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Saturday, August 3, 2024



United States Aircraft Carrier - Dwight D. Eisenhower. Other United States assets are being sent to help Israel - our taxpayers' money wasted - while U.S. citizens are hurting - living paycheck to paycheck. These skirmishes divide us - and prolong the ongoing dire straits, deaths, and starvation in Gaza. When will we ever learn - to mind our own business and take care of our own.    

The United States is a Superpower - and now, coming to the rescue of Israel, a " rogue nation" that has killed and murdered over 45,000 innocent Palestinians and over 20,000 infants and children. 

Worldwide, billions of human beings are perturbed and shocked. Where is the justice and fair play we speak of?

When has it become fashionable to assassinate those who are involved in creating peace?

The murdering of innocent Palestinians and now a person who was involved in the upcoming ceasefire of Gaza - cries to heaven for justice and fair play.

Israel is defying the United Nations, the United Nations Security Council, and the U.N. General Assembly. 

Where are the standards and ethics in the international courts that Israel ignores? More Benjamin Netanyahu and his lackeys.

We all honor Abraham - the Father of Nations.

Why is one rogue nation causing so much pandemonium?

Why must 20,000 Palestinian infants and children be killed and murdered by the Israeli Defense Forces?

Within 24 hours - Israel may get their dose - a stronger one than Israel uses here, there, and everywhere. 

Most of the killings, maiming, and assassinations are conducted by the Israeli Defense Forces - like cowards.

This time, the fireworks will wake up those who have used the assets of the United States - like the 2,000 and 5,000 laser-guided bombs - well, the time has come for some drones to bring the IDF to their senses and knees.

He laughs best; who laughs last. 

Let us see who has the wits and the guts to wake the cowards who hide behind others, asking for help and biting the hand that feeds them. It's pathetic.

San Francisco is in the news - for all the wrong reasons.

Wall Street suddenly awoke from its slumber to announce a thousand-point drop - sending shills all over the United States and worldwide.

So far, the dollar is King, and the signal is that the Federal Reserve Bank was low in increasing interest rates to stop the current inflation. In addition, the unemployment data was not favorable. 

Elon Musk is getting out on every front of his headquarters in the Bay Area with X on Market Street, eventually moving most of his operations to Texas. It is the same with Chevron; they, too, are moving their critical operations—now in San Ramon—to Houston, Texas.

Over 42 million square feet of commercial space is vacant in the downtown Financial District, which looks like a war zone on any given day. Some POP-UP gimmicks tickle you a bit, but as soon as you feel the sensation, it fades, and you are back on your drugs to tickle you more—sadness and frustration. 

The AI surge to buy property has stalled, and the recent drop of a thousand points plus on Wall Street—mostly saw AI stocks and shares evaporate to the lowest level.

Mayor London Breed has failed on most levels - she will not win the November General Election - he friends the likes of Sheryl Evan Davis - charged with dereliction of duty. Doling out taxpayers' money - several audits come to the same conclusion - those purporting to help others - are filling their pockets - overflowing.

The jails still have space to sit in solitude and think of their sordid past.

The SF Human Rights Commission, initiated by advocates from the Bayview, has been asunder and thrown to the wind. Where do they find these jokers - who visit Martha's Vineyard - write amateur poems for sale, talk from both sides of their mouths - and all the time are pussyfooting - galore.

Come November, the White boys will have all the tools for a clean sweep. They will look at the trash - in the dust bin - and clean the floors sparkling clean.

We - saw this coming - warned the authorities repeatedly - to no avail.

Truthfully, some significant SF audits go nowhere—they have no teeth.

What must be in place—and it is on the November 2023 ballot—is the appointment of an Inspector General who has clout and can send the crooks - where they belong.

The abject corruption in the City and County of San Francisco is the worst, leading the nation. It tarnishes the good name of San Francisco - we once had, and so much good - has been dumped into the cesspool of sorts.

 Now, we know when we say - " only those whose hearts are in the right place can take others to a better - place."

