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Tuesday, August 13, 2024



All these jerks - stood in line - here in San Francisco - to enter the Fairmount Hotel - at $50,000 a pop - despicable. Right off the bat - we know the Democrats - will do nothing to stop the great divide. The filthy rich and the hard-working U.S. citizens who work paycheck to paycheck to survive.

Kamala Harris keeps smiling while most decent, hardworking citizens continue to suffer—she thinks she can always fool everyone.

It is easy to say millions will receive $25,000 to buy their first home—first and foremost, it is taxpayers' money.

Secondly, buying a house to create one's first home is difficult. In most locations, $25,000 just scratches the surface, and other incentives should be added, especially if it is for a family of three or four.  If anyone has disabilities - especially if they have Elders who can be kept at home - to deal with mental wellness.

Added: Some Federal Agencies—like Housing and Urban Development—and private entities like Fredy Mac and Fanny Mae should be able to provide long-term loans—with a lower percentage—and benefits tied to one's workplace and credit unions. 

Also, all the central financial banks we bailed out loaned us money and charged us ascorbate rates as high as 18% and 25%. 

They say they collected $13 million in San Francisco - to fill the campaign coffers of Kamala Harris.

This fact - goes to show - that those who can spend so much money - to buy favors - are taking our nation - down the drain - into the cesspool of their own creation.

Here in San Francisco, we are known for our corruption—worse than Chicago or any other city. There have been so many indictments. People steal millions and spend less time in jail.

Here in San Francisco, a convoluted manner of stealing money—more taxpayers' money—is embedded in contracts given to those who pay to pay.

The SF Controller and the SF City Attorney know this—so far, the crooks are going Scott Free.

To make things worse, in November 2023, there is a Ballot Measure "C" to appoint an Inspector General—supposedly, this Inspector General will come under the Controller's Office.

The San Francisco Sheriff's Office has an Inspector General.

 He was promised two more associates, but he has just himself and another helper so far. The two cannot do much, yet they are trying to hold the fort.

The Mayor of San Francisco, London Breed - has reduced his funding to a measly $1.5 million - forcing the SF Sheriff's Inspector to seek private financing - and try his best to work at the SF Sheriff's Office.

Having NOT learned a lesson about the situation at the SF Sheriff's Office - Aaron Peskin - has a ballot measure "C" pussyfooting - with the Controller's Office having an Inspector General - that will work under the SF Controller.

The Inspector General must be independent and have sufficient resources to do his or her work. 

Let us first see that the resources are in place and that the Inspector General has sufficient resources to do his or her work.

These stairs at SF City Hall lead to the wheeling and dealing rooms. Time will tell.

In San Francisco, Room 200 smells of Sulphur - and the main crooks are embedded in Room 200.

Let us not be Mickey Mouse with the position of Inspector General. This title comes with a lot of responsibility—to go after corruption, cheating, lying, wasting millions of dollars - and hoodwinking in broad daylight—more so in San Francisco and SF City Hall.

Usually, the Inspector General is independent, well-informed, and educated - to STOP corruption and put things on track.

In this case, the Controller can take information to the corrupt SF City Attorney - the present one and the one before him. The subject matter can go before the SF Board of Supervisors - who have previously failed the " smelt " test.

San Francisco needs an Inspector General who is above the law - and where we can use the Freedom of Information Act - to learn about the facts of any case.

The language as it reads in the " draft ballot " denies anyone who asks for information on any ruling - and this is true in many places like New York - and when one denies information - it muddies the water.

Aaron Peskin is the present president of the SF Board of Supervisors.

Aaron Peskin should read the language and check how many cities deny information from their respective Inspector General offices. The SF Ballot Measure "C" will be on this November's 2024 Ballot Measure and has language that should be fine-tuned for clarity and focused enforcement on corruption, stealing, lying, cheating, and hoodwinking in broad daylight. 

San Francisco is titled the City and County of San Francisco, and we are endowed with rules and regulations, laws, and a primarily well-written charter. We can do better—stop hoodwinking us in broad daylight.

