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Sunday, October 6, 2024



Some of us were commended and received medals - for aiding our communities during the 1989 Earthquake - 
I received two commander's medals—one linked to the Earthquake and another when I retired. Thousands of people served in the Sixth U.S. Army and Presidio of San Francisco, and they do not agree with what is happening at the Presidio regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion. The Presidio is exploited for ulterior motives and greed. The lead agent is Nancy Pelosi.

The Sixth U.S. Army and Presidio of San Francisco. Established in 1776, the Sixth U.S. Army and Presidio of San Francisco served thousands. Before that, it was the land of the Ohlone—the General Management linked to the National Park Service mentions the Muwekma Ohlone. 

This mural can be seen at the Chapel at the top of the hill - by the Golden Gate Club - once better known as - The non-Commissioned Club - his Club today is rented for events - and meetings - most do not favor the Presidio of San Francisco - more, when it comes to Diversity and Inclusion. 

Thousands laid their lives so that we may be free. The Presidio played a key role during World War II, the Vietnam War, and even more for decades before Base Closure. The lackeys operating the Presidio today have no clue about the rich history—actions that count—and not the wheeling and dealing that exists today—building hotels and getting into areas that do not do the Presidio of San Francisco justice.

Thirty years ago, some thugs got together to steal the San Francisco Presidio. 

The plot was conceived in Washington, D.C., and the then-Speaker of the House was involved in the wheeling and dealing—it could not have gotten better for the thugs.

Even law enforcement got involved. The U.S. Park Police decided to influence Congress to find employment on the West Coast. They made a big mistake.

Thirty years later,  we all are worse off - and the United States Army made one of the worst mistakes, handing over some precious land to a bunch of White thugs - who are greedy and have no clue about the rich history of the Presidio of San Francisco.

The Presidio was established in 1776. 

The SF Officers' Club still stands with Adobe walls. 

The Spaniards, Mexicans, and Franciscans lived at the SF Presidio of San Francisco for hundreds of years - before moving away from the Presidio for whatever reason.

For hundreds of years, the City and County of San Francisco, the Sixth U.S. Army, and the Presidio worked to make good things happen.

Sixth U.S. Army played a crucial role in 1906 -  the Big Fire - the National Park Service was established in 1916.

We fail to honor John Muir, who was familiar with the Presidio and did all he could to stop the damming of the once beautiful Hetch Hetchy Valley.

The Raker Act was created in 1913, damming the Hetch Hetchy and giving San Francisco access to millions of gallons of clean drinking water.

In 2024, San Francisco will use clean drinking water to flush our toilets. Think about that? 

The thugs are writing their own fake history. They want to avoid mentioning those who made the Presidio great.

They - want to insert their sordid history - all White, all corrupt, and not worth the salt.

Today, the SF Presidio of San Francisco is divided into two parts: the Main Post, where most buildings are managed by the Presidio Trust, and

The National Park Service, aka Golden Gate National Recreational Area, manages the land between Crissy Field and the Bay. The abatement and mitigation at Crissy Field need to be addressed.

Many fuel tanks lie buried, leaching and adversely impacting all life. Read the Precautionary Principle to learn some.

All over the Presidio of San Francisco - many homes need lead abatement. There are over 2000 hotspots that need to be abated and mitigated - the Presidio Trust is fast asleep in the cockpit.

The Presidio Trust is a quasi-federal entity - corrupt and inundated with racism.

The Presidio Trust is emblematic of the worst that sordid Whites bring to the table -  worse, they are arrogant and ignorant. Time will tell.

The 500 series wooden buildings were once slated to be torn down - we fought for them - one got burned down - few want to acknowledge these wooden buildings were used by the Buffalo Soldiers - all Black soldiers - that have NO single memorial to honor them - in the year 2024. 

The Base Closure Act forced the United States Army to turn over the Presidio of San Francisco, and all that had been well maintained for decades was not given attention—beautiful homes with wooden floors were not cared for for years on end.

The Letterman Army Medical Center and the Letterman Army Institute of Research were torn down to cater to ulterior motives, which were not in keeping with the legacy of the Presidio established in 1776.

The Presidio Trust and the National Park Service have failed the Sixth United States Army and the decent citizens of San Francisco.

I served as the last United States Congressional Liaison - to the Sixth Army and Presidio of San Francisco.

I served the twelve Western states, working with Congress and the Senate, addressing telephonic Congressionals, and resolving issues within 24 hours. 

Written Congressional within 5 days. 

I am privy to a lot of information, as are those from my inner circle—all served in the military and most attained high ranks.

All -  these 30 years, the Presidio Trust has been hoodwinking the public in broad daylight.

They have wasted more than $800 million. 

Initially, large sums were given to the Presidio Trust—as much as $400 million—and then $200 million annually to keep it afloat and in operation.

Worse still, the National Park Service, also known as the Golden Gate National Recreation Agency - failed to adhere to a plan - but chose to kick the can down the street. 

I was a good friend of Superintendent Brain O'Neil - he passed away - he could not act without constant interference.

