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Friday, August 23, 2024



Kamala Harris - can she walk the walk?

The U.S. Democratic Party had its convention and put its best foot forward. Kamala Harris has brought joy—the rest is history.

Kamala Harris was given a task to rescue this nation—the way she was chosen was unique—and once she was given the task, Kamala Harris proved to all that she is made of steel.

The 2024 Democratic Convention will go down in history as one joyous party at which most speakers looked toward a bright future.

The 2024 Democratic Convention, a pivotal event not just in our lives but also for our nation, will be remembered as a celebration of hope and a reaffirmation of our democratic values.  

Our nation has reached a tipping point - a cult and fanatics - want to eliminate our freedom and now want to pivot to take us to practice license - abuse of freedom is license.

Truth be told, we all want the war in Gaza to stop - the over 26,000 innocent - infants and children killed and murdered. The 45,000 killed and maimed -  these crimes cry to heaven for justice and fair play. 

The organizers could have won the hearts of the many Palestinians and the millions of supporters of Gaza  - by allowing one single Palestinian to say a few words - Stop the bombing and killing now - bring about the permanent ceasefire.

The DNC organizers revealed their true colors - and now we are in a dilemma - the DNC must owe it - you may work hard - but you have muddied the water and tarnished the process - it is now or never.

Thousands, including Democrats and those who cherish freedom, flocked to the convention to defend what is right, defend our liberties, and uphold our nation's principles.

The message during this convention was simple: We must put our nation first, stay united, and preserve our Constitution—our Republic. 

Our founding fathers called the Constitution an experiment.

For the first time in the history of our nation - we have a cult - thousands of fanatics - who are determined to destroy what is good - and decimate the values we treasure.

We know - empathy, love, uplifting one another, good actions - and respecting one another - we will not tolerate the divisiveness and the traitors who are selling our nation to Autocrats - like Russia, China, and North Korea.

We all saw what happened on January 6  - the invasion of Capitol Hill. 

The thugs invading Capitol Hill - destroying furniture - urinating, and defecating - and all this is known to the culprits - led by Donald Trump - an egotistical maniac.

It has not stopped the fanatics from creating a document of hundreds of pages - trying to take away the education of our children and others.

Medical and Medicare for our Elders and those with compromised health -  taxing the working poor - while giving breaks to the filth decadent.

These bastards want to get rid of the Department of. Justice, control our U.S. military, release the thugs who were indicted and sent to jail linked to the January 6 riots.

These jerks want to control the bodies of our women - when they have to take care of the mind - many of the idiots and uneducated on issues - most cannot respect themselves - how can they respect - others.

We have reached a saturation point regarding the fanatics who want to avoid following our Constitution. 

They think they are above the law, but no one is above the law in the United States.

Debbie Harland, the Secretary of the Interior - could have highlighted Turtle Island - and the harm done to the indigenous people of Turtle Island - today known as the United States. 

The United States has an area of 3,717 square miles or 812.8 square miles—each square inch belongs to the Indigenous tribes.

Today, we have a population of about 335 million, and we must never forget whose land this is. 

America is America - let us have our facts straight - Turtle Island was there for thousands of years. 

Here come the Whities - and what do they bring?

 Greed, hate, avarice, stealing, wheeling and dealing, have no respect for themselves - how can they respect others  - " do not trust those who speak with a forked tongue."

Chief Sitting Bull - Hunkpapa Lakota.


Chief Joseph  - Nez Perce.

Geronimo - Apache.

Few know about President Andrew Jackson - who killed and murdered the Indigenous people, stole millions of acres - then forced the Indigenous tribes to walk thousands of miles - from the land where they lived for thousands of years - and to this day, the United States has not apologized.

Reservations were created, and the indigenous tribes were treated with disdain - today, these " folks who speak with a forked tongue " - and displaying their ignorance and arrogance - they have no clue on whose land they live.

Going forward, my plea is: Why do tribes have to wait in line for decades to be Federally Recognized?

Whose land is this? It was stolen from the indigenous tribes.

Worldwide, Australia, Britain, Spain, Portugal, Canada, and many others have apologized to Indigenous tribes—why not the United States of America?

Will Kamala Harris step up and do the right thing?

In fact, she can set the process now with the help of Joe Biden - who had opportunities - but blew them - and now has to play second - fiddle?

While we are on the subject, we must checkmate Nancy Pelosi, a hypocrite, and Zoe Lofgren, who put obstacles in the way of the tribes - when it comes to Federal Recognition.

Other politicians racists - who refuse to acknowledge the Muwekma Ohlone - stop your sordid politics - respect and free the Indigenous tribe

The Muwekma will gather in front of the White House, and this is how the opportunity for all works: Diversity, Equity, and Total Inclusion.

What say you, Kamala Harris - and Joe Biden - before you step down and fade into oblivion?

Remember, an unwritten law honors and respects the host nation, Turtle Island. 

The indigenous people have been here on Turtle Island for over 15,000 years.

The Elders have spoken - do not trust those with a forked tongue.


Protestors outside the Convention - free Gaza now.

The United States has been complicit in providing the Israeli Defense Forces and the government of Israel with -2000 and 5000 laser-guided bombs.

The Israelis have killed over 25,000 Palestinians - infants and children. 

