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Saturday, September 21, 2024



Check out the five mayoral candidates.

Check what the 5 SF Mayoral candidates say - then ask yourself what you have to say about them? :

This audit shows how bad the corruption is in San Francisco:

The corruption in San Francisco has reached saturation point.

San Franciscans have every right to demand and expect better from their governance. 

By uniting in collective action, we can wield the power to bring about the transformative change that San Francisco needs.

The Sun Sunshine Task Force, once a beacon of hope, now stands as a symbol of disappointment in San Francisco - one time, seats were kept vacant at the SF Sunshine Task Force because one SF Supervisor deemed it fit.

San Francisco has the SF Ethics Commission - the Commissioners are confounded, perplexed, and confused.

The Fair Political Practices Commission in Sacramento frequently advised the SF Ethics Commission -  on issues that the Ethics Commission still needs to address.

We are left with the San Francisco Controller's office - one has to read the latest  San Francisco Grand Jury Report. 

Check this one report on Climate Change:

Corruption has reached saturation point - check out this one audit:

The many audits done by the SF Controller have fallen on deaf ears, and less action has been taken to nip adverse issues - in the bud. 

San Francisco today is last among comparable cities with similar assets and a population of around 850,000. 

Our SF City leaders stir clear of our spiraling economy - and spew diatribe - talk sa lot wa lot wials - and timelines.

Many adverse impacts on our infants - children, youth, hardworking women, and men. 

More - those with compromised health - those mentally and physically challenged.

None of the five SF mayoral candidates has their hearts in the right place—each hoodwinking us in broad daylight.

London Breed has no qualms about giving one-way tickets to the homeless - she keeps wiping out her text messages, which should be kept intact - to track what is happening - more the Freedom of Information Act. 

How can we tolerate actions such as deleting text messages - that the Mayor London Breed executes without blinking an eye.

Every SF City Official swears to do right - and we know most of these bums do wrong. 

No one is above the law - this in-your-face defiance must stop. 

In San Francisco, corruption has reached saturation point.

Donald Trump is a felon and a traitor.

 Donald Trump is a felon. He should have been jailed - when he was found to be a traitor - today - he is a felon - and thinks nothing of breaking the laws and defying the courts - the courts that are pandering to the maniac.

Donald Trump incited the crowds - to invade Capitol Hill - on January 6, 2021 - to STOP the counting of the Electoral Votes -  this act is that of a traitor.

One has just to read our Constitution - to learn more about traitors.

Why - do we treat this traitor as if he is some average person - when  - Donald Trump is an - egoistical, maniac.

DT heads a cult - a cult that cannot take anyone to a better - place.

A maniac heads those Republicans - mostly fanatics - the decent, sane Republicans are at a loss - and most now want to be patriotic and vote for the Democrats - more to save our Democracy and the semblance of our nation.

Millions of folks are laughing at us worldwide - the utter nonsense that DT spews.

We need experienced leaders who can negotiate on issues and find solutions.

We - could do more with peace rather than abject - hate.

Daily - Donald Trump spews vitriol and wants to destroy standards -Donald Trump - does not believe in norms; he does not believe in rules and regulations - he embraces pandemonium - and gives a damn about others - he comes first - an idiot of the first order.

Chief Joseph



Turtle Island belongs to the Indigenous tribes - that have lived on Turtle Island for over 20,000 years. Artifacts and Indigenous remains carbon dated for all the world to know and examine.

To be exact, the area linked to Turtle Island is 3,717,812.8 square miles stolen by those we know as strangers:" 

Do not trust those that speak with a forked tongue."

One-third of the fanatics that follow a cult want to destroy our freedom and our democracy - and if we do not stand up and fight for our rights - folks like DT will bring about our downfall.

In less than 300 years, the millions of Buffalo were killed for their fur and not their meat.

Our nation has a population of 350 million - not the billions that India and China have - we stole the land and can share it with other human beings with the blessing of the indigenous people.

DT - his mother hails from Wales - and his father is from Eastern Europe.

DT wants to divide us when we know his parents were immigrants - his mother from Wales and his father from Eastern Europe - much like DT - DT's father was a racist - and was not invited to this land - better known as Turtle Island.

Come October 15, 2024 - Donald Trump will will be defeated. 

The polls will show a 14-point difference - DT will fade into oblivion - I hope the maniac stays in his den.

This land, Turtle Island - should not be treated with disdain - those that do so - will fall flat on their face.

DT is a disgrace to the human race - the sooner he fades into oblivion - the better - he and his sordid cult.

The SF Controller is doing his best to stem the corruption in San Francisco - which has reached saturation point.

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