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Sunday, April 4, 2021


The USS  Somerset (LPD-25)


 Happy Easter to you all. My good friends all over the world.

The USS Somerset has visited San Francisco - many times - and my wife and I have made it a point to visit this unique ship - that even though it is armed well - the crew and the Captain - seek peace. 

We may not understand why Jesus came to Earth and why He is so popular - He is the Prince of Peace. Some two thousand years plus - and still going strong - the Prince of Peace.

Easter brings us all together - and perhaps no other celebration is so deep - more those who are Orthodox Christians - the festivity can go on for days. I once attended the long church ceremony and festivities - in Athens, Greece. I remember those festive days - to this day.

If we ponder well - we cannot come together - unless there is peace. There is NO half-ass harmony - our heart has to be in the right place - to have harmony. One cannot hate anyone - and yet pretend to participate in any festivity - anything event - demanding harmony.

You cannot play that violin if it NOT tuned well. You get the picture.

Last year we could not come together - Novel COVID-19 pandemic - stalled our plans - we were force to stay at home. Easter made us ponder hard - this time - last year. The year we must wear our mask - and there has been a new lease on life.

Jesus came to teach us many lessons - the deeper we understand each word in the new testament - the better.

The art of learning the meaning of words - is  etymology. 

 Aramaic, Greek, Latin, Arabic, English, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Sanskrit, Swahili, Hindi, Tamil, Urdu, Farsi - Arabic, Hebrew - the many hundreds of languages - that give their own flavor - to each word - paint some picture - the common denominator - " love one another ".

During the long life span that I have been on this Earth - I have travelled and met thousands of people.

As many of you who receive my blog understand - I have good friends who will remember the time I shared with them - participating in one of kind events.

Our purpose to stand tall and represent - be it the Carnaval, the many dances that I organized - without anyone daring to mess the event, the many sports events - the six a side hockey tournament, the cricket matches - we did thing together and took care of everyone.

After each game we gather for a milk shake - and these are moment we get to know one another. We were a team that shared our drinks coco cola, other snacks with our competition - and others wondered why we did that. We want to play well - and respect all.

I remember a young girl wanting to play hockey - with our women's hockey team - coming all the way from Margao, Salcette - and asking me if she could play. We accommodated her - after the game - which we won - she asked me - how could she get back - it was passed 5:30 pm.

I made arrangement with my favorite motorcyclist - to take her home - gave her sufficient money as a token of love - and such were our standards and security for our women. As players - we called upon both our women and men players - respect all and most everything will be well.

There are women who still think of me - as one who saw that they were taken home by taxi - right to their door - not so much that we had the money - but we took care of our Goan women - I do this to this day.

The many sporting events Olavo, Tom, Kennedy, Darren,  so many hockey players - women too - and Cricket players one of a kind - we played sports to display unity - never once did I say let us win for the sake of winning.

We still keep in touch - and when we stay connected - we reminisce - each one of us - in our own way - and feel good.

We must not forget the many camps we had - where boys would be boys and girls would be girls - naughty but nice - today, they laugh - the many pranks they played - that I took in stride.

Today - the digital world has taken us to another cyber level - the more one gets into platforms, digital hubs, algorithms, concepts for the future.

The more our association with one another - virtual meeting - is less human contact and we must deal - in this unreal world.

Envisioning and delving into technology of the future - inundates everything - we took for granted - there is nothing normal - it is becoming too artificial - and some of us have to deal - with that reality.

Jesus as I envision him - more brown than White.

For sure his eyes were brown much like mine.

For sure he was born in July - not December - let us STOP and proceed.

While Jesus was on this Earth we know some about his life - we do not know much about the many missing years - that he spent - some where on this Earth.

Some say he went as far as the Himalayas - following the silk route.

That is what they say - we may or many not believe - as human being it allows us to - ponder.

Imagine if Jesus practice Hata Yoga - he could have the ability to endure pain.

Jesus  could have he ability to breathe with less oxygen - if he was a Master Hata Yogi - he could have done a lot more - just saying.

We know Jesus was wise.

We know Jesus had the power to know most everything.

We know Jesus healed.

We know Jesus had empathy and compassion.

Jesus - saw a situation - where people needed wine at a wedding and he provided it - wine that tasted better than the wine that ran out.

The disciples came to Jesus " we have but a few fish and loaves "   - Jesus prayed and fed a multitude.

We know that Jesus was not afraid - we know he died.

Jesus died not because he committed a crime - but because those that hated him - wanted him dead. Even went to Pontus Pilate - Roman Governor.

A Roman Governor - that the Jews despised - the Jews of Jesus' time went to Pilate for permission to kill Jesus.

