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Thursday, July 4, 2024



In their wisdom, the Founding Fathers crafted the Constitution as a bulwark to protect and preserve our cherished freedom. This sacred document delineates the boundaries between the Church and Government, unequivocally declaring that no one, not even the President of the United States, is above the law.  

In their wisdom, the Founding Fathers were very clear about the United States President - whoever was appointed was NOT above the Law.

Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court has been politicking with the role of the U.S. Presidency, trying to muddy the waters regarding the removal and impeachment of the U.S. President.

The Founding Fathers were staunchly against the idea of a monarchy. They deliberately avoided the pattern practiced in England and were determined not to establish a kingdom in the United States.

The U.S. President plays a crucial role in the execution and enforcement of laws crafted by Congress. This significant responsibility underscores the separation of powers between the President and Congress in the U.S. government.

Fifteen executive departments, each led by an appointed member of the President's Cabinet, play a crucial role in the day-to-day administration of the federal government, effectively distributing the power of governance.

The U.S. President is not bound by administrative law; instead, a distinct body of procedural law governs the President. 

This unique legal framework, often called 'presidential law, 'sets the President's governance apart, making it a captivating and distinct subject of study. It's a fascinating journey into the intricacies of the U.S. government.

The United States government is slower than a snail regarding change, leading to many convoluted and pressing issues.

Unfortunately, the U.S. Congress has not met our expectations in the last five years. Its performance has only fueled citizens' divisiveness, corruption, and abject despondency. This should serve as a wake-up call for us all.

We now know that fifty percent of our population does not believe in our Constitution - the United States President, the Congress, and the Senate have a role to play - not anymore.

The two-party system does not do us any good - imagine the divisiveness that is now raging as we approach the November general election. 

Do we ponder the harm we have done - not to pay attention to the millions of Independents - intelligent, independent, and move forward with sound concepts, goals, and timelines that count - and hard work. 

When will the Electoral College be eliminated and with it the many ploys, machinations, and shenanigans linked to the Chairs and Electoral College going on in the many States - that elect these folks - based on an antiquated model and related to the feudal system.  

The Electoral College is a process so complicated that it defies logic.

The Founding Fathers incorporated the Electoral College into the Constitution—a compromise between the election of the United States President by a vote in Congress and the election of the United States President by a popular vote of qualified citizens.

Donald Trump is a egoistical maniac.

The Supreme Court's final decision states that the President of the United States is not above the law. 

However, under our system of separated powers, the President may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers, and he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for his official acts.

The above ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court is an oxymoron.

As I have been saying, Donald Trump is a traitor and an egotistical maniac.

The Democrats tried twice to impeach Donald Trump - knowing well that the Founding Fathers were clear that any sitting U.S. President could not be impeached easily.

This did not stop Nancy Pelosi from twice attempting to waste Congress's time, spending millions of dollars—taxpayers' money—and failing miserably.

When Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House for the last three years, she failed; to this day, no decent taxpayer respects her. Here is San Francisco. She is like a reed blowing in the wind -  she has created a cesspool of her own doing.

Nancy Pelosi's attempt to visit Taiwan and provoke China - her opinion recently of Joe Biden - who has been sheltered - and with the impending health problems - must not represent our Nation - at a time like this with what is going on in Ukraine, Gaza, Cuba, many African nations headed by autocratic governments.

We favor the two parties, Democrats and Republicans, knowing that most decent taxpayers are Independents.

It does not help that the United States has gone out of its way to supply Israel, a rogue nation - with laser-guided bombs, missiles, a secret site 512 closer to Gaza - a hub that can intercept long-range missiles from Iran, Yemen, and other areas.

The Flag of the United States.

Nancy Pelosi is an anathema and should fade into oblivion.

Joe Biden is a Catholic - yet he brags he is a Zionist. 

He should think about this and the over 20,000 infants and children killed and maimed in Gaza. The thousands of laser-guided 2,000
lbs and 5,000 lbs - dropped that kill the innocent - the principle of proportionality - thrown to the wind.

Someone has blood on his hands. America has favored a rogue nation, Israel - and it is too late - to say anything - it is not about shallow words but actions backed by sincerity and good actions.

