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Sunday, January 30, 2022


Former Willie L. Brown Jr of San Francisco.

 San Francisco has always been welcoming; we used to be a decent City - until Willie L. Brown Jr. came on the scene - the devil himself.

Recently, a journalist found out Willie L. Brown Jr. received $150,000 from 2001 every month to represent the rogue developer at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. Then there was another change.

Since April 2021, that amount was reduced to $100,000 a month - and they say recently - that sordid payoff - has been terminated.

Willie L. Brown Jr., a thug Mayor - does not care about Blacks and the infants, children, youth, those with compromised health - Blacks Elders - others that need help - he only cares about himself - a selfish person inside out.

What does that say of a person - who thinks he can wheel and deal - not only when he was a Mayor in 1996 - for two-four terms - and today - as before he has his dirty, stinking, finger in every pie - filling his coffers - Lucifer. 

Ever since Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr. set his foot at SF City Hall - there has been a stench of Sulphur in Room 200 first Gavin Newsom, then Ed Mah Lee, followed by Mark Farrell, and now the inept, corrupt - unethical heifer -  Mayor London Breed.

Mayor London Breed continuously barking up the wrong tree.

Oh, yea, she keeps dreaming - barking up the wrong tree.

London Breed would never ever become the Mayor of San Francisco had it not been for the immature death of another very corrupt Mayor - Mayor Edwin Mah Lee.

London Breed is shameless - so shameless - that she gave herself a raise in the middle of the pandemic - now making over $450,000 with perks.

When the nurses asked for help - they told them to hell. 

The nurses - first responders - protested - many died - someone has BLOOD on her hands.

London Breed loves hogging, in like manner shopping - and throwing down a couple of thousands - shopping.

London Breed has no etiquette - the hood follows her everywhere - she cannot dress healthy -  block of ice - dresses like a grandmama - and when she talks - it is all - hot air.

London Breed is known to be in bed with the Big Developers - the many tall skyscrapers that flush their toilets with clean drinking water - from Hetch Hetchy.

Ask London Breed what she knows about the Tsunami Alarm system that has been down - for over two years - and she will stay as quiet as a church mouse.

Ask her what has she done in concrete for over 12,000 homeless - and she will talk about the Green Alchemist - who now are given millions - spread all over the City of San Francisco - former drug addicts - other from the Tenderloin - paid little and singing the blues.

Here is some information about Urban Alchemy:

Their motto - you may not believe it - NO FUCKERY.

For those uneducated, let me state what the word FUCK stands for - Fornication Under the Control of the King ( F U C K ).

Alchemist - the magical power to change silver to gold. Believe it or not! Where do they find such so-called charlatans  - why do outsiders - come to our City and fuck around. 

We are now leasing a four-story building - at the United Nations Plaza -  where those who want to continue using drugs do what they do in plain sight.

Supposedly the Alchemists - have the magical power to cure and restore health - physical and spiritual - according to the Non-Profit Organization formed in 2018 - wheeling and dealing with Mary Ellen Carroll, the Director of the Office of Emergency Services - and other minions, including the former Directo of Girls 2000 and Hunters Point Family.

The English Daily Mail - has this to say about Mayor London Breed and her FUCKERY:

I spoke to the Brothers - Green Grasshoppers - they are grateful for the breadcrumbs given to them.

They are souls who should be exposed to nobler stuff, but as a famous person stated - " they also serve who only stand and wait " - the poet John Milton. 

We do not have the actual empirical data - how many are vaccinated - those who have taken one vaccine injection - those who have taken two - those who have taken two vaccination and the booster. We bragged we had the most people vaccinated - and then Omiricon said wait a moment and leashed a surge. - There was silence - Dr. Grant Colfax and his heifer friend - saying something that means another at all. I have not heard a word about the new mutation - " Sleuth Omicron " - the jackasses will soon be singing the blues - the heifer dancing the jig.

President Joe Biden - one step forward -sixty backward. The polls reveal that only 33% think Biden is doing his job - we must pray for the poor soul - he is faltering -we must stop the fall.

I have been following Ron Henggeler, who allows his camera to do the explaining. You witness empathy in the many shots.

Ron Henggeler gives the poor - deep consideration - " blessed are the poor, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

Here is Ron Henggeler website - pause, ponder, and remember we must be kind and help the poor - with quality warp around services and dignity:

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