The corruption in San Francisco, in Room 200 and most SF City Departments, reeks of corruption that has reached a saturation point.

Many of these crooks who made their abode in SF City Hall have gone to other local, state, and federal jobs, but they are still wheeling and dealing.

We know too much about Kamala Harris, Malia Cohen, London Breed, Nancy Pelosi - all those who met Kamala Harris at the San Francisco airport - all Blacks - and this says a lot.

President Joe Biden was forced to step down - and now we see behind his back - how these minions - are conducting themselves - wheeling and dealing.

We have 85 Billionaires in San Francisco—President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris—aided and abetted by Willie L. Brown Jr. and his sidekick, who is linked to Platinum Consultants.

It has been some years now—a new operation of sorts—has its finger in every pie—but that baton has been given to Steve Kawa, the minion who followed Willie Brown Jr. from Sacramento to San Francisco.

Here is Willie L. Brown Jr., with the Undersecretary of the U.S. Navy, signing an agreement to transfer Parcel A at Hunters Point, watched by Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi. Nothing much has changed, except the crooks are still wheeling the dealing.

For the last six years, plans have been afoot to build up once again a Navy operation—costing 2 billion dollars—reminiscent of World War II. We still have an extensive crane—once the giant crane on the West Coast—Treasure Island—Hunters Point annex—build ships and submarines, conduct all sorts of experiments.

Depleted uranium was tested at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

I have been involved with this mess recently because of advocacy pressure. A report was published for the last 45 years stating that most Hunters Point Naval Shipyard has yet to be abated or mitigated to residential standards. 

The $2 billion project has been put on the back burner. The Parcel A fiasco is well known. The many so-called condominiums, built and surrounded by contamination and pollution, have adversely impacted the health of the residents. 

One resident who bought a condominium sued Lennar, also known as 5 Point Holdings LLC, and got his money back.

5 Point Holdings LLC deconstructed Candlestick Stadium and did nothing for 10 years. Now, it wants to dump its plan to build a large shopping mall and is aiming to develop mixed housing.

The land surrounding Candlestick Point is contaminated, and the shoreline is prone to liquefaction. 

All this and more does not bother 5 Point Holdings LLC and the Black sellouts, who are in the pocket of these outsiders—so-called developers—who fleece the Bayview Hunters Point area community. 

Willie L. Brown Jr. -  once he could not own a home - today -he has several places - in some five-star hotel - suites - he loves to wheel and deal - the mastermind - pay to play - schemes one of a kind. He leaves no trial - now you see it and don't.  

Willie L. Brown Jr. is a mastermind with a mind that registers a lot—no one thought he would now be involved in what is happening in the White House. 

Months ago, someone told me Joe Biden would step down, and another good friend said the same. At first, I defended Joe Biden and wanted him to stay. 

Then they ganged up on Joe Biden—Nancy Pelosi, Hollywood, the billionaires—as I said, San Francisco has 85 of them.  

While millions of Americans - our infants, children, women and men, our Elders - more, those with compromised health - slowly suffer and die.

Seven million Americans are unemployed - and these fools keep grinning, and pussy footing must stop.

Across the nation, entire towns and citizens are suffering, with no jobs and no one to bring bread and butter to the table.

Here in the United States, millions go to bed hungry - more infants, children, youth, and those with compromised health.

We need a platform that addresses the quality of life issues that Kamala Harris has yet to choose to address, which are short-term goals leading to long-term goals that matter - and linked to the NOT- forthcoming platform?.

It is incredible how these jerks - look at life - here in San Francisco Gavin Newsom and Kamala Harris - have failed us - Kamala Harris jailing the youth with adverse impacts - Gavin Newsom - treating the poor with disdain - the same goes for London Breed - who comes from the hood and does not have good manners.

Here is Gavin Newsom behaving like a fool in his heyday. Today, he is after those who cannot defend themselves. This photograph was taken at the former Emporium under the dome—now West Field—with most shops closed.

