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Sunday, August 18, 2019


Our so called political system in San Francisco is so corrupt - the leaders so arrogant - it defies norms - added, No ethics, less morals and even less standards. Go figure!

Mayor London Breed - 
gives herself a A when a 
F - is more like it -
the people rate you - not you yourself -
with your big - inflated " ego ".  

Mayor London Breed - in all the time she has been in office - talks from both sides of her mouth. She is known - not to be sincere - and more fake - as fake as they come.

London Breed  has NOT provided one single - well vetted Blue Print - to address homelessness. She has no clue about empirical data - for one simple reason - she cannot discern less adjudicate.

London Breed has done nothing when it comes to congestion - more on Van Ness Avenue, Geary, Third Street closer to Market Street, all over San Francisco - torn up streets - and back to back traffic.

It is even worse on our freeways - every single day.

The great divide and disparity in San Francisco  - compared to Rwanda - a third world nation - it does not seem to bother the arrogant London Breed - her mouth keeps spewing diatribe - at the time.

It is a shame to see so many homeless sleep in tents - die on our streets - many indigent folks - arrested without cause - and put in jail.

The mentally challenged attacking innocent folks - and those HOT Teams and other teams - no where to be found.

We have over 12,000 homeless and a few Navigation Centers - each can accommodate only more than 120 people. Go Figure?

Daily our Quality of Life issues - are thrown to the wind - while the " heifer" puts on weight - spewing more methane gas then any fat cow.

A painting that envisions Ohlone land.

San Francisco is Ohlone land - once the most pristine land in the world. The micro-climate and the mild climate - made it the abode of fauna, flora, all kinds of animals, the forest in plenty  - the estuary one of the best in the world.

Today, we have a concrete jungle - and some one like London Breed - who is NOT educated on issues - does not have her heart in the right place.

 London Breed - loves  - to take junkets, loves to shop and waste money - says one thing when she is at the podium - but then turns her back - and gives a damn.

A " thug " by nature - she does not want anyone to correct her. Arrogant - from head to toe - she is vile and putrid - and loves to bask in the sun - with long winded drab summits tilted " invincible ". 

Women riding missionary.

Her minions mostly linked to " bigger thugs "  wallow in "dark money ".

London Breed loves  when she is  allocated stocks and shares as part of her bribes. 

They Big Developers give her what she wants - in terms of material things and the " woman " - has no clue that this behavior is uncalled for - a disgrace to the human race.

In the last 35 years - I have never seen - London Breed in the trenches fighting for the poor, the elders, those that need help most.

She has been parochial - focusing to her benefit - in the Western Addition - pandering to the rich and continues to pander to the Zionists to this day.

London Breed was on the former SF Redevelopment Agency - and has BLOOD on her hand.

Even as she has today - to foster plans on a Superfund Site the Hunter Point Naval Shipyard.

No one should live on a Superfund Site - that is Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - London Breed  does not comprehend about this one singular fact.

As long as the sordid gifts and money flows into her campaign coffers - she gives a hoot.

Her side kick Malia Cohen was worse - together both women - who purport to be feminists of the worst kind. 

London Breed appointing women on various Commissions - not because they are qualified - but because they are women - and her sordid, friends.

On the SF Police Commission we have two Blacks one that has some origins in the Caribbean and the other from Modesto - such Commissioners - are an anathema - and destroy our values - " San Francisco values ".

The SF Police Commission with these two Black and others - have failed San Francisco.

The killings and shooting have increased - Quality of Life compromised - with direct attacks on our Rights - embedded in our Constitution - the Constitution of the United States of America.

We the people have been let down. San Francisco - decent tax payers - have been taken for a wild ride.

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi

Senator Diane Feinstein

San Francisco and California should not fall prey to our leaders who call themselves representatives - have failed us -all. 

Nancy Pelosi must step down - she had an opportunity to charge the sitting President - with impeachment and failed.

Today she still has not made up her mind - and she will not.

We are now clearly embarking on some other deep situations - one of them lurking on the immediate horizon - " the spiraling of our economic ".

A RECESSION that is different - from any other - with Nations all over the world - having NO respect for us - the United States.

Tariff wars created with China and other allies - without any foundation worth the salt.

The incumbent today has lied 12,019 times and growing - the Main Media he is now saying - crashing the economy - such are the charges brought forward - by an egoistical maniac .

Argentina already has its currency devalued by over 40%.

China is a communist nation - and will do whatever it desires - more with Xi Ping - declaring himself President for life. 

China has a grip on our economy - and today the incumbent in the White House - is more of a " lap dog ".

In recent weeks - the " lap dog " suddenly realized that with the Stocks and Shares taking a beating - on one day over 800 points.

This spiraling down fall - he said he had nothing to do with - and even blamed the Main Media.

He did say he could deal with China and that the tariffs would not impact the tax payers - it did adversely impact the people the tax payers.

Today - to save face - and shameless as he is - even though he said that he could take on China - he had to confess - that China has the better of him.

We the citizens must NOT trust the politicians - more those from San Francisco - who live under the skirt of Nancy Pelosi.

Nancy Pelosi is as old as some antique in the Smithsonian Museum. 

You can look at it and wonder - and after that - what?

It is the same with Senator Diane Feinstein - who has not said a word - when the incumbent in the White House - forced Israel to stop issuing Visas to two Congresswomen.

Not a word from the Senator, Diane Feinstein - who is a known Zionist.

To these so called Representatives - they willing allow a vote to give Israel billions -  yet cave in when it comes to stating in clear terms - who is a better partner - if at all there is a partnership - with the Zionist Nation.

We blatantly permit the Zionists in San Francisco to further their cause - we saw it in the open - when London Breed was sworn - those despicable -  played a key role - putting her where she is today. 

The Zionist control her lock, stock and barrel.

The people united will never, ever be defeated.

We have shut down City Hall - before -
with the present Mayor then President -
scampering - and leaving her chair - and room 250 -
proving she is a coward - that time is nearing -
too much talk and no walk.

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