We remind all - good leaders know the way, show the way - and go the way.


Rest in Peace - Brother Ismail Haniyeh.

Why are we tolerating the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, who was deeply involved with the United States, Egypt, Qatar - and others in bringing a ceasefire to Gaza?

Benjamin Netanyahu is a warmonger who is not to be trusted.

The United States must not defend Israel - just for the sake of defending Israel - without mandating that Israel follow standards, the principle of proportionality  - and plain common sense.

When the United States permitted a war monger indicted by the International Criminal Court and by the Jerusalem District Court - breach of trust and accepting bribes.

Truth be told, Benjamin Netanyahu has been pussyfooting with Hamas for over 35 years - receiving millions from Qatar - and using Hamas as a conduit - pretending to serve the Palestinians - while all the time - amassing illegal wealth. 

Benjamin Netanyahu has used every trick to kick the can down the street - and avoid the Courts in Israel - to bring him to book - Benjamin Netanyahu  - is a disgrace to the human race.

Eighty percent of the citizens of Israel do not want to have anything to do with Benjamin Netanyahu. By now, all the hostages could have been released. Benjamin Netanyahu - selfish to the core and a warmonger - must be brought to book.

The funeral honoring Ismail Haniyeh in Qatar.

Zahwa-al-Samouni respected Ismail Naniyeh - who was approachable and had empathy for everyone.

Thousands attended the funeral of Ismail Haniyeh.

Worldwide, billions of Muslims respect Ismail Haniyeh.

The United States has laws that prohibit assassinations that the Israelis embrace - and then get the United States involved in their mess - again and again.

Israel cannot and must not use the United States - this is plain wrong.

The United States is spending billions of dollars and personal power - aiding and abetting Israel.

The time has come for mandated restriction - the laser beam bombs that we give Israel - the other technology that Israel gets from us. 

It is a shame that we invited a warmonger to address the joint Congress and Senate - where Benjamin Netanyahu spoke like a " thug " - criticizing our protestors - and saying they are lackeys of Iran.

We should not tolerate an idiot like Benjamin Netanyahu to boss the United States around - Benjamin Netanyahu, the scum of the Earth.

A bomb was planted by Israel's MOSSAD - and detonated by remote control - that bomb was placed months ago. This crime was done with the utmost intent - and must not go unchecked. I know the repercussions - will be severe, and the United States must not get near the mess.

Ismail Haniyeh - played a key role - in the Gaza ceasefire - it is a shame that the man was murdered and killed. He has a family of six children. Many of his family members - died at the hands of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in Gaza. The United States must STOP giving Israel a pass - this mess can lead to World War III. 

It is a crying shame that the Israeli Defense Forces - keep murdering journalists - while those in power in Israel want the world to have empathy for some killings in Israel.

We still have millions who are decent and have a conscience - and Israel, more and more, is acting - a tooth for a tooth - this must STOP.

Israel has annexed land belonging to the Palestinians - and Israel steal, cheat, rape, kill and murder - every single day.

The Israeli Defense Forces - target journalist some 120 have died - and more are doing. Killing journalists - with intent - will not be tolerated - thinking that the Israeli Defense Forces can do as they please - killing, murder, rape - incarcerating thousands under some vague " administrative detention " - is utter nonsense. 

Here in the United States, we must monitor the Zionists and those who have dual citizenship - if they have Israeli citizenship - they must choose one citizenship - American if they want to remain in the United States.

Paradoxically - Palestinians are given the United Nations passport - and even in Israel - Palestinians are treated like second-class citizens in their own land.

This mess in Gaza - on the border of Lebanon, has reached a saturation point.

Hezbollah has thousands of long-range missiles - drones that can reach deep into Israel.

These tools will be used and right so - because no one can tolerate - the abject disregard for life that the Israeli Defense Forces - killing, murdering, raping, abusing, jailing innocent Palestinians - while all the time thinking the Israelis are some creatures that can do as they please and go Scott Free. 

