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Sunday, April 10, 2022



The SF Redistricting Task Force - messed with the SF redistricting boundaries - the many Districts. Breaking the rules and regulations and, as far as many are concerned, illegally doing their business - changes made that would adversely affect most communities.

The San Francisco Redistricting Task Force formed in 2022 by the San Francisco Election Commission - has utter failed San Francisco - caught red-handed saying one thing and doing another.

In the wee hours of April 10, 2022, four members of the SF Redistricting Task Force  - walked out  - a few minutes before stepping out - they had some weak consensus. 

Then after a short recess - the SF Redistricting Task Force - set down to address District Nine the boundary, ultimately making a right about turn - shocking four members of the SF Redistricting Task Force -  there was some confusion. 

Then just like that, the four members of the SF Redistricting Task Force - not until one or two vented a bit.

Those present in Room 400 at San Francisco City went - wild - people shouting and screaming - the SF Redistricting Task Force had no other avenue - but to recess.

It was close to 2 am in the morning on April 10, 2022 - the meeting started at 10:30 am on April 9, 2022.

The 2am pretext was announced - the Chair Arnold Townsend - told the members of the Task Force - they had to move their cars from the nearby streets - SF Street Cleaning.

Mayor London Breed keeps appointing Commissioners and Task Force Members - that are totally incompetent. Some on the SF Redistricting Task Force. Backed by Developers who have plans at Lake Merced and Merced Manor - and elsewhere - to build market-rate housing. Some 5,800 market-rate housing. Mayor London Breed makes over $400,000 - she has produced nothing viable and sustainable. Except - hot air and being loud-mouthed is her forte.

Scott Wiener - no one in their right mind trust Scott Wiener. Lied  - tongue in cheek to steal the Senate seat he holds in the Sacramento Senate - from Jane Kim. Joined Mayor London Breed to support the current - tainted SF Redistricting Task Force - 2022. When some sordid discrepancies were brought to light - 5.800 market-rate homes - at Lake Merced and Merced Meadows. These developers do not uplift anyone - greedy to the core - immoral, unethical, corrupt - much like the heifer and Scott Wiener - watch him and her at all times.

Arnold Townsend sold out the Black community - he openly said he does not like to be a Black man. He keeps making convoluted statements, and as Chair of the SF Redistricting Task Force - he has failed miserably. He helped draw new boundary lines that removed Blacks' resources, adding fuel to the fire. The Blacks present on April 10, 2022 - in Room 400 at SF City Hall - who stayed there past 4 am in the early morning -  held nothing back - calling - Arnold Townsend a sell-out.

Dikta Reiner, the SF Redistricting Task Force's vice-chair, should be ashamed of herself. She is fully cognizant of the pay-to-play schemes - the Developers - and their sordid schemes. She uses her privilege to pander - has no empathy for those poor San Franciscans who have to be uplifted.

I listened to many meetings and participated in public comments at some critical SF Redistricting Task Force meetings. 

From its inception - I made known to the SF Redistricting Task Force to read the Constitution of the United States of America.

Read the Civil Rights Act of 1964 - in the light of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution.

Read the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco.

Arm themselves with a sound orientation - linked to Cultural Competency.

This land we call San Francisco is indigenous land. The only tribe that has exercised its Right of First Refusal - is the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe.

The Muwekma Ohlone Tribe has recently made many strides - bringing them closure to Federal Recognition - taken away from the tribe in 1927 illegally - by a Bureau of Indian Affairs Agent - L.A. Dorrington.

Please read this article to learn more - about our land - named San Francisco. 

The indigenous people have lived in the Bay Area - for over 23,000 years - remains and artifacts - Carbon dated:

The indigenous people and the Blacks have always had a good relationship.

We achieved this by supporting the indigenous people - the indigenous people have helped the Blacks - more here in San Francisco - from the days of the Gold Rush. 

The SF Redistiction Task Force lack - deep Cultural Competency. 

This is how the changes looked - the last time the pandemonium was going on at the SF Redistricting Task Force - chipping at past districts - messing with Districts 6, 5, 10, 2 - those in charge - the 
Chair and Vice-Chair - at their wit's end.

While every ten years, the census reveals the rise and fall of a specific population - it allows the census empirical data to create opportunities, and resources, uplift all, and address Quality of Life issues.

When a Chinese person says they say " Hi " and thus participate in some relation between the Chinese and the Blacks - this statement belies the Truth.

In mainland China, no one owns any land or property. 

The Chinese value property and their homes - because we permit anyone who is allowed to live here in the United States to own property. 

Many of those Chinese - expressing themselves - during public comment - were reading from prepared notes - the same statements repeated - repeatedly.

It is a shame that the Chinese who do not live in District Nine - Portola District  - want Visitation Valley and the Portola to be part of District Nine. Who are the evil entities prompting them to say something - when they do not comprehend the process  - of redistricting.

