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Tuesday, November 16, 2021


 President Joe Biden - and Chairman Xi Jinping - met virtually - both decided they would maintain the " status quo " -  Taiwan will be protected by the United States while China keeps flexing its muscles - singing the blues for now. 

While the United States is dealing with all sorts of issues - high inflation, many refusing to work  - menial jobs.

American - workers have chosen " upward mobility " - there are jobs out there - higher wages - and, of course, neutralized by the very high inflation.

Looking generally at the defenses of the United States and China - both geared up to fight smart - this war will be taken away from the Earth's surface - into cyberspace.

Before World War II - personpower played an important role - we saw this clearly during War War II.

Suppose the Superpowers decide to tackle each other.

In that case, it will be a totally different type of war - major satellites circling the Earth will be destroyed. 

The entity staying alive operating of a kind backup system - using high-end batteries - nuclear sources - will maintain some semblance - energy maintained in operation by the superior power - will destabilize the other.

No one will win - the harm done - will be massive - and those living to witness this horror - will wish they never, ever took the decision not to win - but the witness the horrific deeds - of the two-legged animal.

China has the most carriers and other types of ships - it has kept building more after World War II - and thinks it will conquer the seas - even as it wants to establish a colony on the moon and other planets. 

Its ambition is a different kind controlled by an autocratic government. 

The Chinese government orders - and the Chinese follow them - you resist - you will be jailed - and reforming in many cases means death.

No one owns land in Mainland China. It all belongs to the Community Party.

The Chines cannot comprehend something like the January 6, 2021 incident.

Americans honor our flag, and rightly so.

Our Founding Fathers created a Constitution that favors a Republic. A healthy Republic that mutually agrees to debate. You debate and exercise your rights.  If one is educated on facts and empirical data - wins the debate - the other side excepts. After the discussion - one shakes hands and works together. It is about enlightenment - wisdom - betterment.  For decades we had a bipartisan government - no more, it is substituted by ugly, sordid, nauseating.

 " Divisiveness. "

We had to fence off Capitol Hill - no one in their wildest dream ever expected that to happen - but it did. That dark cloud - still lingers - the thugs, the traitors, the enemies of our Nation - homegrown terrorists must be rounded up and dealt with - now. 

We saw the horrific scenes on January 6, 2021, by the traitors who defecated and urinated - pillaged and destroyed government property attacked Law Enforcement led by Donal Trump - those that committed these actions with intent -  are all traitors.

When an egotistical maniac could not accept his defeat - President Joe Biden won the egotistical maniac DT - lost.

To this day - worldwide - millions who witnessed the pandemonium - could not understand - why the Capitol Hill incident took place.

Even today - millions the world over - cannot understand - the behavior of those that have tarnished our name - the United States of America.

Those that caused the ruckus are all traitors -  and traitors must be dealt with by bringing them to book - and putting them away for a long, long time.

The Chinese J31 Stealth Jet Fighter - and other Fighters - are no match with American Jet Fighters - we have the experience - and the Chinese can keep practicing. 

China has been building ships, aircraft carriers - wants to control our high seas. The International Waters - are governed by rules and regulations. Flexing muscles - does not help - fishing in International Waters and using gill nets to capture tons of fish - defying the fishermen with the smaller boats - to wonder what is happening. 

China has defied the world - invading and capturing an atoll - closer to the Philippines - and building a large artificial island - where Jetfighers can land - and China can flex its muscles.

For centuries, those fishing near this atoll cannot enter the waters near the artificial island - if they do suffer adverse impacts - shot at - and dissuaded from fishing.

All this near an island they have known for centuries. 

China must STOP bullying the smaller nations - stop lying that it wants to work with others - when all over the world Africa, South America, the Middle-East - it buys friendship.

Entices by building soccer stadiums, helping nations grow - and gobbling the produce and shipping it home - bananas, papayas, greens of all kinds, chicken, beef - no one can fool - all the people all the time. 

The USS Gerald Ford - is but one of our smaller carriers - we have a well-equipped fleet of carriers -  must now equip them with tools that can stand our ground.  If attacked - total those that want to take us on. War is not pretty - a nonchalant attitude is worse. We must spell out the facts and let the Mainland Communist Chinese know the situation if we have the balls.

Russia is supplying India with the S-400 air defense missile systems - all the while the United States is supporting Taiwan - Japan has built an aircraft carrier - that can accommodate United States Jetfighters - F-35A, and more. 

