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Friday, January 31, 2020


How best do we deal with the 
scumbags - first those that represent - and are corrupt -
second those that must adjudicate - look the other way - 
third those who suffer - because they cannot defend themselves
those in power - preying on the innocent -
for how long must we the tax payers suffer -
millions wasted - those who work for us -
paid an inordinate amount - while those that pay taxes -
work two, three, and even four jobs to survive?

In San Francisco - we have a Sunshine Task Force that does not work at all. It was created by us - to represent all and be fair and just. 

The Ethics Commission for all that it is worth is impotent. It was created to adjudicate and has been under the control of corrupt - politicians.

The SF City Attorney's Office has chosen to pick and choose - the cases that best suits his mood -  this and more - has to be questioned.

The SF City Attorney was kept out - by the Federal Bureau of Investigation - why?

The District Attorney's Office - under George Gascon was pathetic - he spent more time in Los Angeles - and everyone knew that - but no one said anything much.

The new District Attorney will take two years plus to settle down.
The back log of cases pending - in mind boggling.

Since 1996 with the election of Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr., corruption and all that it stands for - showed its ugly head. 

Oh yeah - I am not as crooked as the 
Mayors before me -
just saying - I love to bark up the wrong tree.

Our present City Administrator and our present Mayor London Breed - worked for Willie L Brown Jr., - and what they learned - is what the so called - great master of cheaters - knows  - impressed and taught them - the tradition carries on.

Willie L. Brown Jr., ordered 2000 Administrative Assistants to be hired - in 1997  -  part of that group - Naomi Kelly, Malia Cohen, London Breed and many others - all beholden - to the Master Cheater -who has his dirty finger - in every single pie!

Our great City of San Francisco - saw nothing much - when it came to ethics, morals, standards - when Mayor Gavin Newsom came abroad - and Willie L Brown left - his stench still lingers.

 In fact Gavin Newsom was chosen and was introduced to SF City Politics - by Willie Brown - groomed to take order from the Master of Cheaters.

Gavin's first post - a Commission of the Taxi Commission - that today does not exists.

 At one time the Taxi medallion was of some value - Taxi Drivers paid as high as $250,000 for a medallion - that today is worthless.

Uber, Side-car, Lift other types of transportation - authorized by the State of California - supersede local rules and regulations - the Taxi Business - as we know it - has been completely - decimated.

The Taxi Drivers come and plead their case - before the SF Board of Supervisors. Complain about all the injustices done - and no one gives a damn.

Not the Mayor of San Francisco - more Mayor London Breed, not the SF City Attorney, not the District Attorney, not the Controller's Office - what shall I say? 

Time for the Federal Bureau of Investigation to step in !

Taxi drivers have died of shock - some have a stroke and literally walk to the podium at SF City Hall - to plead their case before the SF Board of Supervisors - who all are very - corrupt.

The adversely impacted Taxi Drivers - Yellow Cab, De Soto aka Fly Wheel and so on.

Advocates came before when Willie L. Brown Jr., and Gavin Newsom were Mayors - they pleaded their case on corruption, on land use, Transportation, the SF Health Department.

The Department of Building Inspection, the Human Rights Commission, the Recreation and Park, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, the SF Contracting Office when Edwin Mah Lee was in charge - those in authority - looked the other way.

When Mayor Edwin Mah Lee followed Gavin Newsom as Mayor of San Francisco - all hell broke loose. 

Gavin Newsom chose to be sworn in as Lt Governor - a few months before his term ended -  and the interim Mayor he chose was Edwin Mah Lee. 

Before that Mayor Art Agnos chose Edwin Mah Lee to head the Human Rights Commission.

Then  Edwin Mah Lee worked for Contracting Department,  was anointed to head the Department of Public Works - became the City Administrator - and finally the Mayor of San Francisco - each promotion facilitated by Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr.

You do not need to be a rocket science to see the thread - linked to the present City Administrator,  Naomi Kelly - the present Mayor London Breed, the corruption that prevailed when Gavin Newsom was Mayor.

