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Sunday, April 3, 2022


There is only so much sensational reporting from the Main Media that decent human beings can endure. We need to understand - history repeats itself - and with Ukraine, it all started - when Ukraine was made to hand over 1900 nuclear missiles to Russia - play second fiddle. The United States and England - promised aid to Ukraine. Vladimir Putin - monitored Ukraine enjoying freedom for 30 years. Vladimir Putin -  made his first move in 2014, and the free world gave Vladimir Putin a pass - and now the present pandemonium.  


People are fed up with the Main Media - sensationalizing the Ukraine invasion by a rogue nation Russia and its dictator - Vladimir Putin - that we should have - nothing to do with - this monster.

It starts with the United Nations - every effort must be made to reduce the status of Russia - within the United Nations - deprive privileges. One of them is the veto power Russia enjoys. Do everything - to reduce Russia's position to a " pariah" nation.

The European Union must do the same - STOP all business with Russia - petroleum, wheat, minerals resources, destroy Russia's financial institution and its rogue financial dealings - all over the world - anything that brings money into Russia. 

The barbaric methods used to humble and traumatize - decent Ukrainians are totally uncalled for. Women raped. Children were killed, and women and men were shot in the head. The elders were totally vulnerable and made to endure untold hardship. What is the United Nations doing about this situation - except the Secretary of the United Nations - shooting arrows in the air.

Over 4.3 million Ukrainians have left Ukraine. Poland has taken the most Ukrainian refugees - other NATO nations - have taken some - the United States has promised to bring 10,000 - Canada, Germany, and other countries have all done their best to give refuge to the Ukrainians - some for 3 years - others permanent status.

Europe will change for the worst -  in the coming years.

Europe should have made a sound needs assessment linked to China and Russia's two rogue nations.

They should have tried to be independent and not have deep relationships with China and Russia.

For any intelligent person - it makes no sense to be dependent for one energy - natural gas and petroleum - on a rogue nation - that does not believe in democracy - and more a dictator - like Vladimir Putin.

It is the same with Xi Jinping - a dictator - who will smile at your face and stab you behind.

The Uyghurs in China - have been incarcerated in the millions.

Xi Jinping is a cold-blooded dictator.

The Uyghurs in China have been rounded up in the millions.

Their - organs harvested - the Uyghurs were forced to learn Mandarin - deprived of speaking their own language.

The Uyghurs are brainwashed, and the world is watching this horrid drama.

Why would anyone who is a decent person - patronize China and the inferior products they make?

Vladimir Putin is a dictator - he wants to destroy the free world.

One has to read the history of Russia - going back hundreds of years. We know some about Lenin and Stalin, wave after wave of dictators, but others have been before and after.

Vladimir Putin gives a damn about freedom and Europe.

He was making deals with Germany - buying their technology. 

Selling natural gas and petrol, precious minerals - and pretending to be friendly.

Today, we see his true colors - this one devil of a person - who calls himself a Christian - is a devil.

The thousands he killed in Ukraine - Vladimir Putin has blood on his hands.

Today - Vladimir Putin is pussy footing with India and China.

Time we pay attention to this sordid situation. Both India and China - are sitting on the fence - refusing to confront Russia.

The "genocide" - the crimes against humanity - is sufficient ground to punish those who tacitly support Vladimir Putin and his henchmen. 

Vladimir Putin - is a dictator. In fact, he is the devil - himself.

Donald Trump is a good friend of Vladimir Putin. Donald and Putin - planned well ahead - to confront the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) - and weaken NATO. This man is out to destroy the United States - and should be put behind bars - the many felonies Donald has committed - say it all.

We must be fully aware that we have one-third of our population in the United States - who are fanatics.

Donald Trump was on a mission to destroy the democracy we enjoy in the United States.

If we do not do something - soon we will see bloodshed on our streets.

Donald Trump thrives on divisiveness - lies - cheating, not paying his taxes - overestimating his properties - and taking tax breaks.

Donald Trump was behind the January 6. 2021 - the invasion of Capitol Hill.

Let us not fool ourselves that the freedom we enjoy today - will be there tomorrow.

Throughout the history of this nation, whites have worked behind the scenes to control power.

Nothing much has changed - even today - billions are being raked in by a select few. Other select few like Murdoch - the Media Mogus - brainwashing fanatics.

Donald Trump should be jailed and put away, and time is running out.

This does not mean that Nancy Pelosi - is not responsible for a lot of the nonsense going on in Congress - Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer - think they can fool us all - their time is coming.



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