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Sunday, January 19, 2020


Hunters Point Naval Shipyard War Record

San Francisco has been inundated with mediocre, greedy San Francisco Board of Supervisors (BOS) - who are more keen on filling their campaign coffers - than - serving those they lied to - when seeking to be elected. 

A few transplants from places like Los Angeles - have NO clue about neighborhoods - and less about cultural competency - what makes them savvy is lying through their teeth - and a deep love for money - more " dark money ".

Once elected these SF BOS are all over the place - Quality of Life issues relegated to the back burner.

The SF Board of Supervisors  -  say a lot - rambling - but there is no substance in all of their diatribe - spewing hot air - given any opportunity to do so. Failing to comprehend the damage they are doing to their image - insulting the people - more tax payers.

Few among the SF BOS care about the constituents who voted for them - more, when these SF BOS were begging for votes.

Once in the Chambers at SF City Hall - in Room 250 - shameless exhibition of arrogance and ignorance.

None of the SF Board of Supervisors have bothered to take on the dumping of 47, 500 so called low level radioactive elements - the USS Independence a 10,000 tons aircraft carrier - was dumped by the Farallons Islands - supposedly a bird sanctuary - radioactive elements dumped there by the Farallons make their way into the food chain, the beaches like Stinson Beach - where there a reports of high breast cancer - and more.

Once we had Supervisors like Quinton Kopp and men like Burton and Leon Penetta - women like Barbara Boxer - representatives who had the guts to speak Truth to Power.

Today we have loud mouths - who say something that means nothing - they talk in circles - and do nothing to help those that need help most - mostly because their heart is NOT in the right place.

Shamann Walton who represent District 10 knows nothing about Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - he know nothing much about Mare Island that brought about the downfall of Vallejo - that had to declared " bankruptcy " - because of Lennar Urban a rogue developer - that promised Vallejo the world and deliver nothing at all

Shamann Walton steeped in  " dark money "  much like Malia Cohen and before that Sophie Maxwell - all Black - and all sell outs - Dr Martin Luther King Jr. would call them out - and speak Truth to Power.

These SF BOS have no concept about Depleted Uranium, the thousands of low level radioactive barrels in the thousands -  some 47,500 barrels -dumped by the Farallon Islands - you can see the islands - standing by the Golden Gate Bridge.

The USS Independence - used as part of the 
atomic experiments - was towed and dumped -
a 10,000 tone air-craft carrier -
hot - dumped by the Farallon Islands -
such atrocities need to be studied and evaluated -
those that committed such crimes - 
must be held accountable - and those with sense -
so called representatives - should use tools like the 
Precautionary Principle - to speak Truth to Power.

The SF Board of Supervisors know less about the Precautionary Principle, never mention it in their arrogance  - practice even less about ethics, morals, and standards - worth the salt.

Here is more about the Farallon Islands - I hope the dump, mostly idiotic SF Board of Supervisors read the article - more London Breed the loud mouth - and the man wheeling and dealing with dark money - Shamann Walton who hails from Vallejo :

They hear about Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - they are steeped in " dark money " they keep rubber stamping the issues - knowing well - that Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - is where Depleted Uranium was tested. 

What is so difficult to comprehend about this fact - and that human beings should not be living - in close proximity to Depleted Uranium, the various derivatives that are harmful - other contamination - more land prone to liquefaction and flooding?

What has baffled the experts radionuclides the U.S. Navy does not consider to be radioactive including K-40 and Manganese - that are ubiquitous on the base and are gamma emitters.

We have Black doctors and scientists who have stated much of what I have mentioned above - but it seems the Courts are calling us - to expose our politicians - the City and Count of San Francisco - who deep pockets must be emptied  out - by those who have suffered too much and for too long.

A woman who lives on Hunters Point Hill top - parallel with Innes and Galvez - reports she has Asthma - her urine was tested and " shipyard dirt was found in her urine " - of course the Shipyard dirt is laden with all sorts of contamination - this case and others cases are now coming to light - because we have the tools to do the necessary testing. 

There is more to come.

This crane one of the largest in the Nation
in the 1950s - still stands at 
Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - was used to build
war ships and submarines.

Hunters Point Naval Shipyard -
circa 1950s

The entire Hunters Point Naval Shipyard is a toxic soup - registering high levels of cesium, plutonium, other dangerous - high levels of lead, mercury and more.

Check out the radioactive elements -
residents are being checked for 
by Dr Ahimsa Sumchai -
can anyone doubt the empirical data -
we want to know - our Supervisors and Mayor 
are fast asleep at the cockpit - 
ignorant and arrogant - while our infants, children,
youth, young adults, Elders, those with compromised health -
slowly die - no one seems to give a rat's ass -
the constituents who live in and around 
Hunters Point Naval Shipyard and Candlestick Point -
on nearby Cleo Rand and other streets - suffer -
and slowly die - who will represent them - we know who.

