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Sunday, August 18, 2024


Plans are afoot to build thousands of units - on very contaminated ground. We, the people, mandate that the Shipyard be abated and mitigated to residential standards. The crooks want to build thousands of units on very contaminated ground.

Bayview Hunters Point has worked with the City and County of San Francisco for many years—only to be disappointed. 

With that one sordid act, Diane Feinstein defunded the Joint Housing and brought Bayview Hunters Point's downfall.

Our journey began with the defunding of Joint Housing when Diane Feinstein assumed the Mayorship. 

Despite this setback, the community of Bayview Hunters Point stands united, demonstrating a truly inspiring spirit of determination and resilience.

Billions of dollars set aside to provide assistance to Bayview Hunters Point have been wasted—pocketed by crooks who continue to fleece the community.

We are committed to holding our officials accountable and ensuring that the promises made in the Disposition and Development Agreement are not empty words.

One has just to read the Disposition and Development Agreements (DDA) - lined to Lennar, a Rogue Developer - and the SF City and County of San Francisco.

One early DDA promised 900 rental units. After the DDA, an amendment was made, and just like that, 900 rental Units disappeared.

Paradoxically, I attended all the DDA meetings with Jesse Blout and Michael Cohen, where we advocated for housing and the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard clean-up to residential standards. 

Standards that matter - the two recent Grand Jury reports - and the warning - that Depleted Uranium was tested at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

As an Environmentalist - I stand up for the people and their health and well-being - I will not compromise - and I do not trust the OCII, those sellouts - working against the Bayview Hunters Point Community.

We, the people in 2024 - have many qualified individuals who will not tolerate blatant corruption.

This is just a reminder that all this land belongs to the Muwekma Ohlone, who have lived here for over 10,000 years.

Check this out:

The Citizens Advisory Committee linked to the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard kept rubber stamping.

Everyone on the CAC linked to Hunters Point Naval Shipyard is a chronic sellout without knowledge about abatement and mitigation.

These crooks did not participate when the Restoration Advisory Board tried to talk to the U.S. Navy, and the U.S. Navy lied to us and lies to us today.

When Proposition P was put on the ballot, we, the people, agreed that the entire Hunters Point Shipyard should be cleaned to residential standards - nothing less.

There were three instances when the SF Grand Jury addressed the adverse and pressing issues linked to the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - where depleted uranium was tested.

The City and County of San Francisco have an ordinance called the Precautionary Principle, which has never been followed.

The Maher Ordinance mandated performing environmental assessment, abatement, mitigation, and remediation on any land suspected of contamination. This ordinance is shunned, and the entities that must do their job have failed us miserably.

Where the SF Department of Health - the Environmental Health branch.  Where is the State of California - Department of Toxic and Substances  Control. Where is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency? 

No one in their right mind must build any housing on contaminated land—we already see the increase in cancer of all sorts, ulcers, chronic headaches, asthma, and heart attacks—on Parcel A at Hunters Point, surrounded by Parcels B, C, D, E, and F, which is the Bay. Utility Corridors 1, 2, 3,4,5, 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,23,14, are all contaminated.

The SF Police Department has moved from Building 606. Too many SF Police officers, SF Fire personnel, and others have come down with cancer. Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr. suggested that the SF Police Officers be moved to Building 606, knowing that the building was contaminated.

The matter was taken to the Ninth Circuit Court. The SF Police Office was adversely impacted. The SF Police Office pleaded the case, only for the court to find some excuse that the cleanup contractors were responsible and not the U.S. Navy.

The matter was then taken to the Appeals Court - only for the Appeals Court - to sustain the previous verdict and let down the many SF Police Office and Fire personnel - who suffered from cancer, respiratory diseases - and more - while working at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

The City and County of San Francisco - looking the other way - shame on those who put innocent people in harm's way.

The CAC to the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - has no right to adjudicate matters linked to the issue that put thousands of innocent citizens living nearby - enticing housing - and putting thousands in harm's way. 

This bomb was assembled at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - one of many bombs dropped in the Nagasaki and Hiroshima atomic bomb operations. It was loaded on the USS Missouri (BB-63).

Few know about the history of many ships and submarines built at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. The CAC to the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard is ignorant and arrogant—they know nothing at all.

The dumb CAC are not experts on contamination and pollution and have no clue about the soil characterization at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

Camels, horses, cows, and other animals were buried all over the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - these animals took part in the atomic bomb experiments at Bikini Island.

The many ships that took part in the Bikini Island experiments were towed to Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, where the hulls were sandblasted.

 The contaminated sand spread all over the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. It is time to take this matter to court and hold these sellouts accountable.

Many sitting on the committee - chronologically - needed to learn the history of the Bayview Hunters Point - pandering to the Mayors - and have sold out the decent Bayview Hunters Point constituents.

Today, these crooks are busy trying to push their projects, failing to understand that they have not consulted those in the community who understand what they must do: follow the dictates, as mentioned in the Disposition and Development Agreements—please read them—posted above.

