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Sunday, May 19, 2024



The Nakba where the Palestinians were forced to leave Israel - and have lived in refugee camps for 76 years.

The Palestinians forced to move from the North of Gaza - then forced again to move South to Rafah - are now told to move again where there are no amenities and sanitation - Palestinians starving, and dying, with no medicines, no hospitals, and their homes totally demolished by 2000 and 5000 laser beam guided bombs.

Read the convoluted history of Nakba - any way you read it - for the last 76 years - the Palestinians have been suffering, and the time has come to walk the walk - enough of the talk.,that%20deserve%20their%20own%20state.

It is incredible how insensitive most Americans have become - brainwashed by the propaganda of the Main Media - that does not believe in sound investigative reporting.

The GENOCIDE in GAZA today - is the worst genocide - perpetuated over a longer time - in contemporary times - thousands killed and maimed - while the world is watching - and failing to have empathy - thousands of infants and children - murdered.

The NAKBA, which means catastrophe - genocide - removed 700,000 Palestinians from their homeland and forced them out of Israel - to live in refugee camps. None of those who fled thought they would return to their homes - many had their keys to the house.

76 years later we talk about the NAKBA-CATASTROPHE-  as something that happened - paying no intention about the length of time and the suffering of the innocent Palestinians - who did not initiate the war and the suffering, trials and tribulation - that is part of the lives of the Palestinians - in Gaza and the West Bank.

As a last resort - the Palestinians are forced to take shelter by the beach - and this singular fact - has serious consequences - with the Israel Defense Forces - shooting and killing those who aid the Palestinians - the International Court of Justice - informed - the world looking on - as it is a circus.

Why is the world allowing over 25,000 infants and children to be killed and murdered - by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) - in total, over 37,000 Palestinians have died - just because they lived in their homes and have nowhere to go.

The Palestinians are not HAMAS - HAMAS, the Muslim Brother Hood hail from Egypt - who were not tolerated in Egypt - many thousands - jailed. 

Hamas injected themselves when they saw an opportunity - that opportunity came in 2007 when Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip from the rival Palestinian faction Fatah.

It is simply wrong to associate all the Palestinians with Hamas - without having no knowledge of what really transpired.

Since the beginning, the United States has favored Israel and treated the Palestinians whose land Palestine is - and has been for thousands of years - as collateral damage.

The IronDome that we the United States provide Israel to keep Israelis safe.  At the same time, we offered Israel bombs, ammunition, tanks, and all sorts of technology - to kill innocent infants and children and innocent Palestinians - what has become of the United States?

Why are the Arab nations and Iran pussyfooting - with unity - the people of Gaza could have been saved - I am talking thousands of lives - more, infants and children - genocide. Time is running out - the hostages taken by Hamas will die - many have died - and for all the ploys, shenanigans, and machinations of Benjamin Netanyahu - Israel has lost the battles, the war and is known today as a Pariah Nation - lost all respect. 

When I was young - I had the privilege of knowing both Palestinians and Jews, and each lived side by side - and shared so much love and impacted by thinking.

It was the same knowing the Sudanese, Ethiopians, Eretian, and too many people from too many nations - we all saw in one another - humanity.

I lived in Europe and met folks who suffered in World War II. They told me the truth, and the truth will set you free.

I traveled all over India, visiting Nepal, Tibet, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Greece, Italy, Austria, and Europe—Germany, France, Italy, and Scandinavia.

I visited Kuwait and the neighboring Middle nations and saw things for myself.

When I first came to America, I saw the United States government having two main parties and working bi-partisanly.

I chose to work for the Sixth United States Army and Presidio of San Francisco. I was their last Congressional Liaison. When the Sixth United States Army was deactivated, I worked for the National Park Service and finally for the United States Park Police.

I played an essential role in Desert Storm—Desert Shield. I know what war means and what happens to our soldiers and those on the other side. That experience makes one comprehend the more profound truth of humanity.

The Palestinians are all over the world. 

It is incredible how much they have suffered and yet have the tenacity and fortitude - to face life and make something of it.

Here in San Francisco, we have many Palestinians - who have protested, and rightly so.

Many of the Palestinians were born here in the United States - we have many that have done so in San Francisco - San Francisco known the world over - where the United Nations Charter was signed by 50 Nations at the War Memorial - here in San Francisco.

The United Nations Charter was signed on June 26. 1945.

Decent San Franciscans understand that the genocide in Gaza must stop.

Killing infants and children is wrong - never mind - from what race, ethnicity, or faith - as human beings, we must not look the other way - as some are doing - and their time will come - sooner, not later.

150 United States Generals have sent a letter to the White House, bringing this to the attention of those in power, challenging them to do right, and providing empirical data.

Today, some candidates are trying to run for mayor of San Francisco but need help to govern the city and county of San Francisco.  

When approached to be enlightened - some of them ignore the opportunity - they are playing with fire.

Most have yet to learn about the history of the United Nations, much less the Constitution of the United States.

Even less about standards, many have not traveled well—they cannot do a sound needs assessment, and their way of talking—from both sides of their mouth—is despicable.

San Francisco is no longer a world-class city. 

It is a City that has been run down by deferred maintenance - and our priorities are all screwed up. 

The air that we breathe in San Francisco is terrible -  the Bay is contaminated with raw sewage, and our youth and children are denied the funds to succeed and be cared for.

Our current Mayor has no class—shouting and screaming and lacking the ability to articulate. 

Those who surround her—and I know most of them—have no class, meaning they are not well-educated on issues and have no empathy.

Politics is not for the faint of heart—it is not for those who do not have their hearts in the right place. As I say often, you cannot take anyone to a better place if your heart is not in the right place.

G a z a!

Fleeing from place to place - from time to time.

Many are so fed up moving from place to place - they pray that they die - they cannot take the suffering anymore - the Elders.

We must reflect and do right. Those who look the other way will have to reap the deeds of their actions here on Earth.

The Elders - always respect the Elders.

Two thousand-year olive tree.

She hugs the olive tree -  not so the Zionists - they cut them down.

Check this out:,that%20deserve%20their%20own%20state.

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