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Friday, September 27, 2024



The SFPUC General Manager,  a former SF City Attorney, is the fox guarding the chicken coop. He wastes billions of dollars, favors litigation, contaminates our Bay, is brash, and thinks he and his lackeys know it all. Corruption reeks within the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. Crooks who stole millions - from SFPUC - Scott Free - while Community Benefits - were denied to those citizens who took the lead to create the Resources Center -in 2014 -  only to be named the Contracting Center - by Juliet Ellis. 
 Where are Juliet Ellis and her inner circle—the joint venture—ploys, machinations, and shenanigans? We know who stole millions; however, after years, the crooks are still making hay while the sun shines, and those needing help are slowly dying.

The Clean Water Act, a testament to our collective efforts and commitment to environmental protection, has served its purpose for many years.

We fought hard for the Clean Water Act - and now we must deal with foolishness.

Dennis Herrera—the SF Public Utilities Commission daring to sue the United States Environmental Protection Agency. This is the audacity of an idiot that we have not seen in a long time.

Hundreds - showed up at the recent SF Board of Supervisors meeting on September 24, 2024 - to speak truth to power.

The SF Board of Supervisors - echoing the sentiments of the people, unanimously agreed that the Clean Water Act should remain intact. 

We thank the SF Board of Supervisors for standing by the Clean Water Act on the land of Muwekma Ohlone, the first people of San Francisco.

Mother Earth was given to us to care for, take little and give more, and keep the air, land, water, and atmosphere clean for future generations.

SFPUC does not care when raw sewage spills from the manholes - and runs all over - people stepping into the raw sewage. This has been happening for decades.

The same is true for the many locations where secondary effluents—much of it untreated—pollute and contaminate the once-pristine Bay.

The many chemicals - most of it flushed down the commodes - all sorts of variants linked with diseases - the water tested and known to Dennis Herrera and his lackeys - they think they are fooling us all.

Let us not get caught in stupid materialism and foolish ploys and think - you can get away with murder in broad daylight. 

We must learn from clear-cutting the redwood trees and the buffalo millions of people killed for the fur, not the meat.

Our lakes and rivers are polluted and contaminated, our air is polluted, our ozone level is depleted, the Earth is warming, climate change is here, and floods, hurricanes, and millions are adversely impacting nations - worldwide.

When will we learn to stop, ponder, and take control of the situation? When will we learn to respect Mother Earth? 

When will we stop being greedy - and embrace avarice - take less and leave more for the future generation? 

 When will we STOP lying, cheating, killing, think all is fine.

When will we learn to put things back on track? Time is running out.

This unwavering support from our leaders and environmental advocates is a source of reassurance and strength. 

The Clean Water Act is a standard - that must be as a beacon - to shed light where there is abject darkness.

Imagine those who should be looking after - quality of life issues - compromising - our values, and demeaning our values.

San Francisco must stand for good actions, not the corruption and utter nonsense that prevails at SF City Hall today.

The U.S. Supreme Court case linked to the Clean Water Act and the SFPUC should be withdrawn, and we stand united and resolute in our defense of this vital legislation.

 In a powerful display of solidarity, the Sierra Club and other dedicated advocates represented Mother Earth's voice at the recent SF Board of Supervisors meeting. 

The unwavering dedication and commitment of the advocates to this cause deserve our respect. Time will tell. 

The many who came and stayed to speak up did a great job.

The SF Board of Supervisors heard everyone and was impressed by their representation - at San Francisco City Hall on September 24, 2024. 

It was a day to remember, and the numbers that represented it allowed the SF Board of Supervisors to change their minds better.

The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, under the leadership of the current General Manager, has not only failed us but also jeopardized our environment and the health of thousands in San Francisco.

Thousands living and going to the shores of the Bay - are adversely impacted by the contamination and pollution - raw sewage spilling into the Bay.

San Francisco is surrounded by water - on three sides. 

The Bay was once clean, and the current conditions of extreme pollution and contamination did not exist.

The SF Public Utilities Commission is blind and has failed the constituents of San Francisco.

Over decades, the Abolone, the herring, other fish, and sea plants withered in the Bay, reaching saturation point. 

