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Monday, November 8, 2021


President Barack Obama talks a good talk - but his walk - is slow - he has to invest, which means money - support the children and youth and make a difference - when it comes to Mother Earth.

Mother Earth's - suffering - the many trials and tribulation - endured by the indigenous people - not once in his speech - did he mention - the indigenous people who protect forty percent of natural land - all over the world. 

The five nations that most pollute first China 30%, then the U.S.A 15%, followed by India 7%, then Russia 5%, and then Japan 4%.

President Barack Hussein Obama talks a good talk - but he fundamentally does not understand - that Mother Earth - is here - now as it was before - because of the indigenous people.

All over the world - the indigenous people - bear the most trials and tribulations - even as they do their best - to reduce the Carbon Footprint - minimize the impact on our Ozone layer - reduce the emission of Methane Gas - and for a speaker not to mention the indigenous people - is an I N S U L T.

More polluters and more corporations invested in fossil fuels attended the Climate Change meeting in Glasgow, Scotland. The largest polluters love to talk the talk - fail to walk the walk.  We see this all the time - the solution thousands of free tickets and hotel rooms accommodation - should have been provided to our young people - by the Corporations, the largest polluters - not telling the youth what to do - they know what to do - the young people are on the frontlines. 

The largest polluters do not give a damn. China and Russia blatantly told the organizers of the Climate Change meeting - to go to hell - that they would continue to do - what they wanted to do - and to the United States, said in as many ways as they could say - go fuck yourselves.

We, the United States, failed - when Donald Trump decided that he alone could do as he pleases. Donald Trump decided to get out of the Paris Accord - linked to Climate Change.

As soon as he did this, all the past United States Presidents, the Vice-Presidents, the many Generals the many Admirals, the many United States Secretary of State, the many heads of department - involved in curtailing the Carbon Footprint, the depletion of Ozone level, reducing the use of Methane Gas - doing all in our power as a united front - on a War Footing.

I have been an ardent environmentalist for over 50 years -  have traveled the world - love to work with children and the youth - and have fully understood from the beginning of this quest to address Climate Change - save Mother Earth - who speak the Truth - they do.

The adults are liars - more the heads of the nations - who pollute our Earth, and we look at them with disdain - but no one charges them - when they commit crimes against humanity. 

When will we learn that those who head governments and have participated with intent to pollute our Earth - Mother Earth - and have given them a pass - we must understand - in many ways, we are complicit.

The International laws must be changed - those in India, China, Russia, the United States, other nations - polluters must be held accountable.

We the people must demand that they be indicted, charged - jailed,  pay huge fines - and STOP the stupid talk - about NetZero, which is an oxymoron - and this notion of Carbon Trading - and making things worse - kicking the can down the street.

All over the entire world, the children and youth have NO voice.

All over the world - infants, children, youth, single mothers, those with compromised health, our beloved Elders - more those physically and mentally challenged - are dying and have NO voice.

At these so-called Climate Change meetings, no detail mention is made and addressed when it comes to health, food security, education, the ongoing pandemic - other new variants that will kill millions - more in Africa, South America, the Middle East, those nations that cannot afford vaccinations - vaccines - that can save lives. 

Chief Joseph 

Turtle Island - now known as the United States.
in less than 200 years, all that was pristine 
has been contaminated and polluted - we have a population
of 340 million - an area 313,232,044 square miles -
this land all of it stolen, the women raped, the Whites lie, cheat, hoodwink - and have destroyed Turtle Island - and at all 
the Climate Change meeting - no one mentions who stole the land.

Francisco Nacimentio Da Costa - Philosopher, Theologian, Sociologist, Environmentalist, Logistician, Blogger, world traveler -
be educated on issues - with empirical data in hand -
respect the Elders - do not listen to those that speak with
a forked tongue - take it from me - I have seen them -
and deal with them - every day of my life.

We must acknowledge the indigenous people - stop - 
listening to shallow sounds - more, those being spewed by Whites -
the stole the land - all of it -  polluted the air, the lakes, the rivers, the oceans, the cut the old-growth forest, the have no respect for Mother Earth  - the come into our living rooms and without our permission re-arrange our furniture. You want to do something positive when you are spiritually bankrupt, you lie, you cheat, you pollute, and you dare to leave the indigenous people out - you scumbags - must be ashamed of ourselves -
if you are White, you are Blight - get out of sight - now.

Chief Sitting Bull - he united the Lakota Nation.
He is my friend - and we are not afraid of those who deem
they don't stink.

The flag of the United States of America

It is important to note - that the worst animal here on Earth is the two-legged homo sapience.

The Earth will be here - thousands of years after it destructs - as it has before - the reasoning of those - who think they can waste, take more than they can use, do as they please - their sordid habits - will come to bite them in the butt - sooner, not later.

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