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Saturday, November 27, 2021



The OMICRON Variant is here in California - as long as the world is not vaccinated - and should have been vaccinated a long time ago -we are playing with fire - so what is San Francisco doing on a War Footing? To address the situation at hand.

It is a shame we have a Mayor in San Francisco - Mayor London Breed who talks too much - hogs too much - and has no clue about Health and Safety issues.

As far as the pandemic is concerned, she has no clue what is happening.

Less about crime - all sorts of crimes - thugs stealing from high-end stores - again and again in San Francisco. All over the City and County of San Francisco - no recourse has been provided to stores like Walgreens. Many have closed and the Mayor London Breed - nonchalantly look at this fact.

There was a shooting at North Beach - the Mayor and her sidekick who managed the Street Violence Intervention Program - visited the victim at the ICU - no mention about this incident by Tyra Fennell, the crooked Director of Communication panders to the Mayor - London Breed. 

Dr. Krissy Corbett - a Black Scientist who played a key role in the sequencing and creation of the Moderna vaccine - using the mRNA technique. Mayor London Breed has no clue about the above facts - she tags around with Dr. Grant Colfax - saying something that means nothing - catch up with what I have been saying - two months from now. 

Most do not know Black woman scientists played a key role - in the sequencing of the mRNA vaccine - her name is Krissy Corbett. 

Listen to this video:


The OMICRON variant is here in California has been here for some time. As I predicted some weeks ago - in two months - here in California and by default - here in San Francisco - we will have our ICU beds - full.

Every single day here in San Francisco - 4 to 6 people die from Opioid use. The City and County of San Francisco - have known this for a long time - with intent to take the risk - thousands of drug users - camping all over the place.

More living in filth - feces, and urine all over the place - used needles and more. For all the talk Mayor London Breed has put thousands in harm's way - and must admit - during her tenure as Mayor - she has compromised - Quality of life issues. 

Each of these very corrupt folks is playing with fire - pay to play - wheeling and dealing - compromising Quality of Life issues - every single day - while we taxpayers' pay these crooks to laugh all the way to the bank - the Mayor making $400,000 plus a year.

Just google " critical race theory " and add San Francisco - and read all the articles that come up. Each piece spells out about the racism prevailing in San Francisco - and details about crime - and the segment of the population responsible - compromising Quality of Life issues in San Francisco.

Blacks make up only 3% of the population of San Francisco - the people of San Francisco are about 840,000. Yet 90% of the crime - and over 60% of those incarcerated - are you know whom - why?

Shamann Walton is a corrupt person, so is Malia Cohen trying to move up the ladder.

Smiling like a jackass - talking from both sides of her dirty mouth  - as the Chair of SF Police Commission.

Inviting - California State Legislators to give presentations at the SF Police Commission meetings - long drawn out representations - boring - which will never be implemented - five years from now. 

The California State Legislators have failed us taxpayers' in Sacramento - we had the EDD fail us over $13 billion lost.

Billion dollars wasted  - money meant to help those who were unemployed - not a whimper from the Governor of California - whose name was on the recall Statewide.

Gavin Newsom was spared the shame - his opponent, a stupid Republican who hated women, did not want to give hard-working Californians a pay raise.

Not even endorse the current - minimum pay raise. This Black Republican candidate was an anathema to everything good we Californians stand for.

Mayor London Breed should publish the empirical data that everyone she mentions -  in San Francisco has been vaccinated - which we are told by Mayor London Breed is 80% - when truth be told, only 60% are vaccinated.

We have thousands in the dirty camps - wearing no masks - and those that wear one - when the authorities come to visit them - are wearing a dirty mask for months on end.

Most of them are not vaccinated and will not get vaccinated, and cannot be forced to be vaccinated.

No one seems to pay attention to hygiene and all that comes with maintaining - cleanliness.  Our MUNI buses stink, our streets are unkempt, our crosswalks are not painted, City Hall is closed, and smells of fungi - before that sulfur - virtual meetings allow the politicians to further corruption.

Walk the streets of San Francisco - you witness the many mentally challenged assault the innocent.