Here is just an F-35A Jetfighter with superior fighting power in the air and can take off from an aircraft carrier and do its job.

COP26 -  and the Netzero ploys and machinations.

Over 45% of those attending the Glasgow, Scotland - were high paid officials - working for the Petroleum Companies.

All over the world - more on land that the indigenous people have protected and preserved - drilling for fossil fuel - contaminating and polluting the land.

Just because these " evil folks " - arm themselves with guns and ammunition - even bombs and dynamite to keep the indigenous at bay - and even kill and maim the indigenous people.

I heard Barack Hussein Obama - speak at the COPS26 - not once did he manage the Indigenous people. 

Who are the five worst polluters - name them - and ponder.

America, Russia, China, India, other countries - at the last moment - amended the language - to permit these countries to use fossil fuel -  coal being the worse -  in exchange for trading " Carbon Emissions Points." 

Those who are greed - do not care about human life - not even their own - they worship money - they will fall flat on their face - they are a disgrace to the human race.

Our world leaders do not have the tenacity, the fortitude, the wisdom that is not given to the foolish.

We never knew that we would have to deal with folks like Vladamir Putin, Xi Jinping, Joe Biden, some other clowns - tongue in cheek - who have failed us.

Winter is at our doorstep - the surges are up - we surely will see a more potent variant - and this means - we have to beware of our surroundings - wear a mask at all times - the first level of our defense to save our life and more others - vulnerable.

All over the world - thousands are dying. More in Africa, a Continent that is looked at with disdain. I was born in Nairobi, Kenya - I understand the pain of those dying - when millions of vaccines are being stored in warehouses - lying there - Waiting For Godot!

We citizens of America paid some of the leading Pharmaceuticals to create the vaccines with rRNA technology - as in the case of Moderna that I took - the first one, the second one - and after seven months, the booster. 

It is pathetic to witness so many Republicans choose not to receive a vaccine - even though it is free - they say 60% of our population is 340 million.

17% of Democrats, too - have decided not to take the vaccine. They could carry and spread the Corona Virwithout considering those vulnerable - around them - by being asymptomatic. The same with the Republicans.

17% of Independents too - do not want to receive the vaccine.  All this is mind-boggling.

Let us take the Corona Pandemic that is surging all over the world - seriously.

Paradoxically - the world Superpowers - want to flex their muscles.

One purportedly has not been transparent - even imprisoned the doctors - who were doing their duty - imprisoned without getting the benefit of a vaccine. God sees it all. They say the " batwoman scientist " knows it all. 

President Joe Biden has favored the one-tenth of one percent of our population, some 340 million - who have ninety-nine percent of the Nation's wealth. 

President Joe Biden is sending mixed signals - our Nation is hurting - the Afghanistan evacuation has tarnished our name - thousands dying more infants, children, women, Elders, those most vulnerable - God sees it all.

So what did Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi confess to Pope Francis - they are all in the same boat - saying something that means nothing at all.

Thousands at our Southern border - women raped, children taken away - what is the fate of these victims - who are at the mercy of the Cartels - America and others - creating situations - depriving some nations of help - other put on some list and punished.

In the end, the most vulnerable, the poor, suffer - and the paradox is that these leaders - talk from both sides of the mouths - have no ethics, no morals - and most importantly - no standards.

We once had a President in the United States - President Franklin Roosevelt - who created safety measures and programs - Social Security - laws that protected those who suffer from Polio - he suffered from Polio.

Today the long-term consequences of the COVID-19 virus - are addressed in a convoluted manner - STOP talking and take concrete measures based on empirical data - we do not want to hear from the mouthpieces - talking from both sides of their mouth.

Millions of refugees live in fear - many infants, children, women, elders - those with compromised health - more the mentally and physically challenged -  crying tears of blood - they die, and no one seems to care.

If we can spend trillions of dollars to die and fight wars that have caused more problems - why cannot we spend billions - to save the infants, the children, the women, the elders - all those that need help - who is listening to the pleas of those that need help - most.

The advocates pull their hair and shout and scream - do you think the politicians care - here in San Francisco - our politicians have a $13.8 Billion budget - and have done  - nothing much.

Now that the Infrastructure Bill has been passed - the Crooked Politicians are salivating- more Mayor London Breed and her evil minions - to waste taxpayers' money - that will come their way. 

God sees it all. You must have your heart in the right place - then only can you take others to a better place. Aho.




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