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Saturday, July 27, 2024



Kamala Harris - nominated for U.S. Presidentship.

Freedom and Democracy Jives - not so Autocracy and License - Donald Trump, an egotistical maniac, is anathema - the Republicans are a Cult - let us not play with Fire.

Our Constitution is not just a document. It's a sacred pact—an experiment that has stood the test of time and served as the bedrock of our nation. Let's uphold it with reverence and commitment.

The Founding Fathers and the experiment that is tested today.
We are a Republic - that has stood the test of time - now - slowly but surely put to the test by fanatics and autocracy - by folks like Donald Trump and his thugs. 2024 will be the test of the century - can we unite and send the fanatics to where they belong - jail.

We must protect this experiment - by our Founding Fathers - from those who lack understanding of its principles. Let us not allow it to be undermined.

Divisiveness and fanatics rule supreme. Donald Trump, their leader who has lost his mind - lunatic.

The nation is confounded and confused, with strange and changing times and values that once held in high regard now thrown to the wind. 

We must protect these values, mandates, standards, and ethics—which have endured through the ages and have brought us all these years—for better, not worse.

Kamala Harris' mother is from India - came here to study - earned a Doctor's degree and worked on Cancer and related issues.

Her village in Tamil Nadu, India, looks forward to Kamala Harris visiting the village where her Indian mother was born - and where women are now doing better - they look for the North star - Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris has won the hearts of millions of women in India and worldwide.

Kamala Harris' father, a Stanford alumnus, is from Jamaica. Her father and mother, both Civil Rights advocates, deeply understood the Civil Rights movement and the value of Freedom and Democracy, bringing a rich and diverse perspective to her upbringing.

Donald Trump - his mother and father.

Donald Trump's mother came to the United States from Scotland - and his father is a Jew from Eastern Europe - both were immigrants - I can go deep into their legal status - but let us keep it - as is stated - above.

We have allowed Donald Trump to run his dirty mouth - spewing vitriol, diatribe - and utter nonsense.

No decent, educated person will listen to the utter nonsense that Donald Trump utters.

If one goes to the source—from where he comes—the way his family has amassed wealth.

Today, Donald Trump assumes he will win and become the president of the United States, but he is a loser.

Donald Trump is now fascinated by his crypto scheme, which he thinks will prosper  - crypto replacing the dollar and its clout worldwide. He can keep on dreaming - today - and JD Vance - are drowning in the cesspool of their own creation.

Donald Trump has tarnished all that was good - anything he touches turns into a mess - and yet he thinks he is capable of winning when, as I said - he is a loser.

Both his mother and father were immigrants - they got all they wanted from our nation - only for their son - never, ever to pay his taxes. Their son is a liar, a cheater, a rapist, a felon, and one that is detested - worldwide.

The way Donald Trump has amassed wealth—the over 350 times he has been in Court during the last 30 years.

This despicable man would have been lingering in jail long ago. 

It is only in America—a man like him can do as he pleases—why?

How he acts indicates an IQ of less than 35—maybe 36. 

The man is a Joke and wants to run for President for the first time. He made a fool of himself.

Bullying - someone like Joe Biden, raping women, not paying his taxes, abusing judges who have indicted him - the man is a felon - and thinks he will win - when in fact he will be sent to jail.

Donald has attracted law enforcement and the judicial system to indict Donald of treason and sedition  - added rape, cheating, stealing, failing to pay his taxes.

Moving boxes of documents - containing confidential government information - working with autocrats, and now trying his best to destroy our freedom and democracy - he knows what he is doing - and he is shameless.

Donald Trump cannot survive in any decent country.

Donald Trump has created divisiveness of the highest order in the United States —we clearly saw this on January 6, 2021, with the assault on Capitol Hill.

Reading our U.S. Constitution, Donald Trump is a traitor - he, with intent, wanted to stop the counting of the Electoral Votes.

Donald Trump called for the death of Mike Pence - and was responsible - for inciting the thugs and goons - to enter U.S. Capitol Hill - attack our Law Enforcement - and destroy property - which resulted in mayhem, bodily harm, and death.

Donald Trump's stooped so low that they urinated and defecated - and Donald Trump knows this and endorses such actions - as will most egotistical maniacs.

Donald Trump stole sensitive documents that he should never have removed - breaking all mandated laws - no one is above the law - Donald Trump is a thug and deserves to serve a long time in jail.

Paradoxically, White women and men are contributing millions to the campaign coffers to help Kamala Harris succeed and be elected to office—to be the first woman President of the United States.

White men and women know that what they see in Kamala Harris is a person well-qualified who can challenge Donald Trump and beat him hands down.

White men and women fear that if the likes of Donald Trump come into power, the middle class will suffer the most. Those millionaires and billionaires will enjoy tax breaks and benefit the most.

Kamala Harris is a unifying fact - Donald Trump is a divisive force - much like a hurricane that brings about bad news and destruction of the worst order.

America today enjoys the contribution of those who have suffered for hundreds of years.

We take for granted the contributions of sports, jazz music, many inventions, and Dr. Martin Luther King and Frederick Douglass.

Few know that W.E.B. Du Dubois was a confidant of President Theodore Roosevelt. An influential sociologist, writer, and leader during Theodore Roosevelt's presidency, Du Dubois was also known for embracing the all-Black Buffalo Soldiers.

