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Friday, August 16, 2019


Bistro on Third Street by Hudson Street -
an open space affair -
surrounded by foul air, particulates, and
MUNI buses spewing pollution 
very close proximity to the open air bistro of sorts -
notice the person cooking - does not have 
the proper apparel - that a cook should have.

The Bayview Hunters Point does not need any more Bistros - more, open air restaurant on Third Street - with foul air and dangerous particulates  - galore.

In any other decent city such a eating place would never be permitted - but since the SF Public Utilities Commission is trying to win "brownie points " - anything - goes.

The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission is busy doling out money - Community Benefits Money - to open restaurants - that open for a couple of month and close.

Bistros are low end eating places - mostly serving French cuisine - slow cooked food - like cassoulet, a bean stew, salad verte, pate de champagne - home made deserts, you get the feel.

The Bistro on Third and Hudson - is NO bistro - it is a BBQ pit - and the hygiene is not conducive to healthy eating. 

The surrounding air is foul, the near by traffic - horrendous - particulates all over the place - and more.

London Breed and her minions - when given an opportunity -again and again - display their abject ignorance and arrogance - what can we say - despicable.

We need enterprising entities given sound and healthy opportunity to cook food that is healthy - and cooked in a healthy environment - none of this is established at the Third and Hudson site.

The picture above show a person cooking with the proper apparel that cooks wear. Safety is paramount - and such things and more - unforeseen - no orientation - has cause a serious " safety issue" - one clothes on fire - and immense death.

Each of the outsider thugs get $300,000 on a platter - spend inordinate money fixing the place - and then - as I said after a couple of months - close the restaurant.

One restaurant named "WORD" boldly has a notice - restaurant closed - while some much needed editing is warranted.

Now, the latest trend is open air eating places like the many Open Air Pizza places - food that be very bad for those suffering from obesity and asthma.

" Bizy Bistro" needs a place -with a steady roof - and the $300,000 given to the outsiders to cater to the community - if that is a criteria that has been thought out - and SF Public Utilities Commission - really wants to help some up an coming business entity.

Third Street at Hudson - is exposed to continuous stench from the Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment Plant - and tons of particulates form the the thousands of vehicles - moving up and down on Third Street.

To make things even worse - the MUNI buses are parked south - in very close proximity to the Open Space and Bizy Bistro - while the cooks are not aware of the very serious health issues - more  " environmental issues " -  those eating are putting themselves in harms way.

Suffice to say the restaurants on Third Street - by far find it difficult to manage to keep their restaurants clean. Restaurants that are inside - so one can imagine - how difficult it is to manage " a eating place in the open air " - more on days - when there is inclement weather.

Standard  hygiene does not seem to a criteria - that these restaurants - mostly " outsiders " adhere to  - the restaurant open with great flare - after sometime they close - and no one knows why?

Tracy Zhou who works for the SF Public Utilities Commission - does not have a clue about  " culinary issues " - the Bayview Hunters Point needs real help - with those who want to cook and serve - facilitated in the best manner.

Give these entrepreneurs an opportunity to run a real restaurant - with running water, toilets that are clean, the environment that is conducive to good health - please not mock us - and use the those that need help - and will take anything - just to survive.

General Manager Harlan Kelly -
from SF Public Utilities Commission -
did not give any consideration -
to the site and the pollution -
stop throwing bread crumbs to those that need help -
if some say they can cook and serve - provide
them with first class amenities.

I saw Harlan Kelly - and he should have reviewed, seen and noticed the things I am writing about.

It is a shame how this House Negro has been taken advantage of - listen to Juliet Ellis and using a Chinese employee to further some cause - that does no one good.

This type of food in today world is not what is considered - healthy food - greasy food - causing all kinds of health problems.

More surrounded with conditions that are filthy - the air stinking to high heaven - and if these " idiots " think they are doing some one a favor - they are mistaken.

Mayor London Breed is from the hood - the worst part of the hood - she lacks good manners - better known as etiquette.

She open her mouth and spews - diatribe.

She eats anything she can munch on - the " heifer " is bloated  - wallowing in " dark money ". She is no Mayor - she is a panderer.

No diverse community such as we have in the Bayview Hunters Point - will gather at such a filthy, stinky place - that is unsafe and known for shootings and killings. Third Street and Hudson.

Any decent Bistro -
serves quality " brisket " -
this so called Bistro - does not.

London Breed does not give a hoot about healthy food.

If others - eat at the " open air bistro - that does not even serve food that is wholesome - that is NO concern to London Breed. All she wants is some attention.

A dish found at any bistro on its menu - is - " brisket ". Bizy Bistro - does not serve brisket - nor does it have healthy amenities - no running water and no decent toilets.

Well the SF Public Utilities Commission - has decided to pour millions down a " dark hole " - giving outsiders over $300,000 to open restaurants.

When it comes to the people of the Bayview - they are tucked on a small triangular space - surrounded by traffic and particulates.

The - MUNI buses in very close proximity spewing particulates - while people are eating - their food contaminated.

All this and more - stinks - throwing bread crumbs - and failing to respect the people of Bayview Hunters Point.

Treat the citizens of Bayview Hunters Point right - give them opportunities to succeed - do not throw some stale bread crumbs - that will not bring about progress and good will.

No business will survive given poor conditions - even if you try to hoodwink the Main Media.

Do not think for a nano second that the Bayview Hunters Point residents - cannot think for themselves.

Please treat the Bayview Hunters Point resident with respect - give them a decent restaurant - with all the amenities to cook in a healthy environment. 

Nutrition is important - and we must stay away from greasy food - the likes that some eat and die - suffer from heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure and so on and so forth.

The SF Health Department needs to take another look at the location and the permit given - at Third Street and Hudson. 

No running water, no toilets, the air needs to be tested.

The  MUNI buses themselves contribute to a high level of mercury, lead, and particulates in very close proximity to the Bizy Bistro - ten feet away. Go Figure!

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