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Wednesday, November 24, 2021



The clean water comes from the Hetch Hetch reservoir - the pipes that carry the water to Crystal Springs and beyond to the City and County of San Francisco - only to leech - along the 160 miles - we have no real-time data given to us - deferred maintenance - it is estimated over 50 million gallons daily - and as high as 75 million clean drinking water - wasted. 

Tuesday, November23, 2021, at the SF Public Utilities Commission Meeting (SFPUC) - at a presentation that skipped a significant slide - with intent.

We, the public, did not see how full our SFPUC reservoirs were. Typically, this slide is shown - and we, the people - the few advocates that know more - speak to the situation.

In recent years - we know that the SF Public Utilities Commission has failed the citizen of San Francisco - the former General Manager Harlan Kelly indicted - facing lengthy jail terms. 

The Assistant General Manager  Juliet Ellis - snitched - Law Enforcement will return to her soon - her time is coming.

The former corrupt City Attorney - is now the General Manager of the SF Public Utilities - the fox guarding the chicken coop. There is more to come - we are watching the situation like a hawk.

This chart spells out - how corrupt folks, the likes of Dwayne Jones, Masood Ordikhani, Juliet Ellis, Harlan Kelly, others that the Federal Bureau of Investigation - contacted because of our spadework and the above chart.  The SF Controller was aware of this situation -  so was Dennis Herrera - they did nothing at all. We provided this chart over two and half years ago. Where is the SF Ethics Commission on this situation?

Mayor London Breed makes over $400,000 and has nothing much to show - to the constituents and citizens of San Francisco. She lacks leadership - she only barks after some bad happens.

Dennis Herrera -  General Manager of the SF Public Utilities Commission - makes in access of 450,000 plus perks - he failed as the SF City Attorney - will manage the last two terms at the SFPUC - each period lasting 4 years - get a fat pension - and laugh all the way to the bank.  

Under Mayor London Breed - raised in the hood, who displays no sound manners or etiquette - she could have taken measures - to stop the looting and rampant stealing of goods - all over the City and County of San Francisco - and has not.

Not a whimper from her - someone from her area - the Fillmore - visiting a strip club - accosting a stripper - her friend working for Street Violence Intervention Program. A bouncer warned the culprit - to be respectful of the stripper at North Beach - to no avail - and shot him point-blank in the stomach.

A little bird says the Mayor London Breed accompanied by the person in charge from the Mayor's Office - visited the injured man - fighting for his life.

The paradox is why this person who works for SVIP - visit such a sordid place - and if he did - why did he behave in the manner he did.

Not too long ago, two women who work for SVIP - had an altercation - nothing was done for over 3 weeks. Then an investigator came from Los Angeles - two employees, both women, were suspended. 

Then just like that - the other woman, of Polynesian ancestry, was fired. Where is the justice - the Mayor playing favoritism.

The other woman also suspended a  black woman who was suspended for the same reason - at the exact location - at the same time - was brought back and given her job.  

Case in point - the thugs stealing, high-end luxury good - causing damage to the stores - on Union Square. Who will compensate the stores - I bet you the City and County of San Francisco - just talks and will do nothing at all.

Paradoxically, the SF Police Department is short 400 Police Officers - while London Breed, Sheryl Evans Davis, Shamann Walton - the SF Board of Supervisors - have defunded the SF Police Department and the Sheriff's Department.

Sorry ass London Breed - step down and fade into oblivion.

Recently the SF Board of Supervisors - stalled two large programs - the Developers who had a cozy relationship with Mayor London Breed - signing the blues.

San Franciscans have been conserving water - and know what to do and what not to do. 

I cannot say that of Mayor London Breed - who acts like a brat.

 While ordering others to wear a mask, she does not - case in point at the French Laundry. Then she did it again - at a disco place - right here in San Francisco.

Time we, the citizens of San Francisco - get a quarterly report - how many clean water pipes have been replaced.

 The pipes have been paid for - the pipes should have been replaced - three years ago.

For how long can we take this nonsense - deferred maintenance.

It has become customary for the SF Public Utilities Commission to order us around - millions of dollars - have been wasted.

Daily millions of gallons leech into the ground - with NO accountability - shame on the SF Public Utilities Commission. 

Read the Raker Act - we keep selling millions of gallons of clean drinking water to computer companies and others. They use millions of clean drinking water to cool the products they make - contaminate the water - and flush in down the manholes - to the sewer systems.

Ten years ago, we could have implemented - separate pipes carry gray water - to water the lawn, clean the pathways, use this water to flush our toilets.

Today, in San Francisco and the neighboring areas - we supply our Hetch Hetchy clean drinking water - to flush our commodes! 

How foolish can we be - when we purport - to be a first-class city - we purport to be environmentally friendly - not so - under Mayor London Breed - who endorsed - penalizing the taxpayers' - rather than mandating SF Public Utilities Commission to fulfill its obligations. 

How long can we tolerate the deferred maintenance - by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission?

How long can we tolerate the abject chronic corruption - now worse than ever - at the SF Public Utilities Commission?

Wake up, San Francisco, and speak Truth to Power.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this platform. You've presented things that make a person wonder the intention behind these acts or non acts in the case of the deferred maintenance. Thank you again for bringing awareness to these matters.
