better ones - thousands of filthy, dirty, unkempt tent cities has been in place all over San Francisco - watch out for the many variants - that can spread from such congregate sites.

You many not believe it - politicians are not the smartest ones on this Earth - here in San Francisco - we have some of the worst politicians - they talk the talk - cannot walk the walk.

Mayor London Breed keeps bragging about she was the first one to have " Stay at Home " and other policies - none of which came from her but those lackeys - who have NO clue how to address - Quality of Life issues.

San Francisco is poised to get a surge - we have several variants - the worst ones - and no one is their right mind - much less the scumbag politicians - understand much less comprehend - how they are compromising Quality of Life issues - by talking from both sides of their mouth.

The " Stay At Home " barking were adhered to but not without consequences - the LatinX had the worst consequence and thousands died - many LatinX live in concrete conditions and London Breed did nothing providing real solutions to real situations - typical of one who is NOT educated on issues.

Early on just barking and shouting about " Staying at Home ".

The LatinX population has silently suffered and even now over one year plus since the Novel COVID-19 virus - hit us in San Francisco - and Mayor London Breed and her lackeys - were very slow to do a needs assessment.

Right now with Governor Gavin Newsom - Mayor London Breed - has been making the rounds - talking utter nonsense. Gavin Newsom affectionately called " Mr Dipstick " - has made many major mistakes - his  " inner group " left him - for fresh pastures.

Gavin Newsom will be recalled - over 2 million petitions have been signed - ready to get rid of Gavin Newsom - who still continues to talk too much. 

Mayor London Breed - keep gathering weight - over 300 pounds and all this in the middle of the pandemic.

Mayor London Breed has failed to address " Food Security".

London Breed has failed to address the Elders - Sacramento has declared those over 55 years - can be counted as Elders.

In  San Francisco - we have thousands of Elders passed 65 who are NOT vaccinated. I know this for a fact - because I have taken upon myself to do a needs assessment. I have the empirical data - as I always have - when I make a statement.

This chart reveals how the crooks stole millions of dollars - millions of dollars linked to Community Benefits.

Juliet Ellis and Harlan Kelly - decided to use - Community Benefits that was meant for the Community - they spent it on their friends and lackeys - over $400 million cannot be accounted for and the SF Controller -  Ben Rosentfield was informed about this facts - but decided to go to the SF City Attorney - and both of them has stalled an audit. In the interim redacted documents from the Joint Venture Meetings - now reveal details - that we knew  - all the while to be true - millions stolen - and we can now follow the money - again - once you have the empirical data - nothing stops anyone - with some intelligence - to expose the culprits.

Harlan Kelly the former General Manager of the SF Public Utilities Commission - is charge with many crimes - as the weeks turn into months - and the months into years - millions of dollars that he cannot account for - put him in a choke hold - he wants to run but he cannot hide.

Harlan Kelly did not serve his Nation - and such jerks - think just because they are American citizens - they can do as they please.

Harlan Kelly and his wife Naomi Kelly - who had her own dirt linen to wash and much of it has been washed in public - Naomi Kelly was the former City Administrator - who resigned -  from the City and County of San Francisco.

Harlan has appeared a couple of times - before a judge - the judge reminded Harland - that he is in deep trouble. 

One such charge - cocaine residue found at his residence. 

When you are haughty - when you are brash - you invite the worse things to go up you ass. Shame on Harlan Kelly.

Julie Labonte and Susan Leal two former SF Public Utilities Commission employees - involved in the Joint Venture ploys, machinations, and shenanigans - their time is coming -
all of them worked with Juliet Ellis and Dwayne Jones.

Dwayne Jones the fake gatekeeper of the Bayview Hunters Point area - the man single handedly has deprived thousands of Community Benefits - he thought he had it all under control - his Non-Profit - the Board of Directors - his wife included - have all stepped down - his nefarious activities - have gone unchecked for too long - his has used Community Benefits - over $300 million to buy influence - and thought he would not get caught -
again, we have the empirical data - on all the projects - he gets his cut - this scumbag - this thief, those good for nothing - piece of excreta.

I tried to help Harlan Kelly - I tried to tell him - stay away from Juliet Ellis and Dwayne Jones. 

Dwayne Jones and Juliet Ellis - one has resigned from SF Public Utilities Commission - she gave herself a title Chief Strategist - adde to the title Assistant General Manager of External Affairs - a position she know nothing about.

 Dwayne Jones still singing the Blues. I give him a couple of weeks - before he is taken in for some serious questioning - and his nefarious projects - audited.

Dwayne Jones has stolen millions of dollars.

I have been saying this for the last 15 years - more from 2014 - nothing much happened. Then the former Attorney General for Northern California - David Anderson - took upon himself to clean the mess.

The Marina Times and the Western Observer came to the rescue of the Bayview Hunters Point - getting to the core of the situation at hand.  The Community Benefits linked to the Sewer System Improvement Project (SSIP). The over $300 million that to date - cannot be accounted for.

Exposing Harlan Kelly, Dwayne Jones, Shamann Walton, Juliet Ellis, Naomi Kelly, the City Attorney Dennis Herrera, the SF Controller Ben Rosenfield - others too many to name - including the SF Board of Supervisors - for all their talk - there has been NO - walk. Shame on the SF Board of Supervisors.

The SF Controller must continue the stalled audit - linked to the SF Public Utilities - the many crimes committed by Juliet Ellis and Harlan Kelly.

Massood  Ordikhani, Julie Labonte, Susan Leal, Tracy Zhu, Dan Donahue others too many to name - WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE. You are a disgrace to the human race. Scumbags of the highest order. Aho 

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