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Saturday, October 12, 2024



San Francisco and the neighboring areas - have a substantial population of Palestinians - they should be respected - do not expect to get their votes on a platter.

We have 7O billionaires in San Francisco - we have 42 million square feet of commercial space vacant - the Black population in San Francisco has dwindled to 3% - San Francisco has been played by crooked politicians who speak from both sides of their mouth.

San Francisco has a large Chinese population - and one from Southeast Asia - well educated and hard working - the Democrats cannot take their vote for granted.

San Francisco is also home to many Africans - from Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, and other areas - who have been working here in San Francisco for a long time.

You say Carnaval; we all know it is about the Latinos—maybe Brazil and the Portuguese, too. The Latinos, who have some of the best restaurants in San Francisco and the Bay Area, work hard, are in the hospitality business, and are treated like second-class citizens. 

This must STOP, and the Democrats even here in San Francisco - have failed the Latinos and other minorities.

San Francisco is a paradise that the last five Mayors have treated with disdain - the paradox is that none of the previous five Mayors - had their hearts in the right place. Most selfish to the core.

The Democrats cannot take San Franciscans who have come from all over the world - for granted. Talk is cheap - good actions - count.

I know Kamala Harris, and she knows me. The dynamics of running for president for a woman of color have more hurdles than any man.

Donald Trump is not fit to run for President of the United States - yet we see this egoistical maniac - lie, cheat, and hoodwink in broad daylight and in light of standards and etiquette. 

At the only debate Kamala Harris debated with Donald Trump - Kamala Harris whopped his ass - the man could not stand his ground - and when asked for another discussion - the man cowed down.

Donald Trump is a fanatic, and his fans all fanatics worship the man who is senile and a liar - his lies are so many that even fact-checking is made difficult - why would anyone vote for such a maniac - a buffoon of the worst order. 

Gaven Newsom still needs to address quality of life issues - more, those who are mentality challenged.

It is a shame that we have thousands of folks mentally challenged - and San Francisco cannot do anything much but kick the can down the hill.

Again and again, many cannot afford long-term care - even if they have insurance - Kamala Harris is talking about - including long-term care linked to Medicare - it would be great for this to happen.

Here in San Francisco - thirty years ago - we lost the Letterman Army Medical Center and the Letter Army Institute of Research - at the Presidio of San Francisco.

We lost Saint Luke's Hospital, which served Bayview Hunters Point and the Mission. 

We also lost Saint Mary's, but we remember the quality of care at this hospital.

We lost Saint Francis, and Saint Mary now falls under the University of California, San Francisco. What is happening? 

San Francisco General Hospital.

San Francisco General Hospital is a mess—go and check it out. It has a budget of over $2 billion and no standards worth the salt. 

When it comes to mental wellness - it is pathetic.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have milked California and more San Francisco - visiting San Francisco - to fill their campaign coffers - while San Francisco itself has a $1.8 billion deficit.

London Breed has messed up. The pandas she hoped for backfired, resulting in pandemonium. The SF Zoo is unkempt and will soon be closed to the public; the animals moved elsewhere. Union Square is not safe - shooting and assaults in broad daylight.

In San Francisco, our Mayor, London Breed, has failed us all - and she must step down and fade into oblivion. 

London Breed talks of shackles and whatnot. 

She wants San Francisco to soar when she cannot uplift herself. Those in her inner circle—most of them crooks and corrupt—are in prison, and she has no clue that she is making a mockery of herself when she barks up the wrong tree.

Kamala Harris has a very narrow window, and the only way she can win is by having a viable and sustainable platform that most voters can comprehend. A better plan for our economy and a better relationship with the Palestinians and Latinos.
We must stop supplying Israel with laser-guided bombs. Put Benjamin Netanyahu in his place - he better listen - or else.   

Israel has used the United States - they ask, and we concede - STOP this nonsense.

Hezbollah and Iran are a force to reckon with - and while the United States does not have a sound International Policy - on Syria, Iraq, Libya, and Yemen - other Middle Eastern countries - we, the United States - are complicit. 

We live in a world of information - honest time sharing of information.

The United States is fully aware of the " Principle of Proportionality." We continue to give Israel our best jets, technology, and laser-beam bombs -  we know thousands of infants and children are killed - do you think we are not complicit?

We can spend that money at home - and stay away from Israel - If not, we will enter a war - and when it happens - Iran will use - missiles and drones - with the help of Russia - we know this, and those in charge - must stop this nonsense - while they have limited time.

If the war starts - our General Election will be in peril.

The two Hurricanes that hit Florida back-to-back have traumatized millions and will adversely impact our General Elections.

Kamala Harris - must step up her game - and hit the fanatic
where it counts - stressing he is a felon and was a President - and will not be a President - because most Americans want change - uplifting one another.

Many Americans have yet to read the Constitution, and if they have read it, they do not know that over the years, most Americans have not paid attention to the amendments made. Some of these amendments are ridiculous, and the Supreme Court is leading the charge.

The women we respect know more about their bodies and how to care for themselves and their children than most men.

This is not to say that men do not respect women - but to order women to do this - is wrong.

Women are a force to reckon with, and as Patriots, they can send a message to any fanatic or autocrat by doing the right things, keeping them at bay, and running for essential positions. Women must now play this role and can make a significant difference.

We would be in deep trouble if it had not been for Kamala Harris stepping up. 

November 5, 2024, is fast approaching - the United States will declare the results - and most of us - want our freedom and stay away from fanatics and autocrats.

The November 5, 2024, General Election will be recorded as a unique election in which divisiveness tried to raise its ugly head and was neutralized.