45,000 Palestinians in total were murdered, killed, and maimed - and we, the United States, are complicit - and must STOP this one-sided - bloody war - now. 

The United States must remember we are a Democracy - more, we treasure human rights. Where is the walk?

Both Kamala Harris and Joe Biden know what I am saying. I know Kamala Harris, and she knows me. My travels and experience give me a unique insight into Gaza, the West Bank, and the Middle East. 

Stop aiding and abetting Israel and using our taxpayers' money to kill, murder, and maim infants and children - and those who cannot defend themselves.

Benjamin Netanyahu is a war monger - and has had deep relations with Hamas - using Hamas as a ploy - receiving millions - for over 35 years - from the Qataris, doling tainted money - and all this and more is not known to America and Americans. 

We have bent backward to help Israel -  and it is time - and will also advise Israel to abide by standards - the International Courts and the United Nations - have informed Israel to change their way.

Worldwide - Israel today is looked at as a pariah nation.

We now know that Gaza does not have a place to find a well or fountain to drink clean water.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) is using water to kill and diminish the population of Gaza.

Children and others drink water from puddles and other stagnant, dirty, and polluted sources, which is a crime against humanity.

The United States is talking the talk - there has been no walk.

One single warmonger, Benjamin Netanyahu - is putting up obstacles, and the time has come to deal with him - get out of the way and release all hostages - now.

Further, the United States must STOP aiding and abetting a rogue nation that is Israel. 

The Billions spent on Israel can be spent here at home.

STOP the genocide in Gaza - Stop killing innocent infants and children, those with compromised health.

Worldwide, a clarion has been sent again and again - STOP the one-sided war in Gaza - the bombing is uncalled for - Israel refuses to follow the Principle of Proportionality - when it comes to using 2000 and 5000-pound laser-guided - bombs.

No one can fool - all the people - all the time.

Israel - wake up and do the right thing - stop kicking the can down the street.

The Palestinians are the children of God  - as to those who jail people under the pretext of " Administrative Detention " - raping and torturing women and girls.

The same goes for young Palestinian girls and boys. 

The same goes for the Palestinian men - whose land was stolen - by the Zionists - torturing and breaking their ribs.

Inserting objects into their anus - and the Israelis call themselves human beings - do not try to fool ourselves - the scourge of the Earth.

Israel will suffer with plagues one of a kind, not man-made - but plagues from a higher power - as has been prophesied in the Holy Books. 

Moreover, the parchment scrolls that have painted the entire picture—Israel as we know it today—are doomed.

The Flag of the United States.

Elizabeth Warren

Jason Crow

The California delegation still needs to succeed in San Francisco -
 above to the right - you see Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsom, and Zoe Lofgren - one worse than the other  - more when it comes to the indigenous people of Turtle Island.

California's own Leon Panetta.

We have the Executive Branch—the U.S. President heads it. We have the Legislative Branch. Congress and the Senate are supposed to do justice to the Legislative Branch—and they have not. We have the Judicial Branch, and truth to be told, with the overturning of Roe v Wade, this Branch has genuinely failed us all.

Al Sharpton spoke of five men that Donald Trump wanted to be executed - they had not committed any crime. As usual, Al Sharpton choreographed the entire episode, with the men speaking the truth to power and exposing Donald Trump and his dirty deeds.

Kamala Harris

We have a window of opportunity 

to vote and elect a woman President of the United States

Worldwide - decent human beings are watching

We all need a leader - who understands and acts

We must move forward - and shine a light  -

bring hope where there is abject darkness.

Kamala Harris is well known to us, advocates

The pressing issues are many - we know this

who can do a needs assessment - that solves the problems

Rid the obstacles and hurdles - free those who are not

deal with the autocrats - and rid the cobwebs.

This sordid ethnic cleansing in Gaza must STOP

Over  26,000 innocent infants and children - murdered

the Israeli Defense Forces - have blood on their hand

Benjamin Netanyahu is hated worldwide -  warmonger

Why do we tolerate the nonsense of one person 

putting hurdles - bidding his time - the Israeli court wants him -

America - you must do something - now 

Time is running out - I have seen the blue light.

Here in San Francisco, we can see those lined up

salivating - many were at the Democratic Convention 

San Francisco is where the United Nations was formed

San Francisco can shine, and so can Oakland

This is our time to uplift one another.

I once met Kamala at a meeting - the Mayor of Soweto present

Some powerful women were present - to remember the event 

Each one was given - carved from wood a fish 

this event was held on Valencia Street in San Francisco

The Summit on Africa was held in  Washington DC in 2000

I met Kamala all dressed well - I remember you - Francisco

accompanied by her famous giggle - wow!

We do need a woman - a prosecutor - to fill the need 

of all the corruption and utter nonsense that is happening

We all need some peace of mind - more after the pandemic

Our future President says she will introduce a gift 

much like that carved fish -  an Opportunity Economy

We all appreciate something positive, viable, and sustainable.

I agree with Kamala Harris - bringing all together

find common ground - and look forward

I agree we must find common ground

Turtle Island has been longing for this moment 

America, the land of Indigenous - we now have an intelligent leader

We could not get closer to the Truth - and Power.

God Bless America!

Francisco Da Costa

August 23, 2024


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