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Monday, July 22, 2024



President Joe Biden has stepped down until his term runs out. In the interim, Kamala Harris will face significant challenges. Her role will be crucial, especially in the international arena, where she must navigate dealings with autocrats - like Donald Trump.

Undeniable and powerful forces behind the scenes have wielded significant influence, leading to President Joe Biden's decision to step down. 

Politics stinks! Imagine those who call themselves billionaires - are not in touch with the working poor - shaft us all.

Ironically, President Joe Biden often reminisces about his father, who toiled to put food on the table, buy his first house, and overcome hardships to put his children through college. We have those out of touch with blue-collar workers and families, changing the equation for the worse.

Kamala Harris was raised in the Bay Area, California, and knows many of us advocates. 

She was the District Attorney in San Francisco, became the Attorney General of California, and then was elected to the United States Senate. 

President Joe Biden chose Kamala Harris as Vice President and affectionately encouraged her, " I got your back, kid."

She was bused to school in the East Bay, West Berkeley - and learned well from her mother, who was South Indian, and her father, who was from Brown's Town, St. Ann Parish, Jamaica - about Civil Rights and all that Civil Rights stood for.

Dr. Shyamala Gopalan, a woman of strength and determination, came to the United States to pursue her dreams from Tamilnadu, India - and succeeded in raising two accomplished daughters.

While some may not think Kamala Harris is fit to be President of the United States - those who are astute, with tenacity and fortitude, have seen her raise $160 million in 24 hours.

We saw Nancy Pelosi, Zoe Lofgren, Hakkim Jefferies, Barack Hussein Obama, Chuck Schumer, and others try their best to gang up on President Joe Biden and force him to step down.

The way they act will come to bite them in the butt.

We, the people, will not surrender our freedom. 

We understand freedom and license - abuse of freedom is license.

The Republicans at the top, Donald Trump and JD Vance, believe they can destroy democracy - sorry - you will be defeated, and your time is now - to fade into oblivion.

Independents are the backbone of our Democracy—meaning most voters are Independents—and our political system has not highlighted this critical fact.

Independents are brilliant, and the younger generation embraces being Independent. 

However, each time we have the general elections, the two Parties—Democrats and Republicans—refuse to entertain the Independents.

Kamala Harris has some 48% of the voters supporting her.

This one singular fact is that Kamala Harris has promised us all, citizens of the United States, to " earn and win." 

After accepting the nomination to run for president of the United States, she raised $160 million in 24 hours.  

Donald Trump is sweating, and when he comes face to face with Kamala Harris - he will put his foot in his mouth. 

We are now poised to defeat fanatics and autocracy that have crept into our government.

Project 2025 is one document that has given some sordid insight into Donald Trump, JD Vance, and the many fanatics who have now met their match.

Kamala Harris is a highly qualified prosecutor and can expose Donald Trump, who is a felon - a rapist, a cheat, a liar, does not pay his taxes, abuses the judges who adjudicate his cases in court - over 50 cases - all of which do not favor Donald Trump.

Recently - an attempt was made to assassinate Donald Trump.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation did all it could to protect Donald Trump.

Donald Trump could have held his campaign event in an auditorium - the idiot chose an open field - thinking he could have his way - and put Law enforcement and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in an awkward situation.

The FBI Director, Kimberly Cheatle, was brought before Congress and treated more than the Republicans who questioned Kimberly Cheatle with disdain.

Kimberly Cheatle resigned, and the assassination investigation will take longer.

Recently the FBI declared there is evidence that a bullet may not have grazed Donald Trump's ear - but may be a sharp object of some sort.

No more will Donald Trump and others be allowed to hold events like political campaigning - besides having them in a large hall or stadium - no more farmland and open space.

It is too dangerous - to protect someone like Donald Trump - a felon and one who does not respect anyone - an egotistical maniac.

The FBI is spread thin - which makes it all the more difficult - dealing with Donald Trump, who runs his dirty mouth and insults all -  left, right, and center. Any ample open space makes Donald Trump an open target - and I hope he has learned his lesson from the last episode.