Do not force millions to think about Hitler and what he did to the Jews.

We know millions of Gypies and others who disagreed with Adolf Hitler - including Catholics and others - were killed.

So many indeed suffered during the Holocaust. 

Why is it that Israelis - tolerate the utter nonsense that is happening in Gaza and Lebanon?

80% of the Israelis do not approve of the leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu - they do not like what is happening in Gaza and the West Bank - and yet this nonsense is being tolerated - just because those in power - think that Palestinian life is dispensable.

I spent time in Germany and met many Holocaust victims - I also met others who fell prey to Hitler and the Nazis.

Right now, I do not see any difference - between the Nazis and the Israeli Defense Forces - killing thousands of infants and children - others who are innocent - Palestinians.

This war that started October 7, 2023, must stop - and better sense and judgment prevail.

More and more Jews are hated - and this must stop - but it will not stop if those in Israel - men like Benjamin Netanyahu - who is selfish - kill and maim innocent infants and children.

Benjamin Netanyahu must be brought to book - by the courts in Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu does not have the best interest of Americans and the United States - except for using us to conduct his nefarious and selfish interests.

As a young boy, I was introduced to a Jewish family - then, all my life, I have had Jewish women and men who I am friends with. Israel today is in peril - and no amount of help from the neighboring nations - can help them this time - around.

It is the Zionists who think they can steal, kill, murder, and do as they please - that are mudding the waters - and this must STOP.

The flag of the United States of America.

Donald Trump is an egoistical maniac.

Every decent citizen living here in the United States and wherever knows very well that Donald Trump is trying to destroy the United States - the man must be indicted and put in jail for a long, long time.

No one can give a chronic fanatic, an egotistical maniac, a liar, a cheat, a man who has been charged with raping women, a man that does not pay his taxes, a man who cheats any opportunity he gets, a man who takes money from Timothy Mellon, other billionaires that he gave tax breaks - think that he would serve his second term - and failed miserably.

The Office of Personnel Management affected over 14 million Federal workers in 2012 by compromising S.F. 86 forms and revealing information about those with high clearance. 

We forget the 2007-2008 financial crisis, which affected Federal Workers and others. The U.S. government did not lift a finger to help the taxpayers; instead, it bailed out the large financial institutions.

Today we are shit scared of the Project 2025 that Donald Trump and his fanatics - who invaded Capitol Hill and created havoc - while the Electoral ballots were being counted. Behind this nefarious act was Donald Trump - who is a traitor and must be jailed.

Donald Trump's father is from Eastern Europe, and his mother is from Scotland. Both immigrants received much help living in the United States and making a living. As for his breed, it is definitely as low as it gets.

It is incredible how an idiot like Donald Trump - who suffers from an inferiority complex - cannot articulate on any subject - he starts a sentence and ends it with utter nonsense.

This Project 2025 is an insult to all federal workers - most worked hard - with constant changes - Donald Trump, the idiot when he was President of the United States - put down the U.S. Generals boasting he knew everything - and rarely listened to the daily briefing.

For starters, no President took boxes of Secret documents from the White House - to their homes. The idiot Donald Trump did that - and never acknowledged he was wrong - typical of a moron of the first class.

Those of us who dealt with the Freedom of Information Act and other documents - in all our orientations - never once were we told we could take any of the secret document - home - or anywhere - where do they find such idiots - the likes of Donald Trump the laughing stock of the world.

It is time for each citizen to be earnest and learn more about Donald Trump and the cult that he is head of. This man has already sold our nation autocrats, the ones from Russia, Hungry, and even China.

The man is anathema - and the many times that he has been to the U.S. Courts, the hundreds of cases pending against this monster - suffice to say - he has already sounded all the alarms needs - no single person has been so devious, so corrupt, so atrocious - he must he locked up - the first opportunity we get.

Frederick Douglass.

Chief Joseph

Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

Harriet Tubman

Millions of Buffalo were killed for their fur, not meat for sustenance.