As anyone can plainly can deduct - Mayor Edwin Mah Lee - was handpicked to carry on the tradition of abject - corruption - and earned a PhD.

When Mayor Edwin Mah Lee passed away - his death was sudden - and the details of his death - have yet to be revealed.

No one wanted Mayor London Breed to succeed  and be the Mayor - London Breed was the President of the Board - and detested by most - that is still the case.

For some time Mark Farrell was chosen to be the interim Mayor - and he too turned out to be corrupt. 

While being the Supervisors - he still held a job with a " hedge fund company " - something that is legal in San Francisco - while still holding a job as the Supervisor. Go figure!

During this interim period - many tech companies - got contracts - and no one wants to talk about this and more.

All of it corruption of the worst order.

An election was held to decided if the interim Mayor Mark Farrell would retain his Mayorship - or some one else chosen to fill out the remaining of the term of Mayor Edwin Mah Lee - Mayor London Breed won - backed by Big Evil Developers. 

The voters decided to elect Mayor London Breed - and ever since she has been Mayor - Big Developers and others have been - salivating - milking us all - filling their coffers - and laughing all the way to the bank.

Corruption is nothing NEW in San Francisco - one has just to read the many audits linked to San Francisco Public Utilities Commission - millions wasted. 

The Federal Bureau of Investigation must zero in on Juliet Ellis and Dwayne Jones - these two scum bags will lead the FBI to others - the data and empirical is there - and can easily be got by the FBI.

Here is another take on the corruption charges - linked to discharge of waste - and a consultant paid to cook the reports :

If one uses a tool like - and tally the high salaries of the ten most highly paid employees working at SF Public Utilities Commission - it will make one - puke.

Millions paid to employees NOT worth the salt.

Again check :

Yesterday, January 30, 2020 - three SF Supervisors who have their hands full - want to fire " Muhammad Nuru " who is alleged to have committed some crimes.

In the United States - we have a fair system - the Courts adjudicate - not gossip, not hearsay, not anything that does not meet the " smelt test " - no one is proven guilty - before a sound and fair adjudication - in our courts.

The matter has NOT gone to the court and before a judge for adjudication - yet.

It will take some months for the charges to be sorted out - too many are sweating it out - right now - the crooks are sweating - the net has been cast - and one by one - the crooks will come before the courts.

The Controller's Office is now forced to check all the nefarious activities - zeroing on  the Contracting Office for starters. 

The paradox one of those at the SF Contracting Office - is now the interim Director of the Department of the Public Works - all under the watchful eye of Naomi Kelly - who is on the list to be investigated too  - and let us not leave out the Mayor - Mayor London Breed.

The SF Board of Supervisors cannot interfere with the hiring or firing of a SF City Department head. 

Many SF Supervisors do not know this - and many have NOT studied the SF City Charter.

At the many SF Board of Supervisors meeting I attend - the SF Supervisors - talk and talk and talk - talk in circles - one of them Hillary Ronen.

Right now there are some very serious charges that have been brought against some SF Board of Supervisors - linked to abject - corruption. 

One took some money - and returned the money to JUL. Took millions from Lennar Urban aka 5 Points Holding LLC - this individual is steeped in - dark money. Time will tell.

We have two Supervisors who have made Real Estate deals - both talk the talk - but have failed to walk the walk.

Used  their authority as Board of Supervisors - to make money - be it  -unfairly.

Corruption of the worst kind is tolerated when advocates come and state all the facts - before, the SF Board of Supervisors.

The advocates see right - plead and beg  NOT  - to build homes   - on very contaminated ground. To no avail.

The advocates plead - one even died a few days after appearing before the SF Board of Supervisors - Marie Harrison.

The SF Board of Supervisors - give a damn  - they all rubber stamp the issues at hand - and laugh all the way to the bank.

Most of those present here - 
salivating while digging contaminated dirt -
must be investigated -
more those with a spade in their hands.

There was a time when the SF Board of Supervisors made $38,000 there was also  a booklet that spelled out their duties.

