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Wednesday, October 9, 2024


One was worse than the other - each pointing fingers at the other - and none accepted responsibility - dereliction of duty. No one can soar when you have no wings - no one can lie, cheat, be ignorant and arrogant, and think for a second they can lead.

Since 1996, we have witnessed a gradual deterioration of San Francisco, culminating in a situation where we can no longer tolerate the selfishness of our Mayors. 

We have indeed reached a point of saturation, demanding immediate change.  

San Francisco once had some semblance, and then came the selfish politicians - now they want to run for Mayor. 

The Ethics Commission has charged all of them; most know they are unfit to lead.

Right now, the ones spending millions to convince us that they are the right ones to lead - these idiots should not be in any race - they should not vie to lead - liars, cheats, and most of all, immoral. 

Despite San Francisco's substantial $16 billion Budget, we are facing a projected deficit of over a billion dollars, with more than 42 million square feet of commercial space lying vacant.

The San Francisco Police Department, which should ideally have a force of 2000 Police Officers, is currently operating with just 800 officers, underscoring our city's security challenges.

Our MUNI is a mess—dirty and stinking—and anyone can enter the bus, adversely impacting the innocent and those who have compromised health. Our MUNI system has no standards when it comes to hygiene.

San Francisco has thousands of mentally challenged - and there is no Standard Operating System - how best to deal with the Mentally Challenged - more Dementia.

You call dispatch, and they will only send an ambulance in an emergency.

When you ask them to define an emergency, they cannot—" Let me speak to my supervisor," they say.

Each ambulance trip to the emergency costs $1000, and each visit to a hospital like Kaiser costs $50. 

The Emergency Room is packed, and there are unkempt beds in the corridors—the cleanup is evident—and the janitors and nurses are overworked. The worst hospital today is the San Francisco General Hospital.

Currently, the San Francisco Controller is inundated with corruption charges—many Commissions and some Non-Profits—wasting millions of dollars. 

The left-hand does not know what the right hand is doing.

The SF Mayors fail to comprehend that quality of life matters—our public schools are failing our students, parents, and citizens of San Francisco.

Our MUNI needs to be fixed.

Our roads are dug up repeatedly, causing congestion and accidents, and no one seems to care. The contracts spend too much time on these contracts, making endless " change orders " and milking the taxpayers.

Low bidding must be stopped and flushed down the commode.

Homes are burglarized, car break-ins are frequent, and no one seems to care. It's worse when our tourists rent and lose all their belongings. 

Our San Francisco hospitals could be better. UC San Francisco now has bought Saint Mary's and Saint Francis. When such consolidation takes place, the quality of service goes down.

It is the same with our hotels and hospitality service. Large Hotels gobble up other hotels, and before you know it, the workers are treated like slaves—made to work harder with few workers on the team to do justice to the standard of clean and other services.

You often enter a filthy hotel room, especially in areas that need cleaning.

The SF Board of Supervisors passed laws mandating that hotel owners comply with standards and respect for hotel workers in the hospitality world. This was once great but has now gone to the hogs.

San Francisco is a Union City - the Longshoremen and others fought for worker rights - we must remember Bloody Thursday - the day the Longshoremen were killed - by the SF Police.

July 5, 1934 - Blood Thursday - ask most San Francisco about this day - and few know about this incident - and the rights the workers won. 

Again, San Francisco is a Union City, so make no bones about that.

These steps lead to the rooms where wheeling and dealing take place. This nonsense must stop—stop talking the talk—learn to walk the walk. We are monitoring the many crooks. They are now being investigated by the SF Controller and soon by an entity that can follow the money. 

We once had Public Comment in San Francisco that mattered.

Today, the SF Board of Supervisors has destroyed Public Comment - sometimes allowing one minute of Public Comment.

We are a Democracy - of and by the people.

We are monitoring the crooks, and we have monitored them before.

We will do due diligence when it comes to those who fail to serve the public by stealing, cheating, lying, or dereliction duty.

Three hundred pages plus - the SF Ballot information - there is a lot in there - and time is running out - Vote!

The City and County of San Francisco have a Charter - the process started in 1928 - " The Wild West " - and San Francisco - had its share of Vigilantes and abject corruption.

Early on, the San Francisco Committee of Vigilance was formed in 1851. This group was modeled after the Sydney Ducks gang. It was revived in 1856 in response to rampant crime and corruption in the municipal government of San Francisco.

The San Francisco Bureau of Government Research created San Francisco's early Charter in 1928.

Thirty-two charter amendments later, in March 1931, the Charter was voted upon and passed its test.

San Francisco's Charter is more like any Corporation - initially giving much leeway to the SF Mayor and the Chief Administrative Officer.

The SF Board of Supervisors tried its best to deal with corruption. The amendments to the Charter continued until 1932. Two new positions were created: the SF Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and the SF Controller—Chief Financial Officer.

For many years, there has been no Department of Enforcement—no entity to indict and enforce the laws and ordinances. 

San Francisco has grown so corrupt that it has reached a saturation point.

The Mayor controls the Budget, and the SF Board of Supervisors has no input. Agreeing to the Budget that the Mayor's Budget appointee presents—with the aid of the neutral Budget Legislative aides—is a Mickey Mouse ploy bordering on machinations and shenanigans.

The SF Board of Supervisors can increase the final Budget - they could decrease it, but that does not happen.

To circumvent the Budget, there are other avenues—many linked to emergencies—and some made up to suit the Department of Health and other Departments dipping into the General Funds.

This year, 2024, after the Budget was passed, the SF Department of Health revisited the Budget - a few days after the final budget was passed.

Apparently, the SF Health Department and Dr. Grant Colfax - failed to report millions - linked to dubious projects to the Budget Committee - that money was transferred from the General Fund to the Mayor's Office of Children, Youth, and Families - and from there to the SF Department of Health.

There was a heated discussion—back and forth—and the Controller and the SF City Attorney at the SF Board of Supervisors figured out the mess and put things on track.

The Department of Health lied and appeared before the Budget Committee after the Budget was passed to clarify some blatant fiscal misreporting. 

I heard it all and was shocked.

It is not uncommon for SF Departments to spend over $10 million and then show up before the Budget Committee and the SF Board of Supervisors to report they spent millions and want some authorization after the fact.

San Francisco has a budget of over $16 billion - yes, Sixteen Billion and we seem to give a damn about the homeless, the infants and children dying from lack of nutrition and illnesses.

Our Elders on the street - sleeping in tents - the Mayor hogging at restaurants and treating the homeless with disdain.

It's time for a change in San Francisco. There have been too many cheats, lies, and in-your-face disrespect. It's time for a clean slate.


Money allocated to some non-profits was cut off, while lousy blood was created. 

We are still determining what has transpired with the $120 million in money taken from the SF Police Department.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation should be called in, and those involved in cheating and hoodwinking the taxpayers' money must be held accountable. 

Many changes are being made to the SF Charter this November, but we need to adhere to " Character." 

Too many politicians are crooks—we have named them before and can name them again—shameless and should fade into oblivion.



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