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Sunday, April 17, 2022



India and Russia playing cat and mouse game - India must fully realize trust matters - we know what is happening in Pakistan - the same will happen to India - someone holding the empty bag. 

Mainland China and India have decided to stay close to Russia - to keep China afloat - by buying petroleum products and other precious materials.

In the case of India buying petroleum products, fertilizer,  precious metals, military hardware - trying to sit on the fence - thinking the world is blind-sighted - to their nefarious activities. 

The Ukraine fiasco started a long time ago - when the United States and England - decided to put pressure on Ukraine to hand over 1900 nuclear missiles to Russia.

Of course, Russia agreed to the deal at that time - today, the United States and England are embarrassed - constantly interfering in the internal affairs of nations like Iraq, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Yemen, Sudan, Ethiopia - other countries - playing god.

Xi Jinping cannot be trusted - the man is an autocrat. Innocent people are rounded up in China - if they protest. In Northern China, we see this in Shangai and the Muslims - Uyghurs.  Their organs were harvested  - brainwashed - forced to speak Mandarin - which is not their language - just because Xi Jinping is right - when we all know he is a despot - and damn - wrong. 


When we see the photograph above and see the works of a devil - evil to the core. The destruction - in Mariupol and other towns in Ukraine - we do not know what to make of Putin as a maniac.

A hospital in Mariupol was targeted by missiles - pregnant women - sick children - other vulnerable patients - made to suffer - and many died. All because Vladimir Putin - orders his Generals to do as they please. The United Nations and the U.N. Security Council - impotent - worthless - saying something - that means nothing.

The time has long passed - we could have taken this bastard - down a long time ago - over 50 days - and we continue to endure - the suffering imposed on infants, children, youth, mothers, fathers, beloved Elders. Those with compromised health - more, the mentally and physically challenged.

The United States has been doing some - sending Javeline missiles. Drones - Russian helicopters in our inventory - some long-range missiles badly needed, communication equipment, technical support linked to cyber warfare and logistics - there is more we can do - time is running out.

Glory to Ukraine!

Ukraine is the world's breadbasket - many nations all over the globe Lebanon, Egypt, Yemen, Ghana, Kenya, other countries in Africa - all are adversely impacted - many solely rely on wheat imported from Ukraine - and there is more.

Over 5 million Ukrainians have left Ukraine - we have never seen such a situation - the last time around during World War II. We must hold Russia and Vladimir Putin responsible.

We see the sights above - repeatedly - and get immune. Millions of innocent families have been uprooted. All in the middle of the Pandemic. Most Ukrainians are well educated. It is a shame - that we have allowed Vladimir Putin - a maniac - to do as he pleases.

The Ukrainians have told the world  - to equip them with the best war tools to keep the Russians at bay - and they will - win this war.

The Northern Alliance Treaty Organization (NATO) has been very slow in making a sound needs assessment - and helping Ukraine.

Vladimir Putin is a devil - he will do all in his power to try to win - he will not win - he will be taken down.

From its inception - including the United States - the free world was slow to comprehend the will, the tenacity, and the fortitude of the Ukrainian people.

History has told us stories about rebellions and warriors - history repeats itself - the Spartans stand out - Hannibal the African General - crossing the Alps with Elephants - sent fear - the Roman legions retreated. 

Ghengis Khan - he brought down kings and emperors - and tamed those that bragged they could deal with the Moguls.

Ukraine has seen it all - from the days of the Vikings to the Third Reich - to today's Vladimir Putin - a coward who uses the weak United Nations - outdated that has no clout - to challenge the world. 

NATO has been very slow - and must bear responsible - for the calamity imposed on the entire world.

Europe has been involved in colonial activities - today, European are at a loss for words - they continue to rely on the United States for help - much as they did during World War II. 

The war is delicate - and timing is everything - we should have taken out Vladimir Putin on the second day of this war. 

We have the information where this maniacal loser and thug is stationed - we can take him out - now at a moment's notice.

Too many innocent infants, children, youth, mothers, fathers, and elders have been killed - genocide.

The International Courts have laws that can deal with the situation at hand.

The inept United Nations and the Security Council - have made a mockery and failed justice and fair play. 

We must abolish the United Nations  - once and for all.

As the World Health Organization, the United Nations - is a bogie man. Too much talk and less walking.

Decent human begins must call upon the World Courts to act now.

The same holds good for Sudan, Ethiopia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, East Timor, Guatemala, Argentina, etc. 

China and Xi Jinping has incarcerated millions of Uyghurs.  Harvesting their organs, forcing atrocities on Uyghur women - forced abortions.  Forcing the Uyghurs to speak - Mandarin. Who the hell does Xi Jinping think he is - and those who support him. Xi Jinping is another Putin - a weasel - that thinks the world - does not know the evil ploys of Mainland China.

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