Pilate washed his hands - washed his hands - so that he would not have the blood of Jesus on his hands - forever.

How many of you have seen this scene repeat in your society?

In your families that makes you wonder - why the hatred?

Most of those that hate - have no sense about life - in life you have those that sync with good vibes and make good things happen - others who do not.

Then you have those that hate - they hate until they destroy themselves - destroy their entrails.

Among those you treated - the Church that you trust - the Government that you pay taxes to - your loved ones - they hate so much that it affect their entails. 

Pathetic souls that can do better  - but drown in the cesspool of their own making.

Many of you my friend know me - going out of my way to bring people to together.

Today - spread all over the world - and most of you continue to spread love and help one another.

I do not remember to the best of my recollection - sitting down and stating to you all that know me - my philosophy in life. 

However, I did my best to create an environment that all benefited. That is what I remember - that is what I will take to my grave.

Jesus had a simple principle - love one another as you must love yourself.

Jesus knew what he was saying - he had a grasp of his Father - too difficult to mention - much as the Holy Trinity is - at times - you must have Faith to believe - that which one cannot fathom.

To love oneself one must learn to discern - filter the wheat from the chaff. 

One must  learn to adjudicate - wisdom comes from years of learning - taking the best information and educating oneself.

When one helps others - some hate it - again and again they ask me - why are you helping such and such a person.

These are Christians who have NO clue about why Jesus came to this Earth. Jesus spoke in parables - he came to heal, he came to help - the haters of which we have many - could not stand HIM - that is on them.

As a person who studied Philosophy and Theology - I could delve into many sciences - Archeology, Sociology, Metaphysics, Psychology.

Criminology, Environmental Sciences, Politics, Engineering, History of mankind, Humanity and crimes against humanity - in short we are on this Earth for two seconds - and we know what we must do - because we have a conscience.

During my life on this Earth I have been on the forefront - fighting for issues - hence the title of my blog - Issues on the frontlines on every level.

Life is too convoluted and when on occasion I have the singular privilege to meeting someone I know in my life - some hockey player, some team captain, some one who today purports to be some professional.

There are singular moments - when we sit down to break bread - it is the memories of good actions and love shared - that is foremost in our conversation. God has been good to us - even as we connect with each other - and are proud we have a lot to offer to the universe.

I studied people from all over the world.

My long journey from India, to Nepal - then to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, now Serbia and Croatia, to Greece, then Austria - all by road opened my senses.

From Vienna, Austria I travelled by train to Germany, Nuremberg.

wanted to visit Berlin - both East and West Berlin - we drove - a Fire Fighter from Nuremberg taking me to West Berlin.

 I crossed into East Berlin through check point Charlie - and what I saw will never, ever leave me.

Paradoxically after years after the Berlin Wall was torn - I went to visit Rome, Vienna, East Berlin, came down to Nuremberg and went to visit Frankfurt - where I spent quality time with my good friend Olavo De Souza and his wife Regine. 

I was accompanied by my wife and sister in law - I could revisit Rome, Vienna, Nuremberg, East and West Berlin - and more - years after living in San Francisco - saw the changes and liked what I saw.

East Berlin is changed a lot - the sun shines more - and the people have improved their standard of living. 

We stayed at hostel for artists in East Berlin - I got to meet many people - and loved the interactions and forward thinking from our younger world citizens.

Olavo De Souza is well travelled and what is great he has learned to have a open heart and mind. He and his wife live in Frankfurt, Germany.

When one removes barriers - you do not sink in a dark hole - such as most haters do - they hate and hate - and they destroy themselves. The burrow the black hole - and that is the end of any positive - negativity destroy them - they mostly implode - victims of their own madness.

Olavo De Souza and I cast a wide net and reminiscing about the many events we participated in - his wife Regine has travelled widely too - many of you who are my good friends - known Olavo DeSouza - he is - as I have stated -  "close to my heart."

Olavo De Souza knows what is needed to lead -  Good leaders know the way, show he way and go the way.

From time to time Donald and Queenie. - others who make their abode in Sweden - Cedric - Argentina, New Zealand - and elsewhere.

My good friends - comment on my blog - it keeps me going. 

I love hearing from Lillian - she has done well in life - an intelligent lady - Mervyn her husband - he played field hockey - to the best of my recollection - Lillian known for her  empathy and compassion -more tenacity and fortitude.

Francisco Da Costa - Director Environmental Justice Advocacy

San Francisco and the Bay Area - permits one to delve into various cultures and embrace people of all faiths, life styles, atheists and believers - some of the best minds in the world - land in the Bay Area.

The First People of San Francisco have appointed me to be their Tribal Liaison - the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe.