The warming of the Bay—coupled with toxic chemicals—has seen a surge of algae and contamination that has kept those swimming in the Bay away, including windsurfers and others.

The SF Public Utilities Commission keeps pulling wool our eyes.

As a former SF City Attorney - Dennis Herrera - has positioned himself  - to get the SF Public Utilities Commission job as General Manager.

He has done this - hand-in-glove working with the corrupt Mayor London Breed - who has taken San Francisco - down the drain - into a cesspool of her own creation.

Imagine the Mayor, London Breed, the SF Public Utilities Commission, and Dennis Herrera taking on the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

This is a crying shame.

In the Interim, four out of five SFPUC Commissioners have resigned. The SFPU Commission is in turmoil, and pandemonium reigns supreme. Why the turmoil at this juncture? What the hell is happening?

Today, London Breed is fighting to save her job. 

London Breed is inundated with corruption, but that has not stopped her from barking up the wrong tree.

London Breed should step down - and fade into oblivion.

Dennis Herrera is not an engineer - he is a corrupt lawyer.

Dennis Herrera has wasted millions of dollars suing the United States Environmental Protection Agency and other State and Local environmental groups.

He does this because he loves wasting taxpayers' money. 

He makes over $500,000 a year—with perks—and has leeway to sign practically every type of contract, including many worth over $100 million.

It is time that every case costing millions should be brought before the taxpayers' of San Francisco - before the corrupt SF Public Utilities Commission -  dares to waste millions of dollars - more.

Read the brief and find out for yourself the truth:

The Raker Act of 1913 and the clout of the California Representatives in Congress - allowed the corrupt politicians to deprive the Indigenous tribes of the Yosemite Valley of the rights to the many rivers and flood the once beautiful - Hetch Hetchy Valley.

Once - the Tuolumne River had the necessary water to keep the Salmon healthy. This condition was maintained for thousands of years - the strangers who came in - in just 300 years fucked it up.

Shameless bastards who are deep into money - cheating, lying, and destroying all that was once pristine - our rivers, lakes, valleys, the glaciers  - no more laden with snow.

The flora and the land keep suffering from the lack of care.

The Indigenous knew how to take care of the forest - the salmon, the birds, and more - the strangers - all they do is - do themselves. 

In recent years, the Salmon of the Tuolumne River and the increased intake to fill the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir have created adverse impacts preventing the  Salmon from spawning in the Tuolumne River. 

If some water was released, the warm waters would allow the Salmon some respite - perhaps the algae could be with - again and again, the SFPUC does not give a damn - who will speak for the Salmon.

Ten years ago, thousands of Salmon were counted—no more—but this year, we were shocked—less than one hundred. The Salmon are now an endangered species.

The Indigenous tribes are shocked at the behavior of the Whites who stole the water and are making billions of dollars -  selling the water and making billions of dollars.

The greedy bastards have no respect for the Salmon - I always say, "Who will speak for the Salmon?".

Today, so much water is drained from the Tuolumne River to fill the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir - five times the need - and if only we had sufficient water in the Tuolumne River - the Salmon would survive.

As it stands now, the Tuolumne River has less water and is warmer, and algae and other toxins have harmed all the fish, including the Salmon. We repeat this so that the SFPUC and Dennis Herrera comprehend that man is focused on mundane stuff—not the environment—that matters.

The Clean Water Act forced the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to issue hundreds of Notices of Violation to the SFPUC.

The SFPUC failed to adhere to standards and continues polluting our Bay, which surrounds San Francisco on three sides and gives us a unique climate.

The least we can do is keep the Bay free from pollution and stop dumping chemicals dumps that adversely impact life.

Testing done on samples taken from the Bay and Pacific Ocean bordering the shores of San Francisco consistently results in shocking findings: We exceed the pollution levels of raw sewage and contaminants of the worst kind.

Time - the SFPUC posts the results on their antiquated website - which is not friendly.

The SFPUC - is convoluted and always faking the statistics, be it harmful chemicals to all life.

 We have the ordinance in our book—the Precautionary Principle—and we dare not use it. 

SFPUC will be caught with its hand in the cookie jar. Shame on SFPUC.

