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Wednesday, August 21, 2019


Mayor London Breed -
daily she is caught in the web of abject corruption -
wheeling and dealing - but not for long -
no one can fool - all the people - all the time -
the latest charges - her campaign coffers -
filled with " dark money " contributions.

I just do not know how Mayor London Breed - keeps a straight face - wheeling and dealing - acting ignorant and arrogant. 

Pretending she is doing something - no actions worth the salt - more of ribbon cuttings and making  -  tons of silly and very " fake promises ".

The latest charge that she took contributions - for favors contributed to Primes and Contractors - is nothing new - she is known for breaking the law - and being haughty. 

These charges linked to 9 contributors is just the tip of the iceberg. There is more to come - but as I said - her arrogance knows no bounds - and those surrounding her - keep leading her down the drain - into the cesspool of London Breed's  - own creation.

Dwayne Jones a known crook - has contributed thousands of dollars to her campaign.

Dwayne Jones was bold enough to advertise an advertisement in a Black newspaper - boldly proclaiming - that he was backing Mayor London Breed - and was proud of her achievements.

Dwayne Jones - from RDJ Enterprises -
a person NOT to be trusted -
even though he is black listed from bidding -
on City and County of San Francisco bids
he is defying laws and regulations - daily -
breaking the law.

Dwayne Jones - who has a business called RDJ Enterprises - taps into Community Benefits - linked to the Sewer System Improvement Project.

He used to dole out money liberally to his minions - one thousands here, five thousand dollars there - and this for years - until the Controller's Office - got on his case.

Dwayne Jones takes it upon him - to dole out - Community Benefits - calls himself a Business man and a Philanthropist - he is NOT a businessman and for sure NOT a Philanthropist.

San Francisco is Ohlone Land - all of it - every square inch.

I say this to bring to the realization of mostly Blacks - that Blacks in the past have had a " shared experience " with the indigenous people - Blacks  of San Francisco with the Ohlone.

A shared experience with Native Americans - all over this Nation - more, during the period of Slavery.

Turtle Island 

Where Blacks took upon themselves - at great danger to their lives - to escape and join the ' safe havens " provided by Native Americans - who offered Black refuge and succor.

Many married into the Native American Tribes and to this day - these Blacks honor the relationship and more the culture of their unique foundation and contribution to this Nation - once know better as Turtle Island.

When Blacks then called Negros fled from the Slave Plantations -  sought and took refuge with the Native Americans - humanity reigned supreme - both Blacks and Native Americans bonding for life.

Even today many Blacks with Native American blood - are very proud of their freedom - more so than those Blacks -  devoid of realization and a vision.

More knowledge and wisdom adhered and learned from the Native American tribes - that is important -  to the betterment of all humanity.

President Andrew Jackson -
made it a point to target and kill 
indigenous people - much like the 
egoistical maniac we have today in the White House.

This is all the more important today with the incumbent who is the White House -  who loves to display the photograph of President Andrew Jackson.

Many Blacks caught with the bling - mundane things and happening - shallow  -  that comes with embracing   materialism.

Today London Breed is caught up in the web of corruption - wheeling and dealing with Big Developers.

Making - deals with Cannabis Club operators - thinking she can fool - all the people all the time.

Appointing unqualified people to be Commissioners - and pushing for Summits and other conferences that divide and fail to bring people together.

Playing to the whims of some women - who think they do not need men in their lives - of course such women forget their fathers - and other men in their lives - that matter.

If these women - purporting to be feminists - have some decency and more agree with women and men - work together - for the good of society - much more can be achieved and the divisiveness laid to rest.

It would help more in the up bringing and nurturing of our children - who are suffering - more in those community that are not offered - opportunities. 

Our infants, children, youth, young adults, Elders, those with compromised health - in our poorer neighborhoods are hurting. 

The many promises made - none - kept.

Our infants, children, youth, young adults, our Elders, those with compromised health - no one taking an interest - in their well being - politicians talking the talk - but failing to walk the walk.

London Breeds idea of bringing people together -  cutting the ribbon at the opening of a Bistro that does not meet standards - on Third Street by Hudson Street - is a JOKE. 

Having some cook in the open at the opening of the Bistro - all dressed up - with a silk scarf and dress - in very close proximity to fire.

Safety comes first - any chef will tell you that - and such norms and more - matter.

But - not to London Breed and her minions - they are into winning brownie point for the short duration. 

London Breed and those that pander to her - use tax payers money - in a manner that betrays their ignorance.

The Bistro on Third Street - has no running water - and no clean toilets - and London Breed thinks people will come together at such a place. She can keep on dreaming and making fake promises.

Shamann Walton at the mike -
spewing diatribe - knowing little -
he is not from the community -
has deep ties to Vallejo and is a jail bird.

Of course the District 10 Supervisor - was all riled up that he had everything in place - and is doing the community at favor - the community is suffering.

Few have money to visit this Bistro and the other stalls - that offer food - more greasy food - that is not nutritious - all  in an environment - that is contaminated and very polluted.

In the meantime our youth do not have an opportunity to embrace " career jobs " both women and men.

All sorts of gimmicks with City Build - an entity that is pandering to Mayor London Breed and her minions. 

Career Jobs matter - the UNIONS must play an important role - right now - the hoodwinking is too much to bear.

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