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Tuesday, January 10, 2023



Aaron Peskin was chosen President of the SF Board of Supervisors - 17 rounds into the selection process - and Aaron is now in the cockpit - but does he have the ability to discern, or will he continue to muddy the waters. 

San Franciso is a very corrupt City and County - the San Francisco Board of Supervisors - the legislative branch has failed San Francisco - with too much talk and less action that matters.

Shaman Walton, the former President of the SF Board of Supervisors (BOS) - was toppled.

The only saving grace at the event I watched virtually - was the President of the Board of Supervisors - presenting him a plague with a gavel - that Aarron Peskin stated he has several of these at home.

Supervisor Matt Dorsey, Supervisor Mandelman, and Shaman Walton spoke - most of the statements sentimental - that calm the soul - and as things stand in San Francisco - we allow our representatives to express themselves - and hope against hope - that they will address the pressing issues. 

I have yet to meet the new Supervisor on board - Engardio.

So I will not say anything. 

As things stand, from time to time - I attend the virtual meetings - SF BOS meetings - that I detest.

That is the only way I can monitor the SF Board of Supervisors - most of them talking in circles. Round and round the mulberry bush!

San Francisco is the land of the Muwekma Ohlone.

The City and County of San Franciso recently sent a letter clearly demarcating the history of the Muwekma Ohlone chronologically.

This letter was sent by Chairperson Charlene Nijmeh - the new Chairperson who has decided to educate the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and the Mayor of San Francisco - about proper protocol.

As many of you know, I participate and comment on many topics - always doing my research, and I detest those who muddy the waters - and the sellout who - will not represent but play dirty - politics.

The gerrymandering by the Redistricting Task Force  - adversely impacted Gordon Mar - one of the better SF Board of Supervisors.

I heard the comments made by some of the Supervisors - mostly nonsense - there is always an elevated discussion that comes from those educated on issues.

Then you have hot air - diatribe - what I call plainly - nonsense.

If some of you read this blog - your conscience will tell you what camp you belong to.

The San Francisco skyline has changed - today over 
43 million square feet of commercial space - downtown
San Francisco - over 62,000 units are vacant in San Francisco.

Every eight years - California encourages our cities to create a Housing Element. San Francisco decided to challenge the State of California - our Housing Element is still being accepted.

Oakland made it on the list - they have a better Housing Element - and will receive more funding.

San Francisco has for decades focused on Market Price housing - and failed to create Affordable Housing - more catering to those who make below $80,000.

For all the talk that San Francisco is named after, St. Francis of Assissi - the SF Board of Supervisors and many city department heads - are deep into corruption. That holds good at City Hall - to those who wheel and deal in Room 200.


The pandemic fostered all types of corruption.

The State of California - suffered over $20 billion loss - from all sorts of ploys and machinations. Crooks of every type from all over the world stole millions using Social Security Numbers and took advantage of the many loopholes.

San Francisco needs a Commander in charge of Emergency Services.

No city has a Security Officer - managing emergency services - having no experts who can do a deep needs assessment.

We had a time during the pandemic in San Francisco - when folks were sent a link and could not open it. 

People needed to be vaccinated and were not, and many died - more in the Mission, China Town, and the Bayview.

Hotels were leashed and sixty percent left empty - the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) billed for vacant hotel rooms - and there is more - all those charlatans who participated in the riff off of the Stimulus Money - will be audited sooner, not later.

The City and County charged $80,000 a year for a tent, three meals, and a pit stop where one could relieve and feel at ease.

The inclement weather is here - and the Mayor London Breed - partying in Las Vegas - acting the fool - while preaching to us all - what we should and should not do. The woman from the hood - will not get it - for heaven's sake - this is the City and County of San Francisco.

We know of the many Non-Profits, the ones from outside San Francisco - the likes of Urban Alchemy - who were given millions to help the indigent - and screwed them all.

Many Non-Profit made money - the SF Board of Supervisors and the Budget and Finance Committee - doling out millions. 

One Executive Officer made $200,000, and others paid for doing nothing.

The City and County of San Francisco - will have a deficit of over $800 million - in the next two years.

The Mayor has failed San Francisco on many levels - Fentanyl deaths - folks living in tents - slowly dying, many of them - our Seniors. 

When the City is notified and shows disdain with intent - crimes against humanity occurs.

A judge has already ordered that no tents be removed - more during this inclement weather - the City and County had failed to provide decent shelter with safety.

Many indigent women have gone to the shelter - only to be raped. These cases are shoved under the rug - for all the talk those women at City Hall and Room 200 address - there is no comparable action worth the salt.

London Breed

Each of these folks milked our City and Couty of San Francisco.

These charlatans should be ashamed of themselves - gerrymandering and adversely impacting millions of decent San Franciscans.

The Central Subway started with $600 million -  ended up costing the City and Count of San Francisco $1.8 Billion plus. 

Will Rich Hillis go up the hill or down the mountain - with the
 convoluted Housing Element  - 2023-2030.

The District Attorney doing her best.

Sheryl Davis singing the blues - now, discussing pretext stops - the Director of Human Rights Commission.

Kevin got it in 15 rounds - Peskin in 17. Who won? Who can deliver?  Why this poor decision-making? Why this poor leadership - many weak in knees - and inept. 

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