I helped create the Maintenance and Technical Group, the Infrastructure Group, and the Real Estate and Property Management Group. 

I am - privy to a lot of empirical data—and the lack of institutional history and experience—that the Presidio Trust and the National Park Service still lack.

Few remember how we got rid of James Meadows - who headed the Presidio Trust - a corrupt man - from Colorado - who ruined the Presidio Trust in the short time he stayed at the Presidio - wheeling and dealing.

James Meadows brought an entire entourage of Correctional Officers from Colorado to help him manage the Presidio of San Francisco. When James Meadows was fired, so was his sordid entourage.

Nothing - much has changed - since James Meadows was fired.

Trouble in the Presidio  - Read the facts for yourself - then judge what is happening at the Presidio today:

The Buffoons today  - who are not educated on issues - and running the Presidio of San Francisco - bad-mouthing the Sixth U.S. Army and Presidio of San Francisco.

Tearing down buildings, using some buildings as motels and hotels—doing what thugs do best—conducting nefarious activities.

There is a lot of pussyfooting going on at the Presidio of San Francisco, and we are watching you folks - steeped and wallowing in abject corruption.

Headquarters - SF Presidio of San Francisco.

One of the 100 series buildings - built by the Black Buffalo Soldiers.

As I said and will repeat it - Racism of the worst kind - permeates the SF Presidio of San Francisco - today.

Blacks - played a vital role in the building of the SF Presidio - the block on the Main Post - the 100 series were built by the Blacks - Buffalo Soldiers - never mentioned by the White Racists that operate the Presidio today.

Few know about Captain Charles Young (1864-1922), who was promoted to general years after his death. 

Captain Charles Young wrote the Standard Operating Procedures linked to the vast Federal Lands that the Buffalo Soldiers managed and the trails they maintained.

Captain Charles Young lived at the Presidio and managed it for some years. 

He also had jurisdiction over Yosemite National Park and Sequoia National Park—the trails he designed and maintained by his Buffalo Soldiers are still used today.

In 1916, the National Park was formed - the Standard Operating Procedures were handed over to the Whites who worked for the National Park Service. 

In 1913, Congress passed the Raker Act, allowing San Francisco to dam the Hetch Hetchy Valley and bring the pristine water to Crystal Springs south of San Francisco and onward to University Mound Reservoir and the other reservoirs in and around San Francisco.

Captain Charles Young was promoted posthumously to General—the Presidio Trust and the Golden Gate National Area folks did not mention this. We need a monument in his honor—one has just to read about his achievements.

Here is a gist of General Charles Young for your information:

Racism at the Presidio is so rampant and chronic.

Few - Blacks want to work at the Presidio, and I get many calls - and do my best to help those who have no clue who they are dealing with - their managers are mostly hard-core racists.

During the recent pandemic - most people of color were let go.

For the Presidio's accurate operations, the Presidio Trust needs to learn that it and the National Park Service inherited some very contaminated Batteries that need specialized mitigation and abatement.

Each Battery is the size of four football grounds. It is built underground and has thick walls. An Earthquake could quickly release its contents, in one case, bacteriological elements that could cause havoc and adversely impact thousands.

Imagine having these two contaminated Batteries - in the middle - of the Presidio and part of the San Francisco National Park Service. How dumb could the leaders then and now be - and not take care of the mitigation and abatement.

Most do not know the seriousness of this situation. The Presidio Trust and the National Park Service are aware of it but need more money to fix it.

 The Presidio Trust in their jurisdiction has 500 toxic hot spots—buried Mustard cans from World War II, PCBs buried near housing, and many exposed to harmful chemicals—and it gets worse.

Look at the clowns below—ready to pose—surrounded by an environment that is not conducive to good health and well-being.

Crissy Field has a Lagoon. Many fuel tanks lay buried there—some were removed, but others remained buried and kept leaking. The Presidio Trust could do better but generally has no standards.

Congress -women Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer - should be ashamed of themselves - wheeling and dealing - a disgrace to the human race. They have failed us all - worse - Nancy Pelosi - trying to impeach Donald Trump - twice and failing- wasting millions of taxpayers' money - taking on Taiwan - inviting trouble with Mainland China.

The National Park Service should be ashamed to have worked with Nancy Pelosi and others - to convince Congress - to hand over the SF Presidio of San Francisco - without sound abatement and mitigation.

I witnessed the various agreements with the City and County of San Francisco.

The City and County of San Francisco could have worked to help hundreds - using the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act  - San Francisco's  Mayor Frank Jordon - was given an opportunity - to lease thousands of homes - sitting vacant at the SF Presidio and did not.  

I witnessed agreements with the SF Public Utilities Commission on clean drinking water, sewer  - and more.

Agreements made with Pacific Gas and Electric—when the Presidio of San Francisco had no individual Electrical Meters—we sat down every year and agreed on a number, always favoring PG&E. Millions were on a platter.

The Presidio Trust owes the City and County of San Francisco - billions of dollars in Property Taxes.