This should not happen - abusing public comment and the process - that should maintain standards. 

Much like adjoining Potrero Hill to Portola District - it makes no sense - for Portola to join the area - Potrero Hill.

A report has just come out - stating some mistakes were made during the last census.

 More about Asians - lumping Koreana, Southeast Asians, Thai, Cambodians, Laotians, Chineses, Indonesians,  Burmese, East Tamorans, Tawainese, others.

Within the total Asians surveyed and empirical data collected - annual earnings, educational qualifications, other salient and pertinent factors - were thrown to the wind.

Most Chinese who live in District Nine have not talked to other Asians and others  - be they Thai, Malaysian, Taiwanese, Burmese, Southeast Asians,  Polynesians, those from Singapore, Korea, Japan - the continent of Africa - others - about connecting Visitation Valley and Portola.

The Latin population that lived for decades in the Portola District - before the Chinese invasion - now are throwing their weight around.

The Ohlone - the First People of San Francisco - were ignored entirely. Most Chinese do not know this history - and that is a crying shame. 

Blacks in the Southeast Sector of San Francisco are dwindling.

The Chinese and Latin population have increased by leaps and bound.

The Whites are increasing in numbers.

There has been no sound out-reach - to explain to everyone related to the situation - that it is essential to understand  "cultural competency."

The Chinese have much to say - what they deserve on a platter. The Chinese have done little if nothing - to share and have a meaningful - dialog.

The salient and pertinent issues linked to Cultural Competency have long been relegated to the back burner.

As an advocate, I have watched the ploys, machinations, and shenanigans for over forty years - all over San Francisco.

You may see many Chinese stores and restaurants - no Blacks employed. This is so evident - you do not need to be a rocket scientist.

The MUNI 9, the 9R, the 8, the 8A, the other muni lines - the MUNI 56, the 54, the 29 - the 3rd Street Lightrail - are places where one can see the interaction - between Blacks and others. 

Talking loudly in Cantonese or Mandarin on the buses and trains - alighting in a hurry without saying, " excuse me. "

Trampling others to get a seat, not offering a seat to Seniors or the Physically Challenged - who should be offered a seat and are ignored.

Many cannot read the signs - some pretend not to read the signs - that say seats are reserved for the Seniors and Challenged.

Good manners and etiquette come slow to some - and when you point it out - some feel that you are hurting their feelings.

Why would one cart the remain after clean fish, vegetable remains, other stinking stuff - and cart this stinky stuff - all the way from home - and place the property - into the trash cans - on San Bruno Avenue.

Along San Bruno Avenue, I know most of the Chinese businesses.

They tell me more about the Chinese - who they do not favor - be it - those involved in stealing, touching fruits and food products, and putting them back - spitting on the sidewalk without a second - thought.

The Chinese who came here to California and built the railway experience discrimination. We honor them, and so must California.

The Japanese, even those who were citizens - were incarcerated.
We honor their sacrifice, and so must California.

Blacks daily have to deal with discrimination. I see it every day and have to step up and mediate.

Stop pandering to the Blacks and try to speak for the Blacks - when it is next to impossible - to understand the deep discrimination, lynching, and horrible atrocities committed by Whites against the Blacks.

Condoned - by others - who do not know about history - and less about the trials and tribulations - of slavery and its terrible stain.

Even today, Blacks are discriminated against by the City and County of San Francisco.

 Hundreds of Blacks came to SF City Hall - Room 250 - the Chambers - pre-pandemic - crying and revealing how Blacks have been treated like chattel.

Blacks will not tolerate this abject nonsense anymore.

The Chinese have occupied City Hall - each department - doing their thing - created parochial groups shutting out others - who are not Chinese. This has been going on for decades. 

This SF Redistricting Task Force is not educated on issues.

Chosen by the Mayor London Breed and the SF Supervisors - the selection - of the SF Redistricting Task Force has been made without deep vetting. In the SF Redistricting Task Force history of the eleven districts, the contributions of so many in each community - are now thrown to the wind.

Most have no empathy for the Blacks - the borders are drawn to deprive the Black of opportunities - deprive them of water - die of thirst - in broad daylight - open defiance. 

The LGBTQ community has its own cultural district - the first in the nation and maybe the world. 

Why mess with the LGBTQ community - they have been so respectful at the SF Redistricting Task Force meetings.

For all the LGBTQ advocates explaining, the SF Redistricting Task Force has chosen to put on some blinders and stay quiet. This, not for long - you see, witness the general public's ire. This is San Francisco.

All this with Mayor London Breed and others who are Black - looking away from the situation.

As for the SF Redistricting Task Force, they should be ashamed of themselves.

In my last public comment," the SF Redistricting Task Force is a pain in the ass."

Here is the future agenda - linked to the SF Redistricting Task Force - check the dates and time and voice your opinion - it really matters - all of you good folks:

Try this interactive map:


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