Now most work full time - have aides to help them - and still have time to wheel and deal - and fill their campaign - coffers. Who is fooling - whom?

Most are on the take - and the Federal Bureau of Investigation must go after their assess - and send some of them to jail. Stop pointing fingers at others - when you yourselves - do not speak Truth to Power - and each of you  - have a hidden - agenda.

I have seen Muhammad Nuru come before the SF Board of Supervisors - and all of the SF Board of Supervisors and others - praise him to high heaven.

Then - something happens - and they turn against Mohammad Nuru  - as if they just met him - and did not approve his behavior.

At all the Press Conferences - standing next to the key speakers - there was Mohammad Nuru - why?

I know Muhammad Nuru - got up early in the morning 4 am and went home late pass 6 pm.

 If anyone wanted a crosswalk to be painted that had been faded, some garbage towed - tons of it some times - he made it happen. There were other things he did - he did not go to the roof top - and shout what he did - and there is more to this story.

Any organization must have Standard Operating Procedures - there are laws and ordinances - that have to be followed. 

You will be shocked to know - how many SF City Employees do not take their Ethics Orientation seriously - how many have NOT been evaluated - for years on end.

We have SF City employees who have special contracts - and make more money than the Mayor of San Francisco - all documented for an audit of sorts.

This is a clarion call to all - more those that have huge contracts - sole contracts - and do not fulfill their obligations. We have the empirical data - and that is all is takes - for a full audit.

Right now the Controller is scrambling around - trying to do his best - too many crooks - have their hands in the cookie jar - making hay - while the sun shines. Watch out.  Aho.

Thursday, January 30, 2020


In every organization worth the salt - there are Standard Operating Procedures.

 Those that lead must be educated on issues - and with that comes empathy and compassion - and more a level headed leader - to do right  things - and stay from that which adversely impacts thousands.

I have written hundreds of articles - when it comes to Quality of Life issues - the City heads of Departments - the City Administrator, the City Attorney, the Controller.

Tried my best to address to ethics, morals, standards, and plain good manner and etiquette to NO - avail.

The  District Attorney, the Mayor, the Chief of Police - others too many to mention - all listen - what is important to note - who has a conscience - that had NOT been numbed - numbed with corruption that has reached a saturation point.

The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission - has been wasting millions - and leading that charge Dwayne Jones and Juliet Ellis. I said millions of dollars - are being wasted - and no one has the guts to do the right thing.

It is the same with the Department of Building Inspection - they talk in circles - and for some strange reason - there are NO checks and balances.

The Municipal Transportation Agency - got rid of Ed Reiskin - and hired some one from the East Bay - he came, he saw, and he is under the radar. 

Mayor London Breed is a very poor leader - she talks a lot - anyway you look at the situation at hand - she epitomizes - CORRUPTION.

One has just to review the reports from the Elections Department - and look at the Big Developers and others that have contributed to London Breed's " campaign coffers ". 

London Breed may talk the talk - but she does not walk the walk. Heifer.

Recently I was at SF City Hall - and most everyone who saw me - where pointing fingers - at one individual - who was NOT there to defend - himself.

I  personally saw these " scumbags " go - to ask for favors and they got them - from this person - who has fallen on bad times.

We all must learn - that if we see wrong with the congestion on our streets, the increase in homelessness, the many adverse impacts - impacting our infants, our children, our youth, our young adults, our beloved Elders - those with compromised health, more our mentally and physically challenged - we must stand up and speak Truth to Power.

Do we do this - or do we not?

What have we to say about Mayors Willie L. Brown Jr., Gavin Newsom, Edwin Mah Lee, the interim Mayors Mark Farrell and London Breed, and now Mayor London Breed - when it comes to corruption of the worst order?

All of them - all of the above - have been corrupt - all of them have made millions.

All - of them are linked to " dark money " - most have accounts in off shore banks - and more -  the Federal Bureau of Investigation - knows about this and more.

We all know the ruckus created when Shrimp Boy was arrested - and fingers were pointed to Leyland Lee, Mayor Edwin Mah Lee, and others - some are still lingering in jail - and others under house arrest.

