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Tuesday, April 12, 2022



This is NOT the final SFredistrict map - this map favors the real estate moguls - the final SF redistricting map - will be adjudicated in our courts - and may justice be done.

The many meetings held by the San Francisco Redistricting Task Force - waste our precious time. From the inception, a few - the sellouts pandered to the Big Developers - using their ploys, machinations, and shenanigans to hoodwink us all - in broad daylight.

When four SF Redistricting Task Force members walked out, the ongoing corruption reached its climax, and those who tried their best to be level-headed could not take the utter nonsense - no more.

Task Force Members Cheme Hernandez, Jeremy Gill, Raynell Cooper - all were convinced that they had been hoodwinked. They walked out - leaving five members of the Task Force - to carry on the meeting. Five members meeting - quorum.

In the wee hours - Sunday morning - April 10, 2022 - the Task Force briefly adjourned the meeting - to move their cars - street cleaning.

On the return - some proposition was made - the map began taking a new form - the boundary lines - moving - District 5, District 6, District 9, and District 10 - were most impacted. 

Ditka Reiner earlier had proposed voting for some changes - a vote was taken and agreed upon on a map that was still involved. On her return, she rescinded her vote - saying she mistook what she was voting for. Then all hell broke loose - the changes made - were totally uncalled for - the SF Task Force the five the reminded - broke up Districts 5, 6, 9, and 10. 

We can waste all the time discussing the mess that SF Redistricting Task Force has created. It will do us no - good whatsoever.

Those of us who have followed the census report going back decades - have participated in SF Redistricting in the past - have never seen such a mess - led by Arnold Townsend - who is pandering to the evil forces - the Developers.

There are some basic guidelines that we all must bear in mind.

The Constitution of the United States - mandates the baseline requirements and points to the pertinent and salient values we have to adhere to.

The San Francisco Charter is well written and addresses Quality of Life issues - and how San Franciscans must be treated - no segment of the population - should be adversely impacted - by any rules, regulations, ordinances, laws, and that includes the SF Redistricting - decisions.

The Civil Right Act and the amendments to the Constitution 12, 13, 14, and more - should be understood and implemented.

Again no segment of the population - in any one district of San Francisco - more minorities - should be adversely impacted - on the contrary, they have to be uplifted. 

The LGBTQ has its own cultural district. The LGBTQ have kept their cultural community in operation all these decades - no one must with intent to target the LGBTQ district - adversely impact the LGBTQ population - and think they will go Scott Free.

It helps to understand Cultural Competency - while some of the SF Redistricting Task Force understand the implications.

Others -the likes of Arnold Townsend and Ditka Reiner - with the intent of adversely targeting - a particular segment of our San Francisco population.

The Chair and Vice-Chair - of the SF Redistricting Task Force - for sure - do not seem to be oblivious of what is mandatory and necessary. For sure, these two are not educated on issues.

It is imperative that all on the SF Redistrict Task Force - have the tenacity and fortitude to serve all - more those that need to be uplifted.

It is important to note that morals, ethics, and standards count - some on the SF Redistricting Task Force have lost their moral compass.

Let me make it clear - after forty years plus of advocacy - one must have their heart in the right place. Only then can one take others to a better place.

America embraces all - and uplifts all - more San Franciscans - named after Saint Francis of Assisi.

No one should willy nilly change the boundaries - without giving deep thought. Thousands can be impacted - and what is more, thousands can suffer the consequences - just because the SF Redistricting Task Force - not all - but some - act like buffoons.

We know that San Francisco is corrupt - that Mayor London Breed and crooks like Scott Wiener - are in bed with the Big Developers.

We are aware the Republicans - who are the minority in San Francisco - are behind some scheme - to topple progressive candidates in coming elections.

The San Francisco Election Department - did not conduct the correct type of outreach.

Create focus groups linked to Asians, Polynesians, Blacks, White, Indigenous people, those who are digital savvy, planners, engineers, doctors, nurses, teachers, safety professionals, in short - all those that are linked - providing Quality of Life issues - involved in uplifting us all.  

The virtual meetings adversely impacted those in the queue - six to seven hours- who had to wait for hours on end - to call in.

Those in-person could be taken - say twenty of them - then those facilitating could go to those in the call-in queue.

We must call in for a hearing on the abject failure of the SF Redistricting Task Force and its waste of time - deplorable leadership - breaking the laws.

Breaking the laws linked to the Brown Act - lying, cheating, bluffing - pay to play schemes - dark money - and hoodwinking the public in broad daylight.

City Hall and Room 200 stink to high heaven with Sulphur.

It does not surprise us all that Poverty Pimp Pastors - will do anything for money.

What does it profit anyone to win the world but lose one's soul?

Who are these monsters who want to target the poor, and do not want to uplift those that need help?

This matter - the Redistricting of the eleven districts in San Francisco - must go to court.

Those who participate in breaking the laws must be penalized - felonies committed in abundance.

I watch you crooks like a hawk - more the sordid - politicians. Aho. 

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