The warming of the Bay, coupled with toxic chemicals spilling into the Bay, has transformed what once was pristine into a cesspool of the worst kind.

All sorts of diseases—variants linked to COVID-19, have created the perfect storm: it adversely impacts anyone who swims or windsurfs in the Bay - once pristine but now suffering from chronic diseases.

The Hetch Hetchy system brings pristine water from Hetch Hetchy to Crystal Springs to University Mound in San Francisco.

The new upgraded Sewer System Improvement Project started with a budget of $8 Billion ( yes, BILLION). Now, it is heading to $12 Billion—and soon to be $20 Billion. Four out of five SFPU Commission seats are vacant: Sophie Maxwell, Anthony Rivera (Vice President), Newsha Ajami, and Tim Paulson (President). The only SFPU Commissioner left is Kate Stacy, a good friend of Dennis Herrera.

Juliet Ellis missing in action.

Susan Leal - a joint venture with AECOM - doling out money.

Dwayne Jones was indicted and is waiting to appear in court.

Julie Labonte - a joint venture with AECOM - is doling out money. Community Benefits - with Susan Leal and Dwayne Jones.

Malia Cohen - was hand in glove - with the crooks - doling our money to the insiders. Now the CA Controller of sorts.

Harlan Kelly started the mess at the SF Public Utilities Commission. He is serving a seven-year prison time. 

Juliet Ellis, who was part of the mess. She will be indicted - time will tell.

Dwayne Jones, who did not work for the SFPUC but was given an office to do his dirty work, Dwayne, has been indicted and is waiting for his day in court.

When it was decided to upgrade the Sewer System Improvement Project (SSIP), we, the Bayview Hunters Point Community, decided way back in 2014 to create the Resource Community to create opportunities—more Career Jobs.

It took years to convince the SFPUC to create the Resources Center.

Only - for the SFPUC to name the Resources Center the Contacting Center - putting hurdles in the way of the community .- in 2016

Juliet Ellis, in 2016, was behind the ploys and machinations - to foil the people's wishes.

Juliet Ellis conspired with Dwayne Jones not to give access to the Community Benefits—some $300 million—doling it out to inner-circle crooks.

AECOM, a company owned by Diane Feinstein and Richard Blum, Diane Feinstein's husband ( both expired), used every opportunity to earn billions.

Creating joint-venture ploys and being involved in joint-venture machinations - Susan Leal, Julie Labonte, Dwayne Jones, Malia Cohen, Ed Lee, Juliet Ellis - and other crooks- are too many to name.

In the mix  - adversely impacting the Bayview Hunters Point community were Juliet Elis, Harlan Kellys, Malia Cohen, and Dwayne Jones—the crooks using the Contracting Center and conducting dubious operations - doing a disservice to the community. 

Over $500 million wasted - they will be audited soon.

The Dream Keepers Initiative is a cesspool:

The recent fiasco with Dream Keepers Initiative - guided by Mayor London Breed - ploys and machinations operated by Sheryl Evan Davis.  The corruption has reached saturation point.

This tsunami has hit San Francisco - and many are shocked at the saturation point of corruption.

 Sheryl Evan Davis - the Director of the SF Human Rights Commission, and her lackeys spent millions of taxpayers' money. 

Yet few know the above fact—it pales compared to the millions set aside as Community Benefits linked to the Sewer System Improvement Project (SSIP).

Dwayne Jones and other crooks have been nabbed and await their day in court. 

Hundreds received money illegally - who are turning and twisting in bed - crooks that should be ashamed of themselves - most Democrats - Democrats that have failed justice and fair play.

Plans are afoot to introduce a ballot measure to create an Inspector General's Office in San Francisco, which would be able to indict and bring the many crooks to book.

We do have the Controller's Office that audits - these audits fall on deaf ears.

So far, the only entity that can track the money is the Federal Bureau of Investigation—and even the FBI has been moving slowly. Time will tell.

We thank the former U.S. Attorney General for Nothern California for bringing some to book. 

As soon as the Democrats witnessed what was happening, the excellent work of David Anderson - they appointed someone else, and these new appointments seem to be in the doldrums.

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