Corruption of the worst order has plagued San Francisco - and continues to plague - the City Attorney's office, the erstwhile District Attorney's Office - that of George Gascon.

The SF Controller's Office has yet - to charge any SF City Department - be it the Enterprise Department - SF Public Utilities Commission - the SF Airport - of close to home the SF Health Department -  corruption of the worst orders - plagues the above mentioned entities and agencies.

The SF Public Utilities Commission, the Department of Building Inspection, the SF Health Department with a $2 Billion Budget, the SF City Administrator's Office, the SF Mayor Office, the SF Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Workforce - I can name more - but it will do no good.

Here is the point I want to make - who is really behind these ploys, machinations, and shenanigans - if not our politicians - the likes of Diane Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi,  Gavin Newsom, Scott Wiener, David Chu, Phil Ting, and others - no one can fool all the people all the time.

Only in San Francisco we allow thousands of homes to be build on very contaminated ground. 

Rubber stamp the projects - and thinks nothing about Quality of Life issues - putting millions in harms way - more a Superfund Site that is Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

In very close proximity - Candlestick Point. The many Brownfield that the City and County of San Francisco - permits - to build homes and facilities. Why?

Not once is the Precautionary Principle being mentioned. Why?

Only in San Francisco we allow - Charter Schools to be built on very contaminated ground - and there is more - and we will expose the rascals - time is on our side.

Only is San Francisco do we given sole source contracts worth millions of dollars - to entities that have made millions -  yet - do not have the decency to provide - the necessary tools to address the increase in the Carbon Footprint, push for high density housing, do nothing practical when it comes to particulates more PM 2.5 -  and more. 

Advocates are shunned - and consultants and lawyers paid high salaries to lie and cheat.

This is your clarion call - what the FBI does - is just send you all a message.

Now,  we want to know - what can you do - really - to prove that your hands are clean?

These vermin who make high salaries must just check how much you made and then compare it to the salaries of those that work - two and three jobs.

Check out this site - California Transparent  - it will make you puke - reading the very high salaries some make - and have nothing to show  :

Monday, January 27, 2020


Bayview Hunters Point Advocates -
have stood tall and represented -
we all have been let down by the 
City and County of San Francisco -
shame of these individuals mostly Black -
selling out the community in broad daylight -
all - have BLOOD on their hands.

The Southeast Sector of San Francisco - which includes the Bayview Hunters Point - has been run amuck with chronic crooks - more outsiders - running amuck - wheeling and dealing in broad daylight.

Hunters Point Naval Shipyard is well known as a Superfund Site - all documented - with nefarious activities - cloak and dagger operations - adversely impacting thousands - all these decades.

Many innocent have died from one of kind ulcers, tumors, cancer - all sorts of respiratory diseases - the Superfund Site that is Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - has played havoc with the innocent.

More our infants, children, youth, young adults, our beloved Elders - those with compromised health - our mentally and physically challenged.

God sees it all - but now those who worship mammon - these scumbags are GREEDY and will not back off - hurting those that most need help.

Before the clandestine operations were moved to Lawrence Livermore Laboratory - all the nefarious activities linked to the Atomic Bomb - were conducted at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

The first National Defense Laboratory was situated at Hunters Point and still stands - contaminated waiting to be abated and mitigated - in close proximity to the huge crane.

Large animals that took part in the Bikini Atomic experiments - were brought to Hunters Point Naval Shipyard and buried all over the Hunter Point Naval Shipyard. 

Employees who took part in these burials - were paid a bonus pay.

These employees were when assigned to conduct or carry commands that the Higher Command - did not want anyone to know - under the cover of darkness. 

We have met the witnesses - we have documented the empirical data even as we do so now.

Bayview advocates - even at this late date - are knowledgable and know what we are doing. We do not need outsiders - so called experts - who chronologically speaking - have NO clue - what they are seeking to describe.

The War activities - conduct at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - did not care about the health and welfare of those that were close to the experiments conducted. 