Donald Trump's father, who fleeced the poor - a refugee from East Europe - and his mother from Scotland, landed in America without documents in 1929. Donald is White trash. Donald suffers from an inferiority complex - and is an egotistical maniac. Donald will lose - his disdain for immigrants is unwanted - it will lead to his downfall - the idiot will fall - flat on his face.

We are three weeks away - it will be a close race.

We must pray and act - vote carefully - I have seen the Blue Light - and those who do right and uplift one another - will rejoice - but let us not take anything for granted.

Do not focus on the many polls—concentrate on good actions, vote honestly, and all will be well.

Help our Elders and those with compromised health - to vote - and our nation will survive the madness that will pass away.

Our freedom matters - our women matter - we must respect one another.

America  - Turtle Island matters - the Indigenous people matter - and respect for one another is paramount.

America is here to be united and must avoid those who do not believe in democracy.

As Patriots, we must embrace all and work together to attain a viable and sustainable way of living peacefully and loving one another.

Then, everything will fall into place. Aho.

God bless you all, and God bless America!

These two guys think the world is a playing field and should agree to a peace plan. Israel cannot go on killing thousands of innocent Palestinians, Lebanese, and others and think that we, the people worldwide - will tolerate this utter nonsense. Benjamin Netanyahu is a warmonger, and Israel is looked upon as a pariah nation.

The October 7, 2023 incident was atrocious, and it has been a year now - and this incident " massacre by Hamas " - has adversely impacted millions of Palestinians - more infants and children.

On that day, October 7, 2023 - we know 1200 were killed, raped, and the most demeaning conducted - all noted, and the International Courts have ruled on the massacre.

We are now witnessing over 25,000 innocent infants and children dead - killed by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) - do those who have empathy - realize that we cannot - have this tit-for-tat - for too long.

In all, over 45,000 Palestinians have died, and this includes innocent infants and children - some 25,000 - and we must pause that as human beings - we cannot compromise when it comes to any human being - and more those that are innocent.

One person, Benjamin Netanyahu, can stop the killing and the devastation that the Palestinians in Gaza have been suffering daily for the past year - and still ongoing. Enough is Enough.

Benjamin Netanyahu is wanted and indicted by the International Courts - yet the United States panders to his wishes - we have given Israel over $18 Billion - to kill and maim innocent Palestinians.

As I have been saying - Benjamin Netanyahu is out to start World War III - and if this happens - Israel will bear the brunt of the atrocities and devastation.

A billion-dollar-plus intercept - Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) has been provided by the United States taxpayers - and our U.S. Government - to provide Israel support to intercept missiles - THAAD has a team of over a hundred soldiers - in this case, our United States military putting the lives in harm's way. 

The United States is now sending a hundred U.S. military soldiers - to man a sophisticated system - called the THAAD system -  that can intercept long-range missiles and other assets that Iran may use - as a last resort.

The THAAD intercepted carriers with no warheads; its kinetic impact energy destroys the incoming missiles. 

THAAD has become part of the Missile Defense Agency. The United States Military has chosen to use one of our stellar assets, incepting missiles, which operate with teams of 100 soldiers.

Again, the more we aid and abate Israel - the more we are complicit.

The United States must use its Superpower status - to end the wars in Gaza and Lebanon - more innocent Lebanese and innocent Palestinians - infants and children are dying. There is a God.

Russia is supporting Iran - and Iran is, at this moment - flexing its muscles - what is happening in Lebanon - the thousands killed - and the many buildings destroyed - has irked millions in the Middle East and worldwide. Israel is now considered a pariah nation. 

This concept that the Palestinians are inferior and that the Israelis are privileged - might as well be a "mirage. " The United States can stop the carnage in Gaza - thousands killed as many as 45,000.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) should be ashamed of themselves - military experts from all over the world - disagree with the tactics of the Israeli military - I know for sure many experts in the United States do not agree with the IDF tactics.

This idea that one can incarcerate thousands with a cause - under some law, "administrative detention " - is ridiculous, and the International Courts have ruled against these actions - raping, torturing, killing, starving the Palestinians,  abuse of all sorts - with Israel and the IDF having no impunity. 

The time has come to hold Israel responsible and more Benjamin Netanyahu, who has no conscience - he is prolonging this war - so that he can stay free - Benjamin Netanyahu - has warrants, and the Israeli courts are waiting for an opportunity to bring him before the Israeli judges - and jail him.

Benjamin Netanyahu is an egoistical maniac - and all he cares about is himself - by now, we could have had the Israeli hostages - but Benjamin Netanyahu wants to destroy Hamas.

Benjamin Netanyahu befriended Hamas for over 35 years. Benjamin Netanyahu received millions from the Qataris and doled out money to Hamas - and the man thinks - he can do anything and go Scott-free.

Eighty percent of the Israelis want the hostages free now - the Israelis have suffered enough - they disagree with Benjamin Netanyahu.

We, the people worldwide -  must support the hostages - and do all in our power - to bring Benjamin Netanyahu to book and jail for a long time.

Thousands gather every day in Israel - begging that the Israeli government - do their best to release the hostages. The majority of Israelis do not like Benjamin Netanyahu.

The Palestinians have millions of supporters worldwide - stop the bombing, killing more infants and children in Gaza. All human beings must be respected - let us not treat the Palestinians with disdain - the United States must stop providing Israel with military support - providing Israel with laser-guided bombs, ammunition, jets - billions of dollars in aid - that we could use here at home - in the United States of America. The U.S.A. must not fall into the trap and be complicit. We do not want to deal with the ire - worldwide - millions against us - when we can improve our leadership and international policies.

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