Here is Malia Cohen in her early days - begging for favors.

Today, here is Malia Cohen, California's Controller. Wheeling and dealing is how they get up the ladder. Then corruption gets to them, and they drown in the cesspool of their own creation.

Nancy Pelosi - should have stepped down and faded into oblivion - she plays a key role - behind the scenes - wasting millions of dollars - taxpayers' money - trying to impeach Donald Trump and failing twice.

Nancy Pelosi is that reed - blowing the wind - moving any which way - shaking - and making noise - time - she takes a break - and fades into oblivion.

The Democrats, in some respects, are worse than the Republicans.

We have right-of-center Republicans who are willing to vote for Democrats. Those who worked with Ronald Reagan - John McCain, and Romney. 

Donald Trump is toast - more and more of those backing him.

Donald Trump and his cult members - finally realize - that Donald Trump is an egotistical maniac.

Only in America does something like the nonsense who are enduring - from Donald Trump take place - and it takes place - because the Democrats - do not have the guts to nip the nonsense in the bud.

Worldwide, people are confused, confounded, perplexed, and wonder how we tolerate such nonsense?

Do not trust the Democrats - most of those in power - are the filthy rich.

There is a big difference between Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris - or, for the matter, Joe Biden - or Nancy Pelosi.

Right now, we have a tense situation in the Middle East - the United States without consulting the citizens of the United States - who want to protect Israel, which has killed and murdered over 25,000 Palestinian infants, children, and youth.

Secretary of the United Nations Antonio Guterres - has fought hard to stop the war in Gaza to no avail - history will record the tenacity and fortitude he has demonstrated - to deal with Crimes Against Humanity - the IDF and their leader, Benjamin Netanyahu. 

There is an outbreak of Polio - and vaccinations have been rushed to Gaza - the shooting and killing must STOP - to help vaccinate the infants, children, and those most vulnerable. The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) does not give a damn. They learned nothing from the Nazis and other Autocrats. The IDF purports to practice Democracy - but for all practical purposes - they kill, maim, and keep shooting and murdering - following NO standards - more the principle of Proportionality.

Over 50,000 when you count the Palestinian women and men, Elders, and those with compromised health. 

Polio and other diseases have long plagued Gaza, and Benjamin Netanyahu has played a vital role - in slowly killing the innocent people of Gaza.

The International Courts have indicted Benjamin Netanyahu for crimes against humanity.

The man is a monster that has destroyed and decimated 95% of Gaza - reminiscent of Dresden in Germany - and Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan - only worse in the year 2024.

Worldwide - Benjamin Netanyahu and his government, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), and Israel in the extreme, more the extreme  Zionists in Israel - are considered as elements who have blood on their hands.

Some months ago, President Joe Biden - had a plan - that both Israel and Hamas agreed on.

Then Benjamin Netanyahu stalled and added some more elements to the agreement. Thus, by now, the hostages would have been rescued and saved.

We will have a war - Hezbollah - is ready, and this time, Israel will not be able to avoid casualties and realize for the first time - what life is all about. 

Daily, hundreds of Palestinians die - some killed by the missiles and bombs supplied by the United States.

Others - from starvation, others shot for no reason, hundreds more incarcerated under some pretext of  "Administrative Detention" -  the United States supplies the 2,000 and 5,000-pound bombs - laser guided - used without adhering - to the Principle of Proportionality.

Thousands of Palestinians die from chronic diseases  - diarrhea, heart attack - and so on - and those hating the Palestinians - look the other way. 

This nonsense must STOP - enough of the killed and murdered daily - worldwide decent human beings - want this utter nonsense - stopped.

An Israeli jet fighter.

Kamala Harris, at one time, was  San Francisco's District Attorney - as an advocate - some of us are shocked at how our Black community is treated. I remember Jamal Trulove's case well, as well as other cases - Kamala Harris taking some stance - of what she purported to be her kind of love, also known as "tough love." Jamal Trulove was falsely accused and sentenced to 50 years. 

Check this out:

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