The Under-Secretary of the U.S. Navy signed an agreement to transfer Parcel A. Willie L. Brown Jr., Diane Feinstein, and Nancy Pelosi to testify to the dirty deed.

The Mayors, starting with Willie L. Brown Jr., signed the agreement linked to Parcel A - while the entire Hunters Point Naval Shipyard was contaminated.

The SF Controller's Office and the Grand Jury have audited the crooks. There has been much talk but little action.

Shaman Walton, the present District 10 Supervisors, needs help understanding what a clean-up to residential standards means.

In the last 40 years, I have not seen this man—uneducated on issues, often losing his temper, deeply involved in corruption—represent the community. I have not seen him in the trenches with the advocates that matter.

As the corruption that has reached the saturation point has been exposed - outsiders continue to abuse the community. Our infants and children are slowly dying. 

Our Elders live in trailers - sand dust flying all over the place - in the beds and food, with no one paying attention to the quality of life and respecting our Elders.

I have worked with our youth and young adults and informed them as best I can.

We look forward to a better outcome in the November 2023 General Elections. 

Those in their seats today will be booted out with poor leadership and good for nothing. Parasites.

Here are some corrupt people who are always selling out to the community. Why would anyone want to live on land - where Depleted Uranium was tested?

The flag of the United States.

We have protested, and rightly so. We have the empirical data and can quickly bring the crooks to the book.

We have 41 million square feet of commercial space vacant, and our Financial District looks like a war zone.

Thousands of Blacks took the long journey from the East Coast - be it New Orleans, Houston, New York - to come to the West Coast - more places like San Francisco and Oakland - Los Angeles and San Diego - to work at the Shipyards and build ships and submarines and more.

The dedication to their work and service was second to none - and we know this from the disaster of Port Chicago - Blacks men loading dynamite - forced to work overtime - one single incident - set the dynamite on fire - leading to the deaths of 320 sailors and injuring 390 others.  

The ship that caught fire was SSE.A. Bryan on July 17, 1944.

Many today do not understand at first—for years, those who chose to work at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard did not live in homes.

At first, they lived in tents, then trailers. It took years for some to buy a home. 

They bought a home next to an Italian family, only for the Italian family to leave and move to somewhere else where no Blacks lived nearby. 

This memorable photograph - shows the KKK -right under our San Francisco - SF City Rotunda - having their swearing-in ceremony -
circa 1938 - nothing - much has changed. We talk about Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion. Hog Wash. 

This happened again and again when the Blacks lived next to the French, the Maltese, the Germans - Whites from the East Coast and elsewhere - many Whites brought their KKK affliction to the West Coast - and here in San Francisco - look above - a KKK event under the Rotunda at SF City Hall.

Soon, in the late 1960s and 1970s, over 70% of the population were Blacks, and most owned homes.

Today, the population of Blacks in Bayview Hunters Point is less than 4% - and the City and County do not have the decency to come to the rescue of the Blacks - hundreds of black infants, children, women, and men - dying.

Today, the Community Benefits that should have been shared with the Black population - have been denied.

We - few advocates - have to spell it out - about the blatant discrimination, abuse, and targeting of educated Blacks - deprived of a job - when they stand up and speak truth to power.

Our time has come, and we have the empirical data skills and qualifications to handle our affairs.

As much as we strategize - we get static from some racists - and this nonsense must stop.

Some of these racists - do not believe in nor practice Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - that much is made about - but the results in daily life - are hogwash.

San Francisco is a racist city - and more and more here in San Francisco, we have the working poor and, at the other end - the filthy rich.

Project after purports to have Community Benefits - the money is given to sellouts - we see this repeatedly.

San Francisco needs an Inspector General with the resources to clean up the saturated corruption, starting with Room 200, the Mayor's den.

The Inspector General's Office must be independent, not under the SF Controller's Office, as suggested in the ballot measure this November 2024.

San Francisco, wake up and take control of your destiny - uplift all - your heart in the right place.

Some advocates fought for the San Francisco Sunshine Task Force, which is impotent—with no resources and vacant seats—stalled by those representatives who have the power to do so.

Some Supervisors used the Rules Committee to keep one seat on the Sunshine Task Force vacant for months, reserved for the physically challenged.

We fought for the Ethics Commission - so that the SF Board of Supervisors and City Departments - did their work and served the taxpayer who pays their salaries.

The Ethics Commission had the Commissioner pandering to the Mayor and taking orders from some corrupt department heads, including the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.

We had a well-known judge—well-respected and independent—who stepped down because of interference and the Mayor kicking the can down the street. 

Another was a Dean at the Golden Gate University - he, too - stepped down because of rampant corruption in your face.

We are no longer a first-class City and County of San Francisco.

Some of us, armed with fortitude and tenacity, are taking on corruption and will put an end to it.

 No one is above the law. Aho.


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