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Saturday, January 25, 2020


Tons of construction at 
SF Treasure Island -
toxic dirt flying all over the place.

The Treasure Island Development Authority (TIDA) from day one does not have a mission objective to serve the tax payer, the constituents, the citizens of the United States of America.

Every TIDA meeting is about patting their behinds - and listening to diatribe of the worst order - from Linda Richardson - who is always pandering to those that feed her and her ulterior motives.

To date NO needs assessment has been done - understanding fully the soil characteristics - we have the empirical data - TIDA does not have the empirical data.

Judging from the projects discussed - anyone who is intelligent can garner - that the appointees are there - to push a hidden agenda - and all those agenda items agreed upon - are NOT holistic.

Unbeknownst - to TIDA and those of the TIDA chain of command - they are NOT privy to the first needs assessment done way back in 1999.

Much before TIDA was formed, the commissioners sitting today - who have NO clue - and continue to rubber stamp and support - a Rogue Developer - Lennar Urban and other entities - one worse than the other.

At that time the artificial island was sinking two inches - each and every year - and there were over 5000 hotspots - from continued " atrocious and nefarious activities " - of the the United States Navy.

All the earlier documents name the key document as Treasure Island - Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Annex.

What does this tell you - the TIDA appointees know nothing about the early history, less protocol, even less organizational command standing - and even less about the Standard Operating Procedures - linked to the United States Navy.

Other - entities such as the U.S. Coast Guard and the general history of Goat Island - known today at Yerba Buena.

Most of the TIDA appointees rubber stamp - because they are ignorant and some of the TIDA commissioners are very arrogant - one of them to note - Linda Richardson.

Children on SF Treasure Island -
are exposed to all sorts of contaminants -
on the playing fields, as  they recreate on
contaminated land - radiological elements -
invisible to the naked eye - the body exposed to contaminants.

Not long ago some of us advocates visited Treasure Island - to protest outside a Charter School - this Charter School is next to the building - that has been closed - with signs that hazardous materials - are found present at this closed building.

Yet fifty feet away from this building - where airborne contaminants lead, asbestos , saturate the environment and where the children and teachers, administrators and others - breathe the air - no one has deemed it fit - to address the situation at hand. What is happening and why is it happening ?

It is a shame that the Precautionary Principle has not once been mentioned at the Treasure Island Development Authority - not once.

Here is one article that can shed some pertinent - light :

No one one the TIDA Commission has the ability to conduct or review - a " sound needs assessment ".

The  diatribe on the TIDA Commission is toxic - so toxic that it is very disturbing - to decent, hardworking, advocates - and there are still many in San Francisco- who speak Truth to Power.

Again and again - hundreds of residents and others from SF Treasure Island - have pleaded that they suffer from ulcers, headaches more migraine headaches.

All  sorts of chronic respiratory diseases, cancers one of the kind - more our infants, children, youth, young adults, our Elders, more those with compromised health - suffering and slowly - dying.

Why are we looking the other way - and why has San Francisco lost its SOUL?

Those appointed on the TIDA Commission - pretend that all is well and continue to talk about the " wild plans " of Lennar Urban and its partner Wilson Meany.

Lennar Urban - a Rogue Developer that has already caused a lot of harm and death - at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard and Parcel  A

The near by housing by Cleo Rand, the Public Housing by Mariners' Street and Kiska Road and beyond.

Lennar Urban aka 5 Points Holding LLC - same sake different head - have plans to build thousands of homes at Candlestick Point - which is in very close proximity to a Superfund Site.

Candlestick Point  - is very contaminated - more registering high levels of plutonium, cesium, and now we learn of other derivatives or Uranium and there is more.

We now have doctors - be they Black Doctors - all qualified - who are conducting examinations and testing - the constituents of Bayview Hunters Point.

The qualified doctors have the empirical data. We are shocked how many are inflicted and how poorly the City and County of San Francisco and more the SF Health Department - has FAILED to serve the people  -more infants, children, youth, young adults, Elders  those with compromised health - this is pathetic and shocking.

We now have more data - finding dirt from the toxic areas - in the blood and urine to those who live - some distance away from the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

Even as the City and County of San Francisco - is pooh poohing the facts -  more London Breed and Shamann Walton - one worse than the other - time will tell.

We know that London Breed and Shamann Walton are sellouts - steeped in  " dark money ".

If  these evil entities - want to take on the community at large - we welcome that fact - TRUTH is on our side - and if God is on your side - there is nothing to FEAR.

As God is my witness these Blacks sellouts - working against their own people will be dealt with - we have the facts - and as time goes by - more will be revealed.

Shamann Walton has already returned the money he took from JUL - now, he must return the money he took from Lennar Urban - millions. The man is a weasel and more and more as time goes by - his true colors will come to the fore. Jackass.

Always barking up the wrong tree -
has never, ever shoulder to shoulder - STOOD
with the constituents of the Bayview Hunters Point -
is in the pocket of Lennar Urban - 
aka 5 Point Holding LLC and corrupt Big Developers -
disgrace to the human race.

Of  course those building thousands of homes on  Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, Candlestick Point, and nearby areas - have only one motive - GREED.

Those that are GREEDY and mostly EVIL.

Nothing good will happen at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

Nothing good will happen at Candlestick Point.

Nothing good will happen at SF Treasure Island.

As nothing good will happened at Concord - where Lennar Urban has been shunned and took STOP what it has in mind.

Nothing good has happened at Mare Island - forcing the City of Vallejo - to declare bankruptcy - that suffers to this day.

Lennar Urban aka 5 Points Holding LLC is a rogue developer - headquartered in Miami, Florida.

Lennar was invited to California more to Sacramento - by a Willie L. Brown Jr., a very corrupt politician - who has with intent - one aim - to make money -  his " dirty, stinky, finger " - in most things and pies - where he can make some -money.  

It is a shame that our SF Board of Supervisors - continue rubber stamp what is happening at SF Treasure Island.

The many residents at SF Treasure Island -  and more the San Francisco Conservation Corps, other entities called to SF Treasure Island, many indigent who have been given housing on Treasure.

All -  have been living on very contaminated ground - TIDA and others know this - but, continue to hoodwink us the citizens in broad daylight.

Here is one article that sheds a lot of light :

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