Case in point the Atomic Bomb blast - conducted at the Bike Islands -  were conducted and innocent employees - saw the blast - had no equipment or eye wear that could prevent blindness. 

The result many lost their sight - and more were exposed to the experiments - and slow died excruciating - deaths.

The residents who lived in the near by Bikini Islands to suffered - and to date have NOT been compensated. Such are the deeds - of those that are evil.

The Under-Secretary of the U.S Navy 
conveying Parcel A to the City and County of  San Francisco  -
one of many parcels on Hunters Point Naval Shipyard -
the individuals you see in this picture 
have BLOOD of their hands - Willie L. Brown Jr. -
Diane Feintein and Nancy Pelosi.

Here is one documents that sheds light on all the parcels at 
Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - the mitigation and abatement -
has been convoluted - and this one fact and others - mind boggling :

The United States Navy at this late date - is dragging its legs - companies like Tetra Tech and others that I know - will go unnamed for now - have milked the tax payers of over $800 million - linked to the fake - mitigation and abatement.

The representatives the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, others mostly Black that will go unnamed for now - were on the take - and have blood on their hands.

Each of those seen above - 
kicked the can down the street -
gave a hoot - about those who suffered -
living in close proximity to the Hunters Point Shipyard -
Mayors - Willie L. Brown Jr, Gavin Newsom -
and Edwin Mah Lee.

At this late date - the City and County of San Francisco has chosen to consult University of California San Francisco - a toxicologist - who has taken money from nefarious entities - dubious in nature  - choosing to endorse and state - that, all is well on Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - a Superfund Site.

Each of the crooks seen above with a spade -
participated in selling out the community -
Blow up this photograph 
and keep it for your records -
all of them - have blood on their hands.


Saturday, January 25, 2020


Tons of construction at 
SF Treasure Island -
toxic dirt flying all over the place.

The Treasure Island Development Authority (TIDA) from day one does not have a mission objective to serve the tax payer, the constituents, the citizens of the United States of America.

Every TIDA meeting is about patting their behinds - and listening to diatribe of the worst order - from Linda Richardson - who is always pandering to those that feed her and her ulterior motives.

To date NO needs assessment has been done - understanding fully the soil characteristics - we have the empirical data - TIDA does not have the empirical data.

Judging from the projects discussed - anyone who is intelligent can garner - that the appointees are there - to push a hidden agenda - and all those agenda items agreed upon - are NOT holistic.

Unbeknownst - to TIDA and those of the TIDA chain of command - they are NOT privy to the first needs assessment done way back in 1999.

Much before TIDA was formed, the commissioners sitting today - who have NO clue - and continue to rubber stamp and support - a Rogue Developer - Lennar Urban and other entities - one worse than the other.

At that time the artificial island was sinking two inches - each and every year - and there were over 5000 hotspots - from continued " atrocious and nefarious activities " - of the the United States Navy.

All the earlier documents name the key document as Treasure Island - Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Annex.

What does this tell you - the TIDA appointees know nothing about the early history, less protocol, even less organizational command standing - and even less about the Standard Operating Procedures - linked to the United States Navy.

Other - entities such as the U.S. Coast Guard and the general history of Goat Island - known today at Yerba Buena.

Most of the TIDA appointees rubber stamp - because they are ignorant and some of the TIDA commissioners are very arrogant - one of them to note - Linda Richardson.

Children on SF Treasure Island -
are exposed to all sorts of contaminants -
on the playing fields, as  they recreate on
contaminated land - radiological elements -
invisible to the naked eye - the body exposed to contaminants.

Not long ago some of us advocates visited Treasure Island - to protest outside a Charter School - this Charter School is next to the building - that has been closed - with signs that hazardous materials - are found present at this closed building.

Yet fifty feet away from this building - where airborne contaminants lead, asbestos , saturate the environment and where the children and teachers, administrators and others - breathe the air - no one has deemed it fit - to address the situation at hand. What is happening and why is it happening ?