It is a fact that Jesus would not have permitted the killings and atrocities committed by the Catholic Church and other Faith Based entities - on the indigenous people.

These faith based entity - misguided - thinking they must force other to convert to Christianity when sordid behaviors inside the Christian Denominations - are divided - and have become materialistic. The Catholic Church No exception.

One has just to focus on the indigenous people and the audacity of some Faith entities including the Catholic Church pompously declaring one had to be converted - or else you were a pagan.

The Franciscans friars in California - has hundreds of Ohlone - indigenous tribes - their thumbs tied - thrown alive in a pit - and buried alive - a few shot randomly - how can the Franciscans and for the matter the Jesuits - not admit their mistakes - including owning slaves and to this day they have not admitted their ballast mistakes.

Many killed - the martyrs from Benaulim, Salcette, Goa - we know this - those of us who are fake Catholics - but will not speak about it with authority.

What would you think Jesus would have said about the above mentioned incidents? 

What do you think an atheist who knows the facts would say - about those pompous who think and say something - but have nothing to show - when it comes to, good actions?

 What have you - as a reader of this blog - done to right the wrong - if you know something stinks - you better make it know to the world - more when it is about life and death - matters?

Some of you spent time in East Africa - thinking you were privileged - much like the Whites think in the United States and Canada.

Delve into the atrocities committed in Canada and the United States linked to the tribes - the indigenous people - what have we Goans done to understand the situation at hand - and then bring about some understanding?

The Catholic Church has been slow in admitting its crimes - crime against humanity - all over the world.

The Ottoman Empire - more the Turks - committed many atrocities. 

The Turks still think nothing - killing, murdering, persecuting the Armenians. 

In the year 2021 they still bring that hostile mentality - right here in San Francisco - bombing Armenian Churches and community facilities.

The Moguls with Genghis Khan.

Cannibal  from North Africa invading Europe and putting fright into the Roman Legions.

Other so called - savages and barbarians of every kind defying - logic.

We have to study and ponder - and look at the finer aspects - of such atrocities - where might was right. 

Hitler and his Third Reich committed atrocities - other atrocities committed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Serbia, Russia, the Untied States, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Haiti, Argentina - you get the picture.

The Colonists be they the Portuguese, the Dutch, the French, the English.

The Belgians, the Germans, the Italians - we can do a deep dive - and in today digital world expose the bastards - who in the name of King, Queen, the Church - killed, maimed, raped, murdered, stole, committed many horrendous crimes - and today cannot deny it - because the world courts - like those in The Hague - have empirical data. Crimes against humanity.

We have many kinds of animals on this Earth - the worst one is the one that has two legs, a mind that they say has intelligence - but defies logic - when human beings - defy logic and act like barbarians. 

Do we ever thing - why do some of us embrace " hate "  so much so that it destroys our entails?

I travelled from country to country as a young man and visited countries and nation - Yugoslavia when it was intact - then divided into smaller nations - Croatia, Serbia - more - the killings and maiming. 

Once Muslims and Christians - inter-married and all was well - only for faith based hate idiocies to bring up " hate " - and tie it to ill proven  " fake truths " - thousands of innocent people were massacred. 

I knew many families - and knew them when they were united and loving - and witnessed and followed up - and saw what poor leadership and " hate " can do - and I am living proof of witnessing this fact - that makes No sense.

Some - inundated with sordid hate - killing and massacring one another. 

Once family members the wife a muslim the husband a christian - that love one another - broke bread and sang and danced and lived in harmony.

The leaders who were haters - killed one another - lead by sordid leadership that used Faith and fake concepts - that had no bearing to bring about good - in Serbia and Croatia.

Fake leadership that fostered the worst type of atrocities - including - burying hundreds alive. There is a God that sees it all.

I knew an Ambassador - an American Mr Richard Skylar  - who was sent to Serbia and Croatia to bring about peace and rebuild the nation that had split - asunder

Ambassador Richard Skylar my good friend -

he passed away some years ago - he left a legacy -

he brought healing - as his people celebrate  "Passover " -

remember him as a good soul - a leader - a man of his word.

Ambassador Richard Skylar  was an engineer - but more a man who had deep empathy and compassion. 

Ambassador and I spent many hours - discussing what we two understood  - the many common denominator.

The best that human  beings can offer - and of course that which we can do to alleviate the situation at hand. Save lives and bring about healing with good actions. Speak less and do more good.

Ambassador Richard Skylar's mission was to heal the nations - help in the reconstruction - buildings, towns, cities, roads, water treatment plants, sewage treatment plant - once thriving were reduced to dust.

Millions died - just because some leaders fostered - hate.

The United States spent million to help the Serbians and the people of Croatia.