Asbestos -  that was used freely and in abundance as part of the World War II efforts - and the building of War Ships and Submarines. More in the boiler rooms - on pipes and other areas - as a good conductor of heat.

Today the City and County of San Francisco does not have a Toxicologist - the City and County is trying to incorporate the University of San Francisco California - that has a laboratory today - you heard it right - they have a laboratory - using rats and all sorts of animals - and are defying the community at large.

The City and County is paying the Toxicologist from UCSF and other so called experts from University of California Berkeley - while ignoring Doctors more Black Doctors - well versed with the diseases and characteristics of the Bayview Hunters Point constituents - one of them Dr Ahimsa Sumchai - another Dr Ramona Tascoe.

Here is one tool - that allows any 
qualified doctor - to take a sample -
test it and reveal the Truth -
USSF could have done it - SF Health Department 
could have done it - but they will not -
they worship money - they give a hoot about
the health of the people - not anymore.

I would like to point out that we have Black men and women - who are very well versed with the terminology - linked to the various subsets - originating from Uranium - measuring these elements - has NOT be done - and hoodwinking by the United States Navy - is well known.

What bothers us advocates - are the politicians the likes of Shamann Walton a Nutritionist - who is playing with fire - he has with intent - taken millions - to do " wrong " thinking that we all are NOT going to do anything about his actions - this is NOT true - we have had patience - and our patience is running out.

Below display Cancer Risk and Hazard Indices, 
IR 53, Parcel A - 2002 PRGs

I personally know other experts - many of them Doctors who are fed up with the San Francisco politicians - more Willie L. Brown Jr. and others.

Many sellouts that I have mentioned  - before - messing with the health and welfare of the constituents of Bayview Hunters Point - the time has come to right the wrong.

These vermin have no consideration for our infants, our children, our youth, our young adults, our beloved Elders, those with compromised health - more - our mentally and physically challenged.

This is your clarion call - we have the empirical data - that you - who are suppose to do your duty - have failed us for decades - targeting people of color - and shame on all of you who say you represent. You politicians are the scum of the Earth - more those that have NO consideration less representation - worth the salt - for the Bayview Hunters Point.

The recent Press Release - that all is well on Hunters Point Naval Shipyard  is a JOKE.

The important factor begging the question - are the people - tested - by the right entities.

The City and County of San Francisco - is seeking the help of so called experts who  take money from Lennar Urban - aka 5 Point Holdings LLP.

Such sordid  gimmicks are a slap on the face of the constituents of San Francisco. More the advocates who fight the good fight - with NO help from the scumbags who say they represent the people - the tax payers who pay their salaries.

Many of these experts from University of California San Francisco - are beholden to the Developers - have and continue to take money - more, bribes - to say what the Developers want them to say.

For all practical purposed Shamann Walton and London Breed do not care about the constituents - we know that - more those advocates who work for the people - with their heart in the right place.

Case in point - who would want to shut down Mother Brown's - an institution that feeds thousands - in the Bayview Hunters Point ?.

The SF  Homeless Czar trying to flex his muscles - when he himself must be fired - earning in access of $200, 000 plus benefits - and failing us the people, the tax payers - on all levels.

The  man is arrogant and has failed us all.

Here is loud mouth -
as usual barking up the wrong tree.

Both Shamann Walton and London Breed are in office to work with Big Developers -  building brand new homes - on very contaminated ground - be it Pier 70, Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, Candlestick Point and more - taking large amount in bribes.

Building homes on Brown Fields - is secondary to these two vermin - money is what most motivates them - London Breed and Shamann Walton.

Both will drown in the cesspool of their own creation. Both have blood on their hands.

Both are steeped in " dark money " and they will be caught with their hand in the cookie jar. It is just a matter of time.

On Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - at the end of Palou Street - the University of California San Francisco - has a laboratory.

At this laboratory  - as I stated even today - mice, rats, all kinds of animals - cats, dogs, and so on - are experimented on - these actions are totally uncalled for - more here in San Francisco.

Again and again San Francisco goes to University of California San Francisco - for help. 

The experts who work for the University of California San Francisco - work for Developers - one of them Lennar Urban a rogue developer. 

Nothing that Lennar touches will succeeded - be it at Mare Island, Vallejo, Hunters Point, Treasure Island, Concord - you name the place - nothing will succeed.

More - at Candlestick Point and Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - Lennar has failed miserably on Parcel A at Hunters Point.

The  land is prone to liquefaction and severe flooding - but this and more does not matter to the "idiots " who are steeped in " dark money " and putting others - innocent people - with intent - is something these crooks are comfortable - with.

There is a God - and there are still some decent advocates - who will fight - stand tall and represent - because they are educated on issues - unlike the politicians - who will pander to the highest bidder.

Time will tell.

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