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Thursday, January 27, 2022



The skyline of San Francisco for the worse - when will we learn - to think from where will we get the clean water to nourish our bodies - why create so much waste - sewer water, garbage, dangerous particulates, carbon dioxide - from concrete, sand, aggregate, mercury, lead, and other hazardous contaminants - that harm all life.

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors - heard many San Franciscans - and shot down a Charter Amendment that the Mayor London Breed - is pushing for so-called affordable housing.

Incorporate language in the Charter to mandate building homes for those making $80,000 and below.

This land was stolen - each and every square inch. Do not treat the people of San Francisco with disdain - never mind if they are poor.

The Great Master said, " Blessed are the poor, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

I know each and every politician will burn in hell - and let me tell you that hell is here on Earth. You will have flat on your face.

Former Mayors and crooks promised communities of Opportunity - like Dwayne Jones - nothing happened - the banners wore out, and thousands died. Community Benefits set aside for the community - some $300 million - were doled out to other crooks - primarily Black, and they do that today and must be ashamed of themselves. They should be jailed all those that received $300,000 grants and did nothing at all.

Plans are afoot to build 30,000 so-called affordable homes - on the contaminated ground - by Mayor London Breed - who has lost her mind. She was against Proposition C - when the voters put the measure on the ballot - and won - she had nothing to say. 

We have over 390,000 housing units in San Francisco.

We have over 43,000 vacant housing in San Francisco.

How about taxing those greedy homeowners - who keep suitable housing vacant. More, for ulterior motives. 

That tax could be used to help the needy.

We have the Precautionary Principle, which is mandatory - here in San Francisco. 

The Precautionary Principle mandates that we do not put all life in harm's way.

It encourages abatement, mitigation, clean-up, and input from those who live in a contaminated area.

It prohibits putting anyone - any life, including animals - in harm's way.

Read more about the Precautionary Principle :

We have a Mayor who is a crook -  in bed with the big developers - she has failed the poor and those that need help most. She has now partnered with a Non-Profit that is not credible - to waste $18 million - to do as she the Mayor and Envy the NGO - do as they please. The homeless need shelter, a roof over their head - and wraparound service - to heal - those mentally, physically challenged, our Elders others who have fallen on bad times. 

Roses for those who need help most.

San Franciscans are astute and savvy - we will not tolerate the heifer mayor's nonsense.

Mayor London Breed - who now sports braids - is ugly, and no one has the guts to tell her that.

Mayor London Breed dresses like a grandma - one with no sense - foolish, inept, and obese - she hogs like a pig. 

London talks from both sides of her mouth.

For all the time she has been in office - she has not crafted one single legislation - all her concepts come from devious entities - who want to use her - to make big money.

We will have the poor with us in San Francisco -  we love the poor - because we have empathy.

We do not like the Mayor and the foolish POPOS - who think they can fool the people.

The POPOS should be 2000 strong - they are 1300 weak - and have been adversely impacted by stress, COVID-19, early retirement, and a host of adversities. The bad POPOS will fall flat on their face.

No one can fool all the people - all the time.

Those San Francisco Board of Supervisors should talk less and do more. 

If it is too hot in the kitchen  - get the fuck out.

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