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Monday, November 15, 2021



November has been set aside as Native American month.

Let it be known that every day of every year that ever was and will be - is Indigenous Day - here on Turtle Island.

The only true citizens of Turtle Island are those who are truly indigenous.

Do not be haughty and think - evil as you are - the devil, himself you can placate the just indigenous - by setting aside a lonely, month.

More - without thinking about the profound implications - cultural competency, empathy, spirituality - no devil, evil to the core - can stand on sacred ground - and pontificate - to any indigenous.

Those that write a thesis - book vile - in a language that cannot get close to any noble indigenous. The indigenous are about good actions, those vile can stay in bed with their actions - stop pollution the airwaves with misinformation - disinformation - that comes from a dark place.

No one person - desires attention - except those that are bankrupt -  spiritually - bankrupt.

The atrocities committed to the indigenous people by Whites and those contributing to their way of thinking - never mind if they are Blacks, Asians, Latin, you name it - it does not matter - sellouts who go with the flow - and worship - materialism - are a disgrace to the human race.

When you blindly follow the greed of the Whites - lie, steal, cheat, hoodwink - you are part of the " demonic " world.

Stay away from those - whose heart is NOT in the right place - you are an anathema to everything - those that are clean, pure, and holistic - will have nothing to do with you all.

The indigenous people know who they are.

Those who came to Turtle Island yesterday - do not.

 No one can better themselves - without the help of a loving family - mother, father, values that matter.

Those that share partners - in and out and about their business they go without a second thought. Then when they are alone - they ponder and write books and want to teach people - how best to embrace their sordid life - and do not understand that trials and tribulation - hurdles and more - test those that are worthy of trust - and more good actions.

Morals - ethics, standards - make you a good person and allow you to overcome.

Loud noise, pandemonium, frolicking, and all that comes with it - cannot replace " spirituality ".

Toxic words that are marinated by immoral deeds, sleazy actions, and short-lived fleeting sensations - make one wallow in the cesspool - of their own creation. Often time this leads to the destruction of one that has with intent chosen - evil ways.

The indigenous the world over - will not permit unwanted elements - to come into the sacred home of the indigenous people and rearrange the furniture in the sitting room - without permission?

From time to time - sage and other sacred elements are used to ward off the evil - more so now - with all the divisiveness and often some "people of color " - minting money and feeling their coffers - while pretending to embrace humanity - for all the wrong - reasons.

We went to Standing Rock - gathered in the thousands at 
Camp Oceti Sakowin -stand shoulder to should with the
Lakota nation - united by Chief Sitting Bull.

Here in San Francisco, the authorities make a mockery of the situation.

The Mayor London Breed, the various City Departments start their meeting and Commission - proclaiming entities that do not need public recognition - more, because they have no standing that matters, most have NO historical credit and empirical data.

Except for the Muwekma Ohlone once recognized as a Federal Tribe - then removed by the Department of Interior - the Muwekma lay claim to San Francisco and the neighboring areas.

The Muwekma exercised their right of First Refusal - in 1991.

The dumb President of the SF Board of Supervisors - a jailbird has no clue when he reads - before every SF Board of Supervisors starts their meeting - misinformation - typical of a person who is not educated on issues. 

It is the same with those Commissions who fail to recognize the Muwekma Ohlone in San Francisco.

 The Muwekma are the only ones that matter - because they have fought the good fight - and have come before the SF Board of Supervisors, the SF Public Utilities Commission, the Human Rights Commission - other entities and bodies - years, ago.

They have a 65 years continuous track record - Commendations given by the Human Rights Commission, several SF Board of Supervisors, others from the State and Federal - entities. 

The best recognition the City and County of San Francisco can make - is to acknowledge that all the land was stolen - all of it. 

If not show me the deed to the land was bought, some treaty signed that was signed - the White men can steal, pillage, lie, rape, cheat, hoodwink - all this and more will come to naught - they will fall flat on their face.

Honor those on whose land you are on - if you do not know about the history and less about spirituality learn.

When it comes to Critical Race Theory - remember it is a theory. Check the dictionary - your own words will reveal - more.

The women raped, the children taken to boarding schools forcefully - so many atrocities committed - against the indigenous - people.