Willie L. Brown Jr. brought in the John Stewart Company - to cover that trail - take massive commissions - and deny the City and County of San Francisco -  the income - due to the SF Assessor's Office - a "B" Movie man - running the show - today.

Our dumb, stupid Mayor, London Breed - has no clue about this income - sitting there and we can use the law - laid down as part of Real Estate Property that the City and County of San Francisco is linked to - billions that are owed us - the citizens of San Francisco.

Mr. Douglas Shorenstein knew about this fact—his company owned 130 buildings in San Francisco and 28 million square feet of commercial property—and was a Real Estate Mogul.

Nancy Pelosi is for herself and not the citizens of San Francisco. 

This reed shaking in the wind - any which way - should step down and fade into oblivion.

The Ohlone lived in what is now the Presidio of San Francisco for thousands of years. The Muwekma Ohlone is mentioned in the General Management Plan of the Presidio of San Francisco. The Presidio Trust and the National Park Service—aka Golden Gate National Recreational Area—continue to muddy the waters by mentioning other Indigenous clans. This is typical of Racists of the worst kind - muddying the waters.

Long live the Presidio of San Francisco - the Buffalo Soldiers are interred at the Veterans Cemetery within the jurisdiction of the Presidio Trust - the Veterans Administration - and look after the cemetery's needs.

I have some access to white acacia trees from around 2002 and worked with the Veterans Administration gardener to plant them. Today, many are fifteen to twenty feet tall.

Someone was supposed to buy some black Acacia plants - and purchased the wrong plants. I watered the white Acacia plants for nine months - before contacting the Veterans Administration, and they agreed to plant them to increase the tree canopy at the cemetery.

Hundreds of Buffalo Soldiers are interred at the Presidio Veterans Cemetery. 

From time to time - I visit the Presidio cemetery and pay my respects to the Buffalo Soldiers and to the soldiers from 1776 to today who are interred - they laid their lives so that we may enjoy our freedom.

Again, the Presidio Trust and National Park Service should consider military history and legacy. 

In the last 30 years, since the exit of the Sixth U.S. Army and Presidio of San Francisco, the Whities have failed us all, many hoodwinking us in broad daylight.


These strangers contaminate and pollute the Presidio of San Francisco, so they must be brought to justice. If only the past Generals stationed at the Presidio could have access to the rampant and deep corruption that has reached saturation point.

There are Ohlone remains all over the Presidio of San Francisco.

There are remains of the first soldiers from Spain, soldiers from Mexico, and other remains - that have to be attended to -  but no one is addressing this legacy.

The Presidio Trust is keen on leasing the buildings at the Presidio, favoring hotels and motels—places for the filthy rich—where all sorts of ploys, machinations, and shenanigans take place.

Private schools for the filthy rich and legacy Buffalo Soldiers buildings are leased for massages and other mundane services.

Fort Scott has one-of-a-kind buildings—there is talk about inviting folks to use them—paradoxically, none of the suggestions, plans, or future projects have come to fruition.

MUNI - the City and County of San Francisco transportation agency, does not want to invest in transportation to better serve the Presidio. 

Two buses are now plying and serving the Presidio - and - this has been the case since before the Presidio Trust was created.

Early on in the trails, I provided tools and excess property to the many interns who worked for the National Park Service. 

I also offered them excess office supplies that the Sixth Army and Presidio transferred to me.

 I had the certification to receive and distribute them to needy entities, including the National Park Service, which was in trouble then.

I played a role in Recycling when I worked for the Sixth U.S. Army and could provide help to the Presidio Trust - where the Recycling Center was established - building 1243.

At Building 1244, I worked with the intern to germinate 100,000 plus native plants—nurseries that provided the Native Plants with nutrition and good care—planted all over Crissy Field.

We worked on a Riparian Project that opened a stream, and all sorts of good things happened. We had several red-tail foxes, some grey foxes, and Quail that were in peril. 

I love hummingbirds, and every time hundreds of them visited the Presidio, we provided them with clean water and nutrition.

Many tourists love to see hummingbirds, and bird lovers have a field day. 

When I took them around, they could enjoy the back-and-forth as I spoke the bird language that I learned as a young boy. 

If one loves nature, Mother Earth, life will be good to you.

At my office - anyone could come and have a nice cup of coffee - with the Superintendent, Brian O'Neill, who visited me - and with that, some fresh pastries that I picked up early - every morning on my way from work.

As I reminisce- I feel great and will never forget those memories.

I love the Rangers, and the Rangers loved me - all - were welcome to use my tools - have some lunch - have seasonal fruits - I could fix a salad with some homemade salad dressing.

I  quench their thirst - it was a great family - each one uplifting one another.

We increased that population, and many admired our tenacity and fortitude.

We had an artist who could sculpt giant redwood - one carved into a large whale with a baby whale - placed at its side. 

The artist Shane Eagleton - stayed at the Presidio for some time - before going to Hawaii - and today travels worldwide. 

I fondly remember Sharon Farrell and her interns who worked for the National Park Service.

We cared for each other. Then came the Presidio Trust, and all hell broke loose.

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