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Tuesday, November 2, 2021



The United Nations Climate held in Glasgow, Scotland - defied the standards in Paris - tons of hot air - and less good actions - for practical purposes Netzero - is an oxymoron - by morons. 

I was born in Nairobi, Kenya, and have been an ardent environmentalist for over 40 years.

The last conference held in Paris on Climate change - discussed some pertinent issues - and set some achievable and sustainable goals - unfortunately - we blew it this time.

The last chance we had was to listen to our children. Youth and adults - all over the world - fine-tuned to Mother Earth - and what she needs most - was thrown to the wind. Pathetic.

The Climate Change Conference openly defied the environmentalists, so the leaders must now bear the severe consequences.

The concept on NETZERO linked to the reduction of the Carbon Footprint - is an OXYMORON.

Much like the Carbon Credits given to filthy wealthy Corporations - better known as polluters - who will pay money to make more money. 


The 26th United Climate Change Conference held in Glasgow, Scotland, was poorly organized. 

It kept out those nations financially challenged - with all sorts of hurdles - including being quarantined in the hotels for as long as ten days - leaving a sour taste in the mouth - of worthy and stellar environmentalists.

Some of us have traveled the world and seen things for ourselves.

More than seventy years old -  have watched the colonial nations - others dictatorial - and others who will start wars - without rhyme or reason.

The nations that are the world's worst polluters - are already behind the goal line - when it comes to standards - set with timelines and goals - to reduce the Carbon Footprint. 

They now want to use words like Netzero and Carbon Credits - terms adhered to by dishonest and evil - corporation - nation polluters - focused more on greed and less on the continuing destruction of Mother Earth.

Russia and China can hold on to their positions - they will drown in the cesspool of their own creation - there is only so much the world can tolerate - hacking, cheating, lying, deceiving, saying one thing, and doing another.

Methane gas is an issue - one ton of Methane gas equals 21 tons of Carbon Dioxide.

We cannot be building skyscrapers - use fossil fuel to our heart's content - keep cutting old-growth forests - burning vegetation - and think everything will be fine.

I now live in San Francisco, California, which purports to have many environmentalists.

These so-called environmentalists - talk too much -  most of them are into money - even as they tout - they are helping Mother Earth.

When I was young - I could sit down and listen to the frogs, the birds, the insects - other inhabitants of the forest, the lakes, rivers, the birds flying, and those resting in the trees.

The animals roaming freely - East Africa had one of the best locations for the creatures created by God - allowing us homo sapiens to reflect, honor, and respect Mother Earth more. 

Not once has the United Nations formed in San Francisco, California - invited the indigenous people - from all over the world to participate and speak truth to power. On terms set and spoken to by the indigenous people. We will take no dictation - fuck that.

The White men came from somewhere to Turtle Island - now called America and destroyed all that was pristine in less than 200 years.

Old-growth forests, lakes, rivers, the air, the land, most everything we see - contaminated and polluted - Mother Earth and now wants to address the mess they have done. Think well before you leap over the precipice - think well well before you keep on lying - through your teeth.

America, with a population of 340 million - an area has an area of vast lands - 3,717,812.8 square miles - does not truly need to dig deep and pollute with coal and coal residue - and could be the leading the nation - with windmills, solar farms, and more - clean fuel.

We allow large corporations to drill and seek gas - using fracking and giving a dam to the habitants - who do not know many a time what is happening - below their homes.

America already has a lot of petroleum in our reserves - but our greed knows no bounds.

No petroleum drilling off the coast of California - and for that matter, where the beaches are clean, the marshes still fighting to survive - and the indigenous people adversely impacted.

The indigenous people have lived here on Earth for 15,000 years.

I can go deep into the greed situation - one-tenth of one percent - who have so much money - that they must be ashamed of themselves - here, in the United States of America.

Where are the vaccines for the continent of Africa, other places - where indigenous people are slowly suffering and dying - where is the justice - Climate Change impacts indigenous people - even though forty percent of the forest and vegetation are preserved and protected by indigenous people.

Here in America, we have billions of vaccines in cold storage.

Some entities have failed to store need vacations worldwide - more in Africa, South America, other nations too poor to buy need medicines - much less - vaccines.

Climate Change impacts the health of those indigenous people - who genuinely speaking did not want to have anything with France, Holland, Belgium, Italy, France, Germany, England, Spain, Portugal - other greedy nations - who in the name of King, Queen, and God - raped, killed, pillaged and still dare to talk about Climate Change - and cockeyed concept like Netzero - that is an Oxymoron - much like Carbon Credit - that favor those that have money to burn.

I challenge those that can distribute vaccines to please help Africa, those nations that are in dire straits - corporations such as Tesla, Amazon, Facebook, other filthy wealthy billionaires can come to the aid of those in need - save the lives of millions of infants, children, youth, our beloved Elders, those with compromised health - single mothers  - more the mentally and physically challenged.

We had Jomo Kenyatta, Julius Nyerere, Jawaharal Nehru, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Abdel Nasser, Golda Meir, and Angela Merkel - I name a few who I have studied - some actions and less talk.

The three men we see above are just men - they are not worthy leaders - with intent; they know that they cannot attain the goals set by the last Climate Change meeting in Paris, France.

They are not worthy of good actions, and therefore - we must not waste time listening to their utter nonsense. We can create the policies and have them reflect on what is best for Mother Earth.

This Climate Change Conference is the last time - we will have had an opportunity to do right - and what these leaders showed above - did was abject  - WRONG.

When we do a needs assessment of the world - more, our Mother Earth - we see clearly - the indigenous people is the only segment of our world population - that has passed the smelt test.

I have fought hard for the indigenous people - I know them much as the ones who have worked with me - know me very well.

We are on this Earth for a short time - we know what we have to do - we have no choice - but do right by the Great Spirit.

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