The shameless who make vague proclamations before the SF meetings - must be ashamed of themselves - many Asians, Blacks, Latin, and others - who should learn more, understand the situation at hand - before mimic the very corrupt - the likes of Shamann Walton.

Check this out to learn more:

Some of us hired a van and went to North Dakota to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Lakota Nation - more at Camp Oceti Sakowin - near Standing Rock.

We - did this because we understood the power of unity and the good actions from spiritual bonding and justice for those who need it most.

Chief Sitting Bull - he united the Lakota Nation.

Standing Rock - very near camp Oceti Sakowin.

We see so much utter nonsense at SF City Hall - the corruption at SF City Hall more in room 200 - has reached saturation point - why?

The Mayor London Breed has been pandering to the Developers.

Recently - two of her major projects have been stalled - one in the South of Market Area (SOMA). 

Those who pander to London Breed whims - are those who are crooked to the core - the heads of Department - have no experience - less qualification - they pander to the MACHINE - make hay - while the sun shines. 

One of them Joaquim Torres - jumps from the Mayor Office of Economic Development - to the Assessor Office - his only qualification a "B" Move Actor. Now he wants to run for office - it will not - happen.

15,000 people gathered at Camp Oceti Sakowin - good, decent folks - from all over the world?

We entered the camp - saw hundreds of tents, kitchens, large tents where people discussed topics, witnessed a peaceful environment.

We saw all types of tents - some modern with all amenities. Others that witnessed history - Tippis, horses that some rode,  journalists that I knew and spent time with, professional people, doctors, historians, others more advocates who had a track record - fighting for the indigenous people from Turtle Island.

We met people from all over the world - I met many friends - and it was all good.  

We even decided to join the buffet - the spread was excellent - and those who broke bread - enjoyed their meal and made sure we prayed before we ate.

I met members of the Corps of Engineers, the military too - and spoke to them - many did not know about the Lakota nation  - they were there because they were ordered there.

It is the same here in San Francisco - with Mayor London Breed - all she does is bark - she has not passed one single legislation that makes sense.

Twice she was caught breaking the law - once at the French Laundry Restaurant - where the heifer was hogging like a pig - the second time at a disco in San Francisco.

She told others to wear a mask and do this and that - but when it came to her fat ass - she did what she does best - acts like a spoiled - brat.


The man holding the mike is Shamann Walton - a corrupt person - he is a " jailbird " that has his finger in every pie - cheating, stealing, tapping into Community Benefits - asking for grants - that he spends on himself - a jerk - who is the President of the SF Board of Supervisors.

Blacks constitute about 3% of our population in San Francisco - yet contribute to over 60% of the crime

Blacks constitute 3% of the SF population -  65% of the population - when it comes to incarceration - in our jails - are Blacks.

What has Shamann Walton done to help the poor and those that need help most - nothing?

There are rodents - the size of rabbits - roaming the area in and around Aurelius Walker Road - in public housing by Alice Griffith.

Large rodents, here - there, and everywhere - the man has no clue - what all this means? More in the middle of a pandemic?

Children have died - from rodent infestation and bites - in any other City, there would be a hue and cry - not with Mayor London Breed around - and crooks like Shamann Walton - hanging around.

DionJay Brookter - missing in action - it is hot in the kitchen.

His sidekick DionJay Brookter is Missing In Action.

DionJay Brookter  - he was on the Police Commission - not to be seen.

A little bird has been chirping - someone wants to indict the sucker - he is heading where Harlan Kelly has chosen to make his nest - jail.

Dwayne Rudolf Jones - has amassed over $15 million-plus - he has doled our Community Benefits - and has been charged - and his day is coming - sooner, not later - he and his minions - one worse than the other.

His entire Board that linked to his foundation all stepped down - what does this say. Even his wife who was on the Board.

Some of the tents we saw at Camp Oceti Sakowin -  North Dakota.

Water is life - the SF Public Utilities Commission - cannot comprehend much when it wastes millions of gallons of clean water daily - water that the SFPUC has stolen from the indigenous people.

Turtle Island 


One of Dwayne Jones's ploys - a ploy that went South.

How many Cannabis Clubs do we need?
Cheaper by the gram on the street!

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