The Republicans can huff and puff - they have no clue that Donald Trump is a rogue person - who defies standards, lies, cheats, does not respect law and order - or aspects of law enforcement to protect a chronic felon - and is a disgrace to the human race.

Donald Trump is with the autocratic government and has already sold our secrets to our enemies.

Truth be told, no law enforcement linked to the United States government should come close to Donald Trump - he does not respect the law - and law enforcement.

We saw this on January 6, 2021: enticing his goons to harm decent, law-abiding politicians doing their work and counting the ballots.

Imagine trying to harm and kill Vice-President Mike Pence, who is a Republican and helped Donald Trump - before he saw that Donald Trump did not follow nor honor the United States Constitution.

These goons who do not want to honor our United States Constitution - attack our Law Enforcement as was witnessed on January 6. 2021  - shocked the world.

These bastards, one on hand, have disdain for Law Enforcement and, on the other, want the Federal Bureau of Investigation to protect the goons and their leaders, the likes of Donald Trump - this will not happen.

Donald Trump is an Anathema to the United States and a felon.

Too many fanatics flying in the face of the Law - we need to deal with these jerks - and nip the nonsense in the bud.


With integrity, tenacity, and fortitude - Kamala Harris - can deal with the fanatics and, foremost, the egoistical maniac - Donald Trump. We, the people, treasure our freedom and will not accept a goon like Donald Trump, a felon - with 34 pending charges - to be some fake president of the United States.

As I said, Kamala Harris must work hard and brags that she can work hard.  The work I am talking about is knowing what to do in challenging situations, such as wars on so many fronts and worldwide. She must deal with Vladimir Putin - if it ever happens, that meeting will be something to witness.  Putin, of course, cannot travel much - he has been indicted by the International Court of Justice. It is the same with Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu - who also has been indicted and is a known warmonger.

Nancy Pelosi - muddies the water.

We must be leery of Nancy Pelosi. She needs to serve the nation on many fronts. With intent and revenge, she went after Donald Trump for all the wrong reasons. Twice impeached by actions initiated by Nancy Pelosi and backed by Zoe Lofgren and other lackeys, their efforts failed and created a lot of bad blood. Nancy has been unable to serve the citizens of San Francisco - and has not helped the Native Americans - more those Indigenous people who lived in San Francisco for thousands of years - the same as with Zoe Lofgren - two hags that think they can play with fire.

The Muwekma Ohlone - the indigenous people of San Francisco.

It is amazing how ignorant and arrogant the politicians  - wheelers and dealers are from San Francisco.

Zoe Lofgren, Nancy Pelosi, and Diane Feinstein (expired) are currently in power at San Francisco City Hall. They think they can play with fire, pay lip service, and play one group—one tribe against the other.

The General Election will make or break our nation.

Donald Trump and AJ Vance are from the same cloth - one worse than the other - both are selfish - one for sure an egotistical maniac.

Again and again, while these politicians think they are representing the people - they are not.

This land we all live in is Turtle Island - now known as the United States of America.

Deb Haaland has failed to fight for the Native Americans. Now is the time to sit down with President Joe Biden and speak Truth to Power—or else we will remember you for doing nothing. Aho.

While President Joe Biden has done some justice by appointing Deb Haaland as Secretary of Interior, not much has been done to place some tribes on the Federal Register. 

Soon before the White House - indigenous people will ride their horses from the Bay Area to Washington DC - arrive at the White House to present their petition - the many atrocities committed.

President Joe Biden will accept the petition, read it, and take action. 

I know Kamala Harris knows the plight of the indigenous people in California, and she can step up and do what is right. 

Kamala Harris knows me, and I have known her for a long time.

President Joe Biden will be the President for another five months - and can come to the rescue of the Native Americans and help them all as best he can. That is the least he can do - before his term expires.

Alcatraz Island - San Francisco.

San Francisco.

Native American - Lower Fort Mason.

Painting of Ohlone Land.

Golden Gate Bridge - San Francisco.

The Presidio of San Francisco - Main Post.

We get our drinking water from Hetch Hetchy, 167 miles away. We are the only City and County that flushes our commodes with clean drinking water.

Dolores Park - Francisco - where thousands gather at events.

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