It is a shame that the Precautionary Principle has not once been mentioned at the Treasure Island Development Authority - not once.

Here is one article that can shed some pertinent - light :

No one one the TIDA Commission has the ability to conduct or review - a " sound needs assessment ".

The  diatribe on the TIDA Commission is toxic - so toxic that it is very disturbing - to decent, hardworking, advocates - and there are still many in San Francisco- who speak Truth to Power.

Again and again - hundreds of residents and others from SF Treasure Island - have pleaded that they suffer from ulcers, headaches more migraine headaches.

All  sorts of chronic respiratory diseases, cancers one of the kind - more our infants, children, youth, young adults, our Elders, more those with compromised health - suffering and slowly - dying.

Why are we looking the other way - and why has San Francisco lost its SOUL?

Those appointed on the TIDA Commission - pretend that all is well and continue to talk about the " wild plans " of Lennar Urban and its partner Wilson Meany.

Lennar Urban - a Rogue Developer that has already caused a lot of harm and death - at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard and Parcel  A

The near by housing by Cleo Rand, the Public Housing by Mariners' Street and Kiska Road and beyond.

Lennar Urban aka 5 Points Holding LLC - same sake different head - have plans to build thousands of homes at Candlestick Point - which is in very close proximity to a Superfund Site.

Candlestick Point  - is very contaminated - more registering high levels of plutonium, cesium, and now we learn of other derivatives or Uranium and there is more.

We now have doctors - be they Black Doctors - all qualified - who are conducting examinations and testing - the constituents of Bayview Hunters Point.

The qualified doctors have the empirical data. We are shocked how many are inflicted and how poorly the City and County of San Francisco and more the SF Health Department - has FAILED to serve the people  -more infants, children, youth, young adults, Elders  those with compromised health - this is pathetic and shocking.

We now have more data - finding dirt from the toxic areas - in the blood and urine to those who live - some distance away from the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

Even as the City and County of San Francisco - is pooh poohing the facts -  more London Breed and Shamann Walton - one worse than the other - time will tell.

We know that London Breed and Shamann Walton are sellouts - steeped in  " dark money ".

If  these evil entities - want to take on the community at large - we welcome that fact - TRUTH is on our side - and if God is on your side - there is nothing to FEAR.

As God is my witness these Blacks sellouts - working against their own people will be dealt with - we have the facts - and as time goes by - more will be revealed.

Shamann Walton has already returned the money he took from JUL - now, he must return the money he took from Lennar Urban - millions. The man is a weasel and more and more as time goes by - his true colors will come to the fore. Jackass.

Always barking up the wrong tree -
has never, ever shoulder to shoulder - STOOD
with the constituents of the Bayview Hunters Point -
is in the pocket of Lennar Urban - 
aka 5 Point Holding LLC and corrupt Big Developers -
disgrace to the human race.

Of  course those building thousands of homes on  Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, Candlestick Point, and nearby areas - have only one motive - GREED.

Those that are GREEDY and mostly EVIL.

Nothing good will happen at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

Nothing good will happen at Candlestick Point.

Nothing good will happen at SF Treasure Island.

As nothing good will happened at Concord - where Lennar Urban has been shunned and took STOP what it has in mind.

Nothing good has happened at Mare Island - forcing the City of Vallejo - to declare bankruptcy - that suffers to this day.

Lennar Urban aka 5 Points Holding LLC is a rogue developer - headquartered in Miami, Florida.

Lennar was invited to California more to Sacramento - by a Willie L. Brown Jr., a very corrupt politician - who has with intent - one aim - to make money -  his " dirty, stinky, finger " - in most things and pies - where he can make some -money.  

It is a shame that our SF Board of Supervisors - continue rubber stamp what is happening at SF Treasure Island.

The many residents at SF Treasure Island -  and more the San Francisco Conservation Corps, other entities called to SF Treasure Island, many indigent who have been given housing on Treasure.

All -  have been living on very contaminated ground - TIDA and others know this - but, continue to hoodwink us the citizens in broad daylight.

Here is one article that sheds a lot of light :