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Monday, July 18, 2022



If ever there was a civilized tribe, it was the Cherokee.

In the deep valleys - flourished all that was needed to live well.

In the deep forest - there was deep harmony between human beings and the animals. The flora and fauna and more.

The mountains were high and majestic, and the snow provided all the water one needed. There was a balance - that lasted for over 23,000 years - then came the forked tongue, and almost everything came to a halt. 

The paleface was dirty; most never took a bath. The paleface wanted what was not his and assumed the skin color was all that mattered. 

The Cherokee had their own alphabet - and a language pleasing to the heart. The Cherokee was civilized - much before the stranger landed on Turtle Island.

The Cherokee had their own government - could stand their ground - and when the day came to go to the White man's Supreme Court - they had their day in court and won.

The Judge declared in clear terms the Cherokee were a sovereign nation, the United States government had signed a treaty - and that the Cherokee had all the rights to remain free on their own land.

The Cherokee were forcefully removed from Alabama, North Carolina, Georgia, and Tenessee. The action was carried on in 1836 illegally - by the U.S. Army and various rogue militia.

Over  15,000 Cherokee were illegally rehabilitated thousands of miles away in present-day Oklahoma.

A quarter of those Cherokee who was forced to march - died. The Great Spirit sees it all.

Here is some relevant information to enlighten the mind and soar the spirit - the Cherokee will live as they have before - and defy the evil paleface:

Many brave Cherokee fled to the mountains - avoided the paleface militia and the U.S. Army. These Cherokee maintained their culture.

Later on - years later, when Cherokee returned to their homeland - they were surprised and praised those that preserved their culture - to this day.  

The Cherokee that their own Constitution. They have their own alphabet. They printed their own newspaper in their own language and English too.

The Cherokee were experienced farmers and were always self-sufficient.

The Cherokee were well versed in having access to the many herbal medicines.

Their spirituality was deep, and to this day - the few I know - remain the same. We have over 25,000 Cherokee in California.

In short, the Cherokee were more civilized than the paleface - who rarely took a bath - was mannerless and acted brashly just because he could kill and steal.

Go, young warrior - we have your back.

Chief Joseph - Nez Perce Leader

In the year 2022 - nothing much has changed.

President Joe Biden has a very narrow window of opportunity - to speed up Federal Recognition - of many tribes.

These many tribes - who have to plead and jump hurdles - fight for their own human rights - on their own land - to be recognized.

The paleface stole the land - no thief will prosper.

We see today - the paleface is losing his mind - and as far as his soul - he is as numb as a granite stone.

The paleface killed thousands of Buffalo - only for the fur of the Buffalo. Piled piles of flesh to rot - defying the spiritual values of the Cherokee and other tribes. In less than 250 years, the paleface has depleted the Ozone layer and brought about Climate Change - floods, fires, storms - and all sorts of calamities. He thrives on sulfates, phosphates, nitrates - preservatives and does not know what a healthy meal is all about.

Never ever forget this scumbag - President Andrew Jackson.
He chose to not follow the Supreme Court ruling - and used the U.S. Army and rough militia to move the Cherokee  - from their ancestral land - move the Cherokee - thousands of miles away - to Oklahoma.

After the Cherokee were removed - the paleface - took the land that belonged to the Cherokee. Grabbed the land  - the fertile land - the homes of the Cherokee - and committed atrocities - that I will not describe.

Today, the paleface's economy is spiraling down - we must keep the paleface and his customs at bay. 

Karma is starring the paleface in the face - he and his kind will fall flat on his face - he and his kind will swim and drown in the cesspool of his creation.

We must listen well to our Elders - and practice what is in our DNA - we were here, the indigenous, for over 23.000 years.

Human remains and artifacts - carbonated - and there is more - the wisdom passed down for thousands of years.

Those that see the blue light - know that time is coming.

In fact, it has come - we see the paleface - starting wars that he cannot control. Carpet bombing and killing everything in sight - including infants, children, women, and elders - those most vulnerable.

There is no other beast on this Earth that is GREEDY - but one that we told not to speak - listen to our elders.

When you see the trash - stay away from it.

In unity, we can attain a lot - always remember - we must be at the table. Remember, we do not take blank orders - from those that do not know what they speak of. 

Remember, we were here for over 23,000 years. Aho.

Here is a video that may shed some light on Cherokee history:

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