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Wednesday, January 15, 2020


The Lakota Nation

The indigenous people have always set a very high bar - when it comes to taking less and keeping more - be careful to treat Mother Earth with respect.

The indigenous people all over the world - have  many words but  No word for " greed " - does that tell those who want it all.

Are greedy - favor avarice - and will kill, rape, do anything - to take life and property of those that cannot defend themselves - using powerful weapons but most importantly - deceit.

Indigenous people have suffered a lot and I have born witness to this and more for the last 50 years. I admire the advocates who reign supreme today - join folks like Jane Fonda - to speak Truth to Power.

The White men does not see the relations between life - all types of life - and stealing and cutting old growth forests, taking oil from the Earth is vast amount - event worse practicing fracking.

The President who live in the White House that was built by Blacks - the pinnacle that sits on top of the White House - has a Native American - dressed in Native garb - with a feather in his head - reminding all - whose land this is.

There are many Native American leaders - for some reason - I gravitate toward Chief Joseph and Chief Sitting Bull.

When I got an opportunity to go to North Dakota - I arranged a van and took some of my comrades and my wife to North Dakota - she was the only woman - but I did want a woman to witness what was happening.

Missing in all the talk - has been the walk - with many indigenous brave women - many well versed with environmental issues - second to none - making us all - very proud. The Great Spirit sees it all. 

My wife captured the entire journey using her camera and the thousands of photographs we have - will remain a legacy - bring back fond memories -  reminiscent of this one of a kind journey - some 1600 miles away - from San Francisco to the Black Hills of North Dakota.

Chief Sitting Bull -
he brought the Lakota Nation together.

The White men simply does not get it - not only here in the United States where for decades - the United States hav been leading all other Nations - spewing methane, carbon dioxidemercury, lead, particulates more PM 2.5 - other harmful gases - thinking nothing of all their nefarious - actions and adverse impacts.

We keep harming Mother Earth - millions of species have vanished - sea level rise - is claiming land - and soon millions will be homeless. We see this in the Maldives, other islands even closer to home - Pacific - large junks of land falling into the Pacific Ocean.

The Great Spirit sees it all - and the Native American Shamans and Prophets predicted about the snake and the harm that it would do to those in its path.

The Native Americans tribes have been decimated - all the treaties signed - thrown asunder - and we know who is right and who is wrong.

The horrific crimes against Native American women and indigenous women - cry to the Great Spirit - and warrior women and men - must stand shoulder to shoulder - to bring about awareness and justice - as we are doing in the Bay Area.

Those men who continue to kill, murder, rape, and who are indigenous - must STOP this nonsense - we still have men with balls who can and must do what is right. 

Our women against great odds have overcome -  if we men do not see this as something noble - admire their tenacity and fortitude - something is really wrong -  with such an attitude.

This is your clarion call - do right - do not mess with those that cannot defend themselves - and in reality should be helped - our sisters more warriors. Now is the time - and time is running out.

More stop bulling - these crime against humanity - are something serious - and has been recognized at The Hague and the Geneva Conventions - also, the United Nations.

The increase in the Carbon Footprint - has show us closer to home - here in the Bay Area - the Napa Fire, the Butte Fire, the Redding Fire - and more - and now we see it all over the world.

In Brazil millions of acres torched - impacting our health worldwide - some large forest - generate oxygen - in large amounts - critical to our survival - the fauna and flora - and more.

It is the same is Australia - where that Prime Minister took a vacation with his family - while Australia had it worst infernos, ever

The  man should be ashamed of himself - even as our egoistical maniac we have in the White House - who now has shifted his abode to some lagoon - Sissy Donald is a clown of the worst order - an abject disgrace to the human race.

Those warriors women and men who stood up and defied the GREEDY.

Those greed and full of avarice that built the North Dakota Pipeline - on sovereign land - belonging to the Lakota Nation.

Those who dared to take on the evil - who do not respect Mother Earth  - the Lakota Nation and others who supported them in the quest to speak - Truth to Power - are to be admired - we saw them in action and more in North Dakota.

Each of us - never mind where we live - must stand tall and represent - Sea Level Rise is here to stay. These infernos will continue unless we reduce the Carbon Footprint - stop generating tons and tons of Carbon Dioxide, we must stop the use or aerosols - that so many use - without a second thought.

The burning of fossils fuel and shit to clean energy - which most Nations should have done 40 years ago - and some began using Clean Energy thirty years ago - countries like Germany.

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