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Friday, January 6, 2023



Morris Street in San Francisco - many small restaurants located in this area - flooded and will flood in the coming days.

Hundreds of manholes all over San Francisco have yet to be cleaned - and the debris cleared. Who cares?

Hundreds of manholes popped open - the combined sewer system failing and those in charge fast asleep in the cockpit. 

Never mind tons of raw sewage spilling at the hundreds of hotspots - creating a health problem.

We have 25,000 manholes - 4000 have been adopted by citizens - who volunteer to keep the free from debris.

I checked many on San Bruno Avenue in San Francisco and on many streets in the Bayview - and most of them were clogged - 24 hours after the storms. So much for being tongue in cheek - speak Truth to Power.

Thousands of homes all over San Francisco, which has a population of 840,000, have suffered from some form of adverse impact - water from the streets and sewage - inundating the homes - front and back yards.

It is the same with hundreds of small businesses - one particular area, 14th, and Folsom Street, and no one wants to address the issues less than listen to the small businesses.

Our Mayor was pussyfooting at the football game in Las Vegas - while the City and County were experiencing all sorts of adverse impacts from the storms.

The 49ers played the Raiders - the game went into overtime, and the 49ers won away from home - Las Vegas, here we come.

An atmospheric river recorded should remind us of this one-of-a-kind storm that hit San Francisco. More to come in the future -  climate change is here to stay.

Mayor London Breed, for all her talk - is not fit to be the Mayor of San Francisco. More and more, she seems to care for herself - than for the citizens of San Francisco.

The Department of Public Works today needs to be fixed.

The Mayor and her lackeys keep anointing Commissioners - none of whom have vetted experience - and know about operations and maintenance as far as the City and County of San Francisco are concerned. 

One has just to hear the Commissioners who are sitting on the present Department of Public Works (DPW) - more the two elderly women who have no clue about operations and less about maintenance. Even less about scheduling and emergency protocols.

There is yet another Commission on Streets and Sanitation - it is the same with this Commission - they have no vetted experience - and are of no help to the citizens of San Francisco.

The Commission wastes time - talking about grants - temporary jobs - instead of talking about career jobs - and being ready for emergency situations.

Twenty-four hours after the storms - the manholes are still spewing sewage on the streets. We have a combined system - that is antiquated - and the idiots do not know about this - allowing sewage that has not been treated - to spill into the Bay.

Ask them about the Force Mains, and they will look at you - much as any fool does. What is the Commission on Sanitation and Streets - there for - if they need a clue - about baseline issues?

Tyra Fennell thinks she can hoodwink us all. She is in charge of Public Affairs and SF Commissioners. Her time is coming - time to wipe that smile and fake makeup.

San Francisco Commissioners were forced to sign appointment letters - warning them to abide by what the Mayor had ordered them to do.

Last I know, San Francisco is not dictatorial - and where do they get such jackasses who wheel and deal - the likes of Tyra Fennell.

Tyra Fennell was with Mayor London Breed, a Rapper, and we have empirical data about more - Mayor London Breed's recent trip to Las Vegas - when they were storms raging in San Francisco.

We want to know who was the acting Mayor in San Francisco while Mayor London Breed was pussyfooting in Las Vegas?

We want to know who was in charge of Emergency Services and if this person - has vetted experience - handling emergencies such as storms created by an Atmospheric River?

We want to know if Carla Short, the interim Director of the Department of Public Works - has vetted experience.

More - handling any emergency and related issues - such as the current Atmospheric River and related damage caused at many levels all over San Francisco?

Who are these inept, lacking vetted experience, lackeys holding critical positions at the DPW and the Emergency Office - who keep failing us all - citizens of San Francisco again and again?

It is the same at the Human Rights Commission - the SF City Administrator office - and, of course, the glaring mistakes made daily - in Room 200 at City Hall.

