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Wednesday, January 26, 2022



President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

President Eisenhower - also a General in our military.

America has always prospered when there has been sound leadership - two presidents come to my mind - President Eisenhower and President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

In recent days the Stock Market has been acting up - and most people in the United States are stressed. We have relied too much on a few people - one-tenth of one percent - who control the wealth of our nation.

If these vermin are taxed forty percent - each one of us could receive $50,000 in the bank - those of us making under $150,000 and below - and nothing much would happen to the VERMIN.

We saw this when the Stimulus plan was used to stimulate the economy, and suddenly most people began spending - and yet save money - and most everything looked very well.

Even the Federal Reserve Bank, which is a private bank - seem to be inebriated - puzzled how quickly most people - in the middle of the pandemic - were less stressed.

The European nations looked at our plan, and they too helped their citizens offering grants to their businesses - and doling salaried to those that needed help.

Unfortunately - the United States did not act early to release of Petroleum Reserves - we started doing that some six months ago - and doing it again - now.

 President Joe Biden - one step forward seventy steps backward.

China's Xi Jinping and Joe Biden - each talking but not listening.

When we need the Main Media to explain what is really happening in China - they fail to tell us the Truth. 

China's economy has slowed down, the currency will falter, their trade stalled, and the pandemic hit China hard.

China is investing billions in vaccines, boosters, the pandemic in short - and using dictatorial tactics - to shut down an entire city of say 18 million people - something we cannot do in America.

China is holding the Winter Olympics and has spent billions - to show how a Communist nation - can stand up to the free world.

We all that China does to those that protest, those that dare to stand up and speak the Truth - even the owner of Ali Baba is not to be seen - his organs may have been harvested.

While everyone in toto abides by a shut down in China - we still have millions in the United States who refuse to help themselves and others - and do not want anything to with vaccines, testing, or for that matter, give a damn about others. 

When these morons fall sick, they go to the hospital and take them in. If they die paupers or not - the hospitals use the statics of others and these jerks - and make a lot of money. 

The United States wasted $3 trillion-plus in Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Afghanistan - we left Afghanistan on August 31, 2021 - millions starving in Afghanistan more infants, children, and women - we talk the talk - but cannot walk the walk - we are the laughing stock of the world.

Putin is testing us on the Ukraine issue - surrounding that nation with over 100,000 troops, tanks, missiles - more because he saw how we failed in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria - other places that most Americans have no clue about. At the eleventh hour, we sent $200 million worth of missiles ammunition - NATO troops are well-armed -  Putin better is mindful. Only a mad man - would invade Ukraine today. 

Putin has billion of his dollars invested in the United States. We know this, and each time - we want to make a deal - we release some of his money. We want to keep his money this time and teach him a lesson.

The United States is a Superpower - however, we fail when we have no leadership - in a situation such as we have in Ukraine -  our military will insist that we do not go to war.

The Generals from both sides, Russia and the United States - know the playbook.

Our submarines have missiles, and some of them can totally annihilate Russia - make no bones about this situation at hand.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has been waiting for this day - and Russia better not listen to Putin - this is the time to get rid of the bastard.

President Joe Biden has been pussyfooting with Putin - Putin understands brute force - one in which he will be incinerated - you heard it right.

The more precise missiles - may not be aimed at Ukraine - but the bunker - where Putin will be - his tail between his legs.

Half of Ukraine consists of Russians - there are renegade brigades in Ukraine that favor Putin for an ulterior reason - they are paid - and paid well - we will have to deal with this - situation.

Russia has hacked power plants and other institutions in Ukraine - and these ploys are much more dangerous - but our technology will be used to aid and abate - Ukraine and its people - who love freedom. 

It does not help that we have American politicians who have no clue how they harm us when they divide the nation. In my mind, they are traitors and have to be dealt with - Joe Manion and his sidekick come to mind.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris lack vision. Are not educated on issues - have less fortitude and tenacity - love to kick the can down the street. 


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