After the failed debate, some of us have tried to reason with him and give him one more opportunity—that time is over.

Time and tide wait for no one—and when you make a mistake, it is time to be humble and decide quickly what is suitable for the majority—as any democracy mandates.

It is NOT impossible to challenge world opinion and take the risk that is needed—a one-of-a-kind risk—to put things on track. Do you believe in miracles? If so, our nation must decide with tenacity and fortitude what is best for our country - will we embrace Joe Biden? 

Millions of taxpayers, especially those under forty, will NOT vote for Joe Biden. They simply do not see anything dynamic in Biden—Joe Biden actually suffers from very early dementia—and no leader can handle the international issues we face today with illusions that take us nowhere.

America saved Europe after World War II - today, Europe favors the extreme right - France, Italy, Germany, Hungry, and some even quote Donald Trump and his maniacal ways.

Joe Biden has come to a place and time to review his health and put the better interest of the United States first. Joe Biden has brought it upon himself and his lackeys who surround him and do not comprehend our living times.

Always speak truth to power - your heart is in the right place.

Joe Biden thinks he is in the Senate - those days are numbered.

Joe Biden cannot face the " Challenging Media " - this is how our nation behaves - there is no empathy - and the one-third of the United States teeming with fanatics.

Right now, those who fill the campaign coffers—Netflix, Disney Land, and many others—want Joe Biden to step down. 

The politics stinks - most of these filthy rich have no clue how perilous things are worldwide - we do not have a leader the likes of President Eisenhower  - we have leaders weak in the knees.

It does not help that we still put our false hope in the antiquated Electoral College. 

The popular vote can be bought, as can the various Chairs in the many States that control the candidates that form the Electoral College. 

It is time we get rid of the Electoral College—once and for all—reminding us of the Feudal System and representation that does not address Diversity, Equity, or inclusion.  

It is time for a needs assessment of the Senate, Congress, and the key administrative departments that can cause so much harm—the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Secretary of State, and the U.S. Department of Interior—every ten years—you get my drift. 

Again, the people who matter are left out. Those in charge never think about the surging Independents who matter most.

This two-party system stinks - and I do see any improvement worthy of the salt - with what is being proposed now - within the Democratic Party - in fact, they are jumping from the frying pan into the fire. 

President Andrew Jackson - a rogue President - the Trail of Tears - uprooted millions of Indigenous people from their tribal lands - and forced the Indigenous tribes to march - thousands of miles away from their tribal homeland - where they had lived for thousands of years.

Turtle Island - now known as the United States.

The Indigenous tribes that lived here on Turtle Island for over 20,000 years - today we celebrate July the fourth - with fireworks - few paying attention to the sad state of affairs - millions of fanatics having NO clue about our Constitution - and less about whose land this is.

On July 4, 248 years ago, the Second Continental Congress officially adopted the Declaration of Independence.

Three hundred years ago, Turtle Island was pristine.

The rivers, lakes, fauna, and flora—all that was smelled was pleasant; what human beings saw and felt was pleasing to the heart. It was paradise.

Today, the privileged who stole the land - are thinking of keeping out the immigrants who, for thousands of years.

The cousins of those who lived on Turtle Island - north and south - traversed miles - and traded - married with other Indigenous tribes - that was until the paleface came - the paleface who speaks with a forked tongue - cheated, stole, lied, and talked from mouth side of their mouth - much like we witness -  Donald Trump.

This notion of building walls is an idea that Whites embrace.

It is much as the false pride and inferiority complex that most Whites exhibit - Blacks and others who are not White - have lived on this Earth - they were civilized - most Whites lived in caves - accompanied by their domestic animals.

You can build all the walls you want. Those who want to go anywhere can tunnel, as they do on the Southern Border—and anywhere they choose to go.

Donald Trump is a fundamental threat to the United States.

He is a traitor and a egoistical maniac.

I know that in October 2024,  there will be a drastic change—at stake is our freedom.

We cannot do it by talking too much, using privilege and bias - and the machine that has failed in the past. 

We must decide and speak truth to power. 



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