San Francisco's controller Ben Rosenfield - has let down the citizens of San Francisco. We need an in-depth audit of the Mayor's Office, Human Rights Commission, Mayor's Office of Economic Development, and Work Force.

San Francisco City Hall is saturated with the corruption of the worst order.

We want to know what is happening with Contract Monitoring Division and Romulus Asenloo?

We want to know more about the SF Public Utilities Commission manager and his one-of-a-kind contract - now making over $500,000 a year?

Is Dennis Herrera an engineer - what does he really know about operations linked to the SSIP and WSIP projects?

Included in the $6 billion linked to the Sewer System Improvement Project (SSIP) - upgrade of the sewer pipes - some 1100 miles of sewer pipes - 80% of sewer pipe aged and leeching into the ground.

We, the citizens of San Francisco - are supposed to get an upgrade by replacing the old sewer pipes.

Manholes cannot hold the sewer and water - the dual system - forces the lids of the manholes to pop up - causing sewer and contaminated water - to run down streets like Palou in the Bayview and other places.

The same at 14th and Folsom and that area and beyond.

This information has not been brought before the SF Public Utility Commission - this report on replacing the old sewer pipes - has yet to happen -not a whimper in the last three years. 

So much for proper accountability and transparency - as far as the SFPUC is concerned - a very corrupt entity that must be audited annually.

Here is the paradox - the SSIP started with $6 Billion - now heading quickly to $12 billion - by the time we finish - it will easily be $20 billion. Where is the accountability?

Mayor London Breed has been appointing Commissioners - ordering Commissioner to sign letters under duress - and we, the citizens, are tolerating this utter nonsense?

The Commissioners sitting on the SF Public Utilities Commission - have no conscience - always rubber stamping issues - without adhering to public comment and sound suggestions made. 

The recent flooding is known to the Commissioners and General Manager Dennis Herrera.

None of them are into Operations and Maintenance -  none understand the scheduling of repairs - none know we can use the latest technology - to find leaks and real-time leakage. 

Time and time, these idiots talk about conserving water - when daily, millions of clean drinking water are leaking from the old clean water pipes, most of which at over 80 years old.  

When pipes leak, the ground around the pipes is vulnerable to ground collapse -  these collapses are common - and are expensive to repair - the SF Public Utilities Commission - does not care - we, the citizens, we the taxpayers - pay for the repairs. 

We, the taxpayers, pay the salary of the SFPUC - General Manager some $500,000 plus. Pathetic!

We, the taxpayers, pay Mayor London Breed's salary- as much as $500,000 plus perks.

Carmen Chu jumped from being the Assessor to being anointed as the City Administrator - for only one purpose - to the bidding of Mayor London Breed.

Let us start by creating a Commission linked to the Contract Monitoring Division.

Hand-picked  Big contractors get their entitlements on a platter - it takes on an average 6 years to get entitlements to build in San Francisco. It is all about who you know - and how much money - you can fork out for favors and graft.

We have over 75,000 homes vacant in San Francisco.

We have over 44 million square feet of commercial space vacant in San Francisco.

In the next two years - more than $900 million - will be collected by the City and County of San Francisco.

The crooks wheeling and dealing - cashed millions during the pandemic tapping into Federal Stimulus Money. 

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has audited several entities - we have the empirical data. 

The SF Ethics Commission has fined Mayor London Breed over $23,000 - this does not faze her - but some recent audits - will.

Mary Ellen Caroll needs to have the expertise and the capacity to address emergencies - that she has not been trained to deal with - she is a Safety Office - pretends to act like a FEMA Commander of Emergencies - she must step down.

The citizens of San Francisco are fed up with the politics and corruption - millions of dollars are given on a platter by the Human Rights Commission, the Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Workforce - the Mayor's Office itself - is corrupt and will be investigated.

The Citizens of San Francisco must speak Truth to Power.

We have too many jackasses - in positions of power - making a mockery of our democracy.

Some of us think - it is the mess in Washington DC and that swamp there  - it is worse here in San Francisco. Any takers?

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