Many ask you for money - you refuse, and they attack you - where is London Breed and her Director of Communication - Tyra Fennel, on this. 

We know about the pussyfooting - the frolicking - and the many sideshows.

We have people in places that report to us - the orgies of a kind - the dildo is queen - and we know who likes the toy so much.

So do not try to fool all the people - all the time - it simply does not work like that.

Yet in San Francisco, tents are rented for as high as $90,000 a year.

One site in a parking lot - between the Main Library and the Asian Art Museum - three meals provided, a drab tent, surrounded by addicts, and a pit stop if a stool is available to relieve oneself. 

Only in San Francisco!

Instead of hogging at the restaurants - UC San Francisco - some other labs should invite Mayor London Breed and explain stuff like sequencing and other vital facts to the inept Mayor. San Francisco is not a First Class City - with a Mayor raised and behaving like one still attached to the " thug hood. "  Mayor London Breed is a disgrace to the human race. London Breed - will be exposed for all her haughtiness - very soon.

 It is a shame with a budget of $13.7 Billion - when it comes to pit stops, washrooms, showers - the Mayor London Breed - looks the other way - she loves wallowing in filth - has used her power and sordid influence to shut down a facility that provided succor to  Transitional Aged Youth - London Breed should be ashamed of herself. 

One has just to google " 730 Stanyon Street in San Francisco ".

At this vacant site - before some affordable building is planned - a non-profit was permitted to provide basic necessities - shower, toilet needs, a meal, and basic health needs.

The community surrounding this location, 730 Stanyon Street - rallied to help the youth - many come here - they are welcomed and embraced - because of LGBTQ concerns and services and well known - made available by Non-Profits more and less by the City and County of San Francisco. 

Often I see some youth girls and boys - and talk to them - if I have time, I will take them for coffee - some food - whatever they like - depending on the situation - more the time I have to spend - to find out where they live - and what they have in mind -  first hand. 

Many sleep wherever they can - others rent a couch, many sell their bodies - just to have a roof over their head - and so on.

Very near one of my offices - the youth hang - primarily gay and live on charity - one man allows them to take a shower - and use the toilet, sleep some nights - more when the weather is inclement  - and all this in San Francisco. 

Shery Evan Davis and her minions, London Breed and her minions - the worse one Tyra Fennel - Director of Communication and utter nonsense - who thinks her shit don't stink. 

Tyra Fennel - the SF Mayor Director of sordid Communication.

I would like to debate Tyra Fennel - and get to know what the hell she is doing in San Francisco - using the Mayor, London Breed - for cover.

Mayor has no shame twice she was got caught with her hand in the cookie jar - both the times making excuses - first time at the French Laundry and the second at a disco in San Francisco - failing to wear a mask.

We had a shooting at North Beach recently - where is Trya Fennel on this one issue - which will soon blow out of proportion. 

Where is Tyra Fennel on the 730 Stanyon Street project - and disdain shown to the Transitional Aged Youth -  the matter brought forward by the SF Budget and Audit Committee.

We need Nancy Pelosi to follow up on the dark cloud - hanging over the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission - the United States Attorney General on the matter - stop talking and get to the bottom of the Harlan Kelly and his thugs - scandal. 

Millions of dollars linked to the Stimulus Plan - wasted by Mayor London Breed - an audit is needed to put this critical matter to rest. The Heifer has been hogging too much - and now salivating to receive funds from the Infrastructure Bill - placing a fox to guard the chicken coop at SF Public Utilities Commission.

Kamala Harris - no one respects her. Our Heifer is the exception. The Democrats are way up there - when it comes to utter, and sordid, abject - corruption of the worst - order.

Afghan women have been protesting for their rights in Afghanistan. Here is San Francisco - an Afghan was shot in a San Francisco Hotel. He worked with our U.S. Special Forces - the SF Police responded - when the Hot Team reacted, in reality, had to. The SF Police shot the man - who has a history of mental challenges - suffering trauma in Afghanistan. When are we going to have the Town Hall meeting - please inform me. I would like to be there to speak to the hypocrites - where was Tyra Fennel on this issue.

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