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Sunday, August 11, 2019


Chief Joseph -
worthy and stellar leader -
with empathy and deep compassion.

Our politicians today - have their own OPIODS - let us say
 " Steroids" - wheeling and dealing - uttering often that they work for the people.

When in fact - they work to fill their own campaign coffers - it is evident - but those "idiots" who follow party lines - just do the bidding -  " monkey say - monkey do ".

This Nation belongs to the First People - the Native Americans - the First People must always be part of the equation.

Only when that is done in earnest and with totally sincerity - the Great Spirit will shine light - where there is abject darkness.

If  not - those who continue NOT to heed the warning - will bear the brunt of the many Natural disasters - that no human power can control - less address - in a timely manner.

For all your vain talk about " Resiliency " and having summit with titles called " Invincible ".

We have an "egoistical maniac" in the White House that was built by Blacks.

In  fact the entire planning and lay out of the area around the White House - was laid out by a Black.

Benjamin Banneker
took upon the responsibility to lay out -
the streets of Washington DC -
after President Washington appointed a White person -
who walked off his job.

Learn more about Benjamin Banneker :

During the Civil War many Blacks died - history records that one of the first to die in the Civil War was a Black.

We all know in recent time about the Civil Rights protests -  we saw - amid the then on going  " crab mentality" - many Blacks stood for what is right - and won.

Today we do not have Blacks who can speak Truth to Power - they say one thing - then turn their backs - and do what they please - chameleons of  type - that no one can trust - steeped in Greed - lacking empathy and compassion.

Mary Ellen Pleasant

Here is San Francisco - Blacks have always played a keen role - so many prominent Blacks - that for a long time - many Blacks flocked to San Francisco and did well.

There was also a time many Blacks felt they could do better moving to Canada - they chartered a Ship and went to Canada and have done well there too. Taking with them the established norms and doing - of San Francisco at that time.

There are Black Churches that are over 150 years old plus in San Francisco.

Prominent - Blacks who owned businesses William Alexander Leidesdorff, Mary Allen Pleasant and many more all documented for those that are interested to read and note.

William Alexander Leidesdorff

The many streets we know in San Francisco - be it Washington Street, Merchant Street, Clay Street and Sansome Street.

Sacramento Street, Montgomery Street, California Street and Kearney Street.

Pine Street, Bush Street and more had Blacks established and running hotels, boarding houses, saloons one of a kind, free libraries, renowned advocates.

Wash houses, tailoring stores, newspapers, and publishing houses, artists one of a kind and more.

Many Blacks lived where now stands Sheraton-Palace Hotel - on the slopes of Russian Hill.

Reviewing, looking deep, checking the facts and empirical data -  studying today's rampant and on going despicable, and messy " gentrification" - one wonders what the hell is happening?

All the Blacks - more those in politics - have pandered to nefarious entities.

Often - doing nothing much for Blacks that created the way for others to prosper. 

In recent years from the mid- 1990s we have those who gang on others - those ganging favoring a certain life style - holding summits with titles named " invincible ".

Such vermin have no place in San Francisco and will fall flat on their faces.

Decent San Francisco -  will not tolerate too much of sordid - pussyfooting. 

Bring it on - real men - who have real families - wife, children and care for family values - will stand by and fight.

These  new folks invading our neighborhoods - think they can change things around - blindfolded - they will realize soon - who really is in charge. 

I have seen these changes and more during the past 40 years - and fought in the trenches to speak Truth to Power.

Naming crooked Blacks that today are destroying San Francisco - having NO clue about the past history - shallow and weak in the knees.

London Breed -
she opens her mouth and shoves her foot in -
time and time again.

The present Mayor London Breed has NO clue the damage she is doing.

Traumatized - by her past - she has NOT healed herself.

Today - unhealed and confused - she tries to project herself as if she in control.

As a matter of  fact - she is confused, bewildered, confounded - as much as she thinks - that she is in the cockpit - she may be but out of control.

Come 2020 it does not matter who is the Mayor - the damage has been done.

For sure the Nation will suffer one of the worst down turns on our economy. It will adversely impact San Francisco - and bring about a change in the economy for the worse.

The spiraling of the economy in 2008 is nothing to what we will face - with most of these vermin - you call politicians - pointing fingers at others - failing to take the opportune time and opportunities - to put in place policies that work and help the tax payers at large.

Those that have created the " concrete jungle " - must be ashamed of themselves.

The skyline has changed for the " worst " - and the heifer goes around cutting ribbons - declaring sites opened for business - but all this and more - will fade - and fade at a supersonic speed.

We all see before our very eyes - the plight of the Blacks.

The Black History Month celebrations are typical - ignorant Blacks - not focusing on the key aspects of what Black folks fought for - gaining right opportunities for all.

You witness the same person Al Williams - who does not live in District 10 nor District 5.

Find out where he lives and find out where he does his business. 

The man is an anathema to our City - and has done a lot of harm - adversely impacting thousands - while filling his own pockets.

Today our Mayor is Black, our City Administrator is Black, our Chief of Police in Black, there are Blacks in key positions - who have NO clue about the past history of San Francisco - and the stellar contribution of Blacks to San Francisco.

Today the disparity among most San Franciscans - more,  Blacks is compared to a Third World Nation - Rwanda.

Never mind we have the most Billionaires in San Francisco - who can unite to address the ever increasing and growing 
 " homeless programs run amuck "  - they do nothing - much.

Never mind our City continues to focus on the concrete jungle - our Carbon Footprint - has increase by 400% and yet no one want to reveal to us - how they tally the Carbon Footprint.

We have City Department foremost Debbie Raphael who heads the Department of the Environment - loves picking low fruit.

Debbie and her minions -  cannot address Quality of Life issues - panders to entities like Recology - Debbie Reynolds and her minions are as fake as they come.

Who land is this? Not one square inch belong to those who purport to own it - they stole it - each and every square inch.

I represent the Muwekma Ohlone here in San Francisco - more on matters of Development, Transportation, Education, Safety, Health, Childcare, Environmental Issues and more.

We have many enablers - who are not educated on issues.

More their heart in not in the right place.

The is a clarion call to all - do not say you are doing anything at all for San Francisco - when most of you who make large sums of money - are not addressing the issues at hand - with empathy and compassion.

Time will tell.

I know  the crooks - and I am not afraid to call them out.

We must NOT keep quiet and repent for not speaking up - as when the occasion requires to deal with the situation at hand.

Just keeping quiet does not bring holistic - results.

This is Muwekma Ohlone land - but more than that - this land was blessed by the Great Creator.

The demons have and continue to destroy it - until - they will throw their hands up - no one told them about the situation at hand. 

Greed knows NO bounds - and those the practice evil - the followers of Lucifer are many - do not think we do not have the devil at City Hall - it smells of Sulphur - all the time - more as one nears Room 200.

We enjoy and share a unique micro-climate that is being adversely impacted by our actions - more contamination and pollution of the environment.

We must monitor those  folks that have no morals, less ethics, and for sure NO standards. Aho. 

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