I met Cambodians who spoke to me and revealed the killing by the Khmer Rouge - millions killed - because of hate.

The same in Rwanda the Hutus and he Tutsis - hate destroys and even today - we the Untied States have learned - little.

In recents years I have learned so much from Yemen.

I knew Yemenis for years - when I was young - I met traders from Yemen. Yemenis who established a kingdom in Zanzibar and Pemba - two island that were famous - the world over for quality - cloves.

Many Goans who made their abode in Zanzibar and Pemba - even as they did in Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya - in other places - too many to name.

There once were rich kingdoms on the East Coast of Africa - porcelain plates made their way to these kingdoms from China - the Ming Dynasty and more.

The Europeans lacked civilization - the Queens and Kings took a bath once in 5 year or more. Dubbed perfume from the Middle-East to douse the stench - and now they pretend - they have the privilege to rule and order people of color around.  Pathetic.

The Colonists destroyed it all.

All that was once pristine, forest, lakes, rivers, wild animals roaming freely, they wanted it all tusks from the elephants - leopard skins - other exotic furs and artifacts.

The greed colonists they minded gold, silver, mercury, cobalt, and more - and tried to hoodwink the world - today they talk - about Climate Change - after depleting the Ozone - what are we to make of such characters?

Imagine South Africa and the Bantu Tribes - wiped out - and the Dutch using gunpowder and rifles - wiping out entire tribes - and committing atrocities - all in the same of " privilege " - White privilege.

South Africa and East Africa nations have attain independence - but the deep seeds of hatred - are still there - once the White putting down the Black - now tribal infighting - still perpetuating hatred of the worst kind.

It was the same in Australia, New Zealand, now Hong Kong, soon Taiwan - smaller nation like Macao, Timor, and we can go on and on.

We cannot forget Ethiopia and Queen Nefertiti - in recent time the Lion King - King Haile Selassie who traced his DNA to many Emperors from Ethiopia - all well recorded.

The last Emperor who passed the torch - to King Haile Selassie - Emperor Menelik - I remember his name from my childhood - and Addis Ababa.

I would be remiss if I did not mention Communist China - who are focusing on taming the Uydhurs and think they can destroy the soul and the spirit of those who are muslim - brain wash them - and control them like puppets on a string.

STOP your nonsense at home - and interference all over the world - cyber crimes well know - that the United States gave you a pass - but soon you will be nailed down and regret - for stealing information and the copy right plans, creations,  once a thief always a thief.

In Burma where many Goans who hail from Goa - made their abode in Rangoon - now, know as Myanmar.

The dictators that rule Burma today - they ignore Rangoon and have a brand new city - built by slave labor - seeing is believing.

Stop targeting the Rohingya people - that I fight for - and will win.

The Kachin mostly converted - Baptist follower with links to the United States - many a time to save their lives - indigenous people converted. 

Many of us do not like to ponder on such converts - and methodology that defies faith, hope, charity - caring for the soul - without duress.

Faith based also known as Non-Governmental Agencies - must recalibrate their ploys, machinations and shenanigans - let the spirit be free and STOP brainwashing folks that have been free for thousands of years.

One has just to read the Vedas - the Bhagavad Gita - listen to the chants in Sanskrit - I have sat down with the Swamis and heard them speak - the many Sai Babas and listened to their wisdom.

Much as I have the Hopis from Turtle Island - other Tribes from the land now called the United States.

LatinX favor this portrait of Jesus Christ.

All I ask are the brown eyes - that I love.

Jesus has risen - by Michael Lawrence

We live but once on this Earth 

Mother Earth that we must care for 

For all the talk this has not been the case

Jesus came that we may live in peace 

We can ponder this - there's more to the press release.

All over the pandemic is calling the shots

Most humans are baffled - dying - lacking vaccine shots

The few who survive have no time to ponder 

The pandemic has torn them asunder

Jesus Christ came for a reason - Peace to Mankind.

Anyone can talk the talk - who will walk the walk

Hate kills - harms your entrails 

Move forward - haters will lose - they will implode

Love conquerors all - Love one another 

It matters sister and brother

Time is running out - we live but once and leave a legacy.

The indigenous alway mention Mother Earth 

The privileged always greedy and materialistic 

Those that care for Mother Earth have their heart

in the right place - they win - take us to a better place

Our time is limited - our work cut out - we must be realistic.

Happy Easter  my friends - young and old

My love for you is real - I do not believe in fake sessions

I love those that have empathy and compassion

Jesus came that we may understand and care

When we die - we cannot lie - we lay bear

Our deeds, our lives - merits - that we cared to share.

Francisco Da Costa

San Francisco, California

April 4, 2021

Easter Sunday - God bless you all. 

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