Do not trust those who speak with a forked tongue.

Time to send a message - this is Turtle Island - you just came yesterday - and contaminated and polluted all you see.

The Great Geronimo!

Our nation is in peril - not even the Founding Fathers - would predict a felon, a cheat, a rapist, one that does not pay his taxes - want to occupy the White House - and make a mockery of our nation.

Our Founding Fathers were clear - when it came to any traitor - no traitor should be given a second chance - traitors are the scum of thEarthth - and Donald Trump is one of them.

I have served my nation to the best of my ability - more during Desert Storm and Shield.

Donald Trump has no respect for our military - the disdain he has shown to respected - United States General - is known to many - as many as 150 top Admirals, Generals - others have signed a petition - do not trust the felon that is Donald Trump.

Joe Biden made a great mistake. He should have stepped down after his first term. This mess that he created will not be forgotten for a long time. Hopefully, his stepping down - will give Kamala Harris an opportunity, but she has to work hard for it.

Kamala Harris's advertisement meant that she wanted the ordinary person—working one job and earning enough to succeed is some sordid hallucination she should revisit.

The Democrats simply have not understood the gravity of the problem - Donald Trump has already positioned the autocrats that he will work with them to compromise the United States.

Donald Trump cannot make America Great - America is already great.

Donald Trump, every second he lives - is taking America down the drain - into the cesspool of his own making - the cult following him to damnation.

Donald Trump is drowning in the cesspool of his own creation. Selfish to the core - thousands died while he was the President - from Covid - he and his administration had no viable policies - and President Donald Trump, an egotistical maniac - does not care if millions die.

We must STOP this autocrat in the tracks - bring him before the courts - and send him to the gallows  - he is a traitor - and a no-good maniac. 

To the military and those who love our nation, I say we vote for justice and fair play.

We vote for standards and empathy for all, and we vote for our freedom and stay away from license, which is the abuse of liberty.

The politics today are that U.S. Congress has failed to do its job for the last three years - the Republicans - using the Johnson wrench to break the spokes - taking our nation - to the worst place - possible.

The United States government has spent $1.27 trillion more than it has collected, and we are still determining the end of this spending spree, which will result in a deficit for some time to come.

We once enjoyed a bipartisan government - where many of our politicians had empathy - and truly stood for fair play and justice - no more. 

As a young man, I traveled the world and saw things for myself -  I met people from all walks of life and learned from them - what life is all about.

It is a pity that America, which was once loved and respected - is no more respected - our politicians have failed - and leading that charge is Donald Trump.

Today, America is the laughing stock - and soon, we will be involved in a war that will include many nations in the Middle East - we already have positioned the Aircraft Career U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln - preparing for any eventuality from Iran.

This nonsense of not considering one an American first and delving into one's ancestry - who is East Indian and makes one East Indian, who is Black, and what makes one Black - is something we must not embrace - in the year 2024.

Kamala Harris is intelligent - Donald Trump is an idiot - we simply cannot compare one to the other - every time Donald Trump opens his mouth, he shoves his foot into it.

As for Kamala Harris, her work is cut out for her. She must surround herself with experienced women and men—we have many, and they should be ready to serve our nation—that is all I will say. 

This land - Turtle Island belongs to the indigenous people.

This land does not belong to the Whites - they must understand that - if the Whites do not embrace all - they will fall - flat on their faces.

For the first time, we will see America win many gold, silver, and bronze medals and embrace other nations.

Bring so much joy to the heart and tears to the eyes. 

The 2024 Olympics in Paris have done well, overcoming so much and bringing genuine joy to world citizens. Merci beaucoup! Merci bien!

While our younger generation has taught us how to behave ourselves. 

Standing tall and representing our nation as best they can.

God bless our Olympians, and God bless our nation - the United States of America.

The older generation - embraces greed and materialism - has stifled their soul - with hardened hearts - they are miserable, and that is what we see with the old farts. 

Leading that charge - Donald Trump and his cult.

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