President Joe Biden got to know Kamala Harris better through his son Robert Hunter Biden, and Kamala Harris was in the right place at the right time—here in San Francisco.

As the District Attorney in Sacramento as the California Attorney General, they anointed Senator and Vice President of the United States at the right moment.

Kamala Harris has seen it all, met the challenges, worked hard, and understands the politics of the times.

Donald Trump is a liar, steals, cheats, rapes women, does not pay his taxes, abuses the Judges who have indicted him - acts like a fool, and basically favors the ways of an autocratic - an egotistical maniac.

We Americans are at a critical juncture - our Freedom and Democracy - is at stake.

The Supreme Court and the many sordid decisions.

Our Supreme Court kicks the can down the street - the many decisions made in recent years - defy logic and shame those who favor uncalled decisions - against our women, our children, the poor, immigrants, Social Security, and Medicare - we have Supreme Court judges taking gifts - money - and breaking the very laws that they must adhere to.

Fredrick Douglass.

Chief Sitting Bull 

Chief Joseph

Dr.  Martin Luther King Jr.

Harriet Tubman.

The land Turtle Island - now known as America was stolen - each and every inch - an area of 3,717,812.8 square miles.

The indigenous tribes lived on Turtle Island for thousands of years.

Imagine some folks landing here on. Turtle Island  - seeking their freedom -  only to make a mess of this land we call America.

It is incredible how everything begins with the Mayflower, the Quakers, Puritans, and Separatists.  

Blacks, some 12.5 million, were forced into slavery - which lasted for 246 years from 1619 to 1865 when the 13 Amendment abolished slavery.

400 years have passed since slavery existed, and it still hovers like a dark, sordid cloud - and few think about the deep scars, the inherent trauma, the disdain, and discrimination - having a woman as the President of the United States - is not acknowledged by many. 

Blacks have contributed so much to Turtle Island - the ones that most helped Blacks, once better known as Negroes - were the Indigenous people.

Blacks have given so much to the nation now called America. The infrastructure of this nation was built by the Blacks; the very planning of Washington DC was planned by a Black man.

Blacks have contributed significantly to inventions, the railway system, medicine, plasma, agriculture, and sports. 

In sports—football, basketball, baseball, and boxing—blacks are treated like gladiators.

Blacks have helped many presidents of the United States, including Federick Douglass, who helped President Abraham Lincoln.

W.E.B Du Dubois helped President Theodore Roosevelt. The same Theodore Roosevelt linked to the all-Black Buffalo Soldiers - the same man who favored National Parks - and the same man who learned to love Blacks.

We do not know these facts, but truth be told, Blacks were taken advantage of on many levels and are taken advantage of today. 

Our Secretary of Defense today is Black - Austin Lloyd, the Commanding General of the U.S. Army Forces Command, General Michael X. Garret, who holds a four-star rank - well respected.

The Indigenous tribes - on Turtle Island - more the Elders have repeated, do not trust those that speak with a forked tongue. 

Donald Trump is one of them - racists and supremacists -  he suffers from an inferiority complex - which is why he lies naturally - he cheats - a man who is a disgrace to the human race. 

Naturally, he is an egotistical maniac. He is a LOSER.

This land belongs to the Indigenous people - you would not know it - the way the Main Media - talks and talks - about our very corrupt politicians - sordid and corrupt the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Donald Trump, Barack Hussein Obama, Zoe Lofgren - and others - one worse than the other.

This drama linked to President Joe Biden and Gaza - must be analyzed - the 45,000 innocent Palestinians dead. 

More maimed and traumatized - the world courts pass indictments - and we, the United States, dared to welcome Benjamin Netanyahu to address joint United States and Senate.

Someone has blood on their hands—and I can reveal their name—but it would do no good unless those who must pay attention have standards, morals, and ethics and stop talking from both sides of their mouths.

The principle of proportionality - when one drops laser-guided bombs on 2000 and 5000-pound bombs - mandates careful consideration - paying attention to civilians - and a higher consideration when it comes to hospitals, schools, infants, children, and women.

Carpet bombing in Gaza - the people forced to move from one location to another - thousands of innocent dying. 

Benjamin Netanyahu has been indicted by the world courts.


How much sorrow, trauma, pain, and suffering can one endure?

The United States today is in dire straits.

Most have not read Project 2025 - where the most devious and toxic plans - linked to Social Security and Medicare, Abortions and women's health, Immigration and people of color, our precious Freedom and Democracy, the status of Federal Workers, and their removal from being employed.

The Department of Justice and the total decimation of the DOJ - there are many lists of individuals who will be taken down - the Vice President that Donald Trump has chosen is worse - the utter nonsense that JD Vance spews, vitriol, and diatribe of the worst order.

Most are waiting for some help to come to our rescue - when our moral duty today is to Vote the Republicans out  - all those who pledge allegiance to Donald Trump, who is the leader of the ongoing cult. 

Time to book him in.

The destruction of Gaza is uncalled for - Benjamin Netanyahu - must be brought to book.

Our Main Media must focus on the many atrocities happening daily in the West Bank - that the Israelis